Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Roshea: Coyote's Faithful - C

Background image: 005_Castle
Roshea Coyotes Faithful Face FC

Excuse me, but... Do you know where
I might find the orphanage?

Oh. And you are?

Ethlyn Spirited Princess Face FC
Serra Outspoken Cleric Face FC

Hm, I don’t think I’ve seen your face
before... Do you have some business
with the orphanage?

Um, er... I was recently summoned
to Askr, and, well... I thought...

Roshea Coyotes Faithful Face FC
Lena Tender Angel Face FC

Oh, you’re from Aurelis!

Sister Lena... It’s been quite some
time! I’m glad to see you are well.

Roshea Coyotes Faithful Face FC
Lena Tender Angel Face FC

Please relax everyone. He is a
true Hero.

Oooh... Sorry about that! We didn’t
realize you were also a Hero!

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Roshea Coyotes Faithful Face FC

N-no, the fault is mine for showing
up without any warning.

But when I heard the Order of Heroes
was assisting an orphanage, I decided
to see it for myself and offer a hand.

Hey, everyone! I just got some fresh
vegetables from Merlinus.

Lugh Anima Child Face FC
Chad Lycian Wildcat Face FC

Wait, who’s this guy?

Lugh, Chad. This is Roshea, from the
Coyote’s Men. He was summoned to
Askr just recently.

Lena Tender Angel Face FC
Lugh Anima Child Face FC

Hello, I’m Lugh! Chad and I have
been helping out at this orphanage.

Name’s Chad. So, what’s a big shot
knight like yourself doing here?

Chad Lycian Wildcat Face FC
Roshea Coyotes Faithful Face FC

I want to help children who have lost
their families in wars, so I donated
money to an orphanage back home.

My, that is a noble pursuit.

Ethlyn Spirited Princess Face FC
Roshea Coyotes Faithful Face FC

I would like to help the children in
Askr as well, so if there is anything
I can do, please...

We’ve got plenty of work that needs
doing, and never enough people. So
we’d be happy to have you!

Lugh Anima Child Face FC
Chad Lycian Wildcat Face FC

Yeah, another set of hands is always
welcome, even if it’s just from time to
time when you’re free.

Of course! If there’s anything I can do,
please just say it and I’ll do everything
in my power to help!

Roshea Coyotes Faithful Face FC

Roshea: Coyote's Faithful - B

Background image: 005_Castle
Lugh Anima Child Face FC

What are you reading, Roshea?
Is that a...letter?

Indeed. It was sent to me by some
children I took care of back in Aurelis.

I’m glad I didn’t lose it
when I was summoned...

Roshea Coyotes Faithful Face FC
Chad Lycian Wildcat Face FC

Huh. You were grinning so much,
I figured it was from a lover. But
this makes way more sense.

Chad, you shouldn’t make light
of people like that...

Lugh Anima Child Face FC
Roshea Coyotes Faithful Face FC

Those children probably used all
the letters they had just learned
to write this. To me, it’s a treasure.

We were orphans too, so I think I
understand how grateful they are
for the kindness you’ve shown them.

Lugh Anima Child Face FC
Roshea Coyotes Faithful Face FC

Huh? Wait, you and Chad?

Yeah. And Lugh’s twin, Raigh, is also
in Askr.

The three of us were raised by an
exceptionally good-natured caretaker
at an orphanage in Lycia.

Chad Lycian Wildcat Face FC
Roshea Coyotes Faithful Face FC

So, you’re the same as me then.
Everyone in the Coyote’s Men
lost their families to war.

We were children with no futures
ahead of us, but Lord Hardin saw our
plight and made knights of us.

He sounds like an incredible person.

Lugh Anima Child Face FC
Roshea Coyotes Faithful Face FC

Yes...but the memories I have of
those days still haunt me.

Sometimes I have dreams—memories
of nights in the cold, crying myself to
sleep as I slowly wasted away.

So, whenever I feel like I’ve reached
my limit, I read this letter.

Even if I can’t be like Lord Hardin,
I can still save those children from
ever experiencing something like that.

If nothing else, it’s pretty obvious to
me that you’re a good guy.

And...I can also tell that you see the
world the same way we do.

Chad Lycian Wildcat Face FC

Roshea: Coyote's Faithful - A

Background image: 005_Castle
Roshea Coyotes Faithful Face FC

...I appreciate your kind words, but
others have called me a hypocrite.
And to be honest, I see their point.

After all, for as much as I talk about
wanting to help children, I still go out
and kill on the battlefield.


Lugh Anima Child Face FC
Roshea Coyotes Faithful Face FC

Perhaps...all of my efforts were
nothing more than a way to flee
from my guilt.

What’s wrong with that?

Chad Lycian Wildcat Face FC
Roshea Coyotes Faithful Face FC


Hypocrisy or not... Thanks to you,
those children are taken care of, and
even learned how to read and write.

The only reason we’ve been able to
survive this long was because of
people like you—people who helped.

Chad Lycian Wildcat Face FC
Roshea Coyotes Faithful Face FC


When we were still in the orphanage,
a war broke out, and all the food and
clothing were seized as supplies.

We had nothing. So I started begging
behind our caretaker’s back, and
what I couldn’t get by begging, I stole.

If I hadn’t done that...we would have
all starved to death.

But you wanna know something?
Those people who criticized others
and called them hypocrites?

They didn’t do a damn thing to help.

Chad Lycian Wildcat Face FC
Lugh Anima Child Face FC


Whatever may have been eating them
up inside, we’re alive today thanks to
the people who gave us bread to eat.

Chad Lycian Wildcat Face FC
Lugh Anima Child Face FC

Right. All it took back then was some
bread and warm clothes to wear to
make us smile.

Roshea, I’m sure your feelings have
gotten through to those children.

...Thank you. I hope you’re right.

Roshea Coyotes Faithful Face FC

Roshea: Coyote's Faithful - S

Background image: 005_Castle
Lugh Anima Child Face FC

It is a Hero’s duty to fight against the
enemies who threaten Askr’s peace...

But isn’t it also our duty to extend
a hand to those who suffer in the
aftermath of our battles?

Indeed, I feel the same way.

When I watch the clerics who care for
the orphanage, I can see the depths
of their determination.

They do battle on the battlefield, the
same as us, but their most important
duties are off of it.

Roshea Coyotes Faithful Face FC
Chad Lycian Wildcat Face FC

If you ask me, we should just hurry
up and put an end to wars so more
kids don’t have to end up like us.

That would be nice... And I suspect
Raigh feels the same way.

That’s probably why he spends so
much time on his arcane research.

Lugh Anima Child Face FC
Chad Lycian Wildcat Face FC

Oh, c’mon. Don’t you think you’re
giving him a little too much credit?
We both know he’d do that anyway.

Haha... I don’t like to battle, but if
it’s to protect children, I will give it
everything I have.

Lugh, Chad, will you fight
alongside me from now on?

Roshea Coyotes Faithful Face FC
Lugh Anima Child Face FC

Of course! I’m happy to have met a
kind person like you here in Askr.

...I still do not believe I will ever be a
hero as great as Lord Hardin, but...

There are children in this world who
have lost everything, and I want to
bring smiles to their faces.

That, I believe, is my way of repaying
my debt to Lord Hardin.

A future overflowing with the smiles of
children, not their tears... That is what
I will ride for.

Roshea Coyotes Faithful Face FC
← Vyland Yuliya →
With Conviction
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
