Heroes' Saga
The Shadow Dragon, defeated by the hero of Altea in a past age, had again awoken. The king of Altea, from the line of the past hero, rode out, with the sword of light at his side, to face the dragon—but he was betrayed by those he thought to be his allies. The Altean prince, Marth, then fled to safety in exile on a remote island...
かつて勇者が打ち倒した暗黒の竜再び目覚め 勇者の血を引くアリティアの王は 光りかがやく神剣を手に出撃する けれども王は同盟国の裏切りに倒れ 王子マルスは辺境の島国へと落ち延びる
1st Act
No force on the continent of Archanea compared to the Sable Order of Knights in Grust, nor the famed general who led them, Camus. But the king of Grust was weak and was forced into allegiance with an empire of dragonkin. It was then that they were forced to turn on the Holy Kingdom of Archanea...
勇猛を誇る騎士の国グルニア 名将カミュの率いる黒騎士団は このアカネイア大陸に並ぶものなし だが心の弱き国王は竜人の帝国に屈し アカネイア聖王国の前に立ちはだかる
2nd Act
Camus and the Sable Order took the holy capital, and the king was slain. Princess Nyna of Archanea, however, was able to escape with some help from Camus. Swallowing her feelings for him, she called for the aid of Archanea's trusted allies. Marth heard the call and answered, knowing his time had come at last...
黒騎士カミュの前に聖都は落ち王は討たれ 王女ニーナはひとり聖都を逃れる 一度は憎んだ黒騎士への思いを秘めて アカネイアとの同盟と帝国との戦いを 呼びかける王女の声に応じたマルスに 決起のときが訪れる
3rd Act
Just as Princess Nyna's luck was about to run out, Marth and the Altean army appeared! She then entrusted Marth with the Fire Emblem, which is granted by the royal family only to a true champion, one believed to have the power to save the world...
命運尽きようとするニーナの前に アリティア軍が現れる マルスに託される炎の紋章 それは王家に代わり世界を救う覇者の証
4th Act
Many treasures were kept within the Millennium Court of Archanea—and with them awaited Nyna's captured vassals, guarded by Grust's knights and a fire dragon of the empire...
アカネイアの千年王宮には 奪われた数々の財宝 囚われたニーナの臣下たち グルニアの騎士団と戦車隊 そして帝国の火竜がこれを守る
Final Act
With Camus's help, Nyna had been able to escape her homeland—and with Marth's help, she was able to restore it. Fate had put Marth and Camus on conflicting paths, both leading toward Grust's ruin and the eventual disappearance of the famous Sable Knight...
ニーナはカミュの手で祖国を逃れ ニーナはマルスの手で祖国を再興した 避けられぬ2人の戦いに グルニアは滅びのときを迎え 黒騎士の行方は誰も知らない