Attuned Heroes have special skills called Attuned Skills. They can use elite inheritance, allowing other Heroes to inherit skills from them—including Attuned Skills—without losing the Attuned Hero. This can be performed only once per Attuned Hero.
Tap More for additional information about Attuned Heroes and Attuned Skills.
■ What Are Attuned Heroes and Attuned Skills?
Attuned Heroes have special skills called Attuned Skills.
They can use elite inheritance, allowing other Heroes to inherit skills from them—including Attuned Skills—without losing the Attuned Hero. This can be performed only once per Attuned Hero.
The elite inheritance that Attuned Heroes can perform as well as the mechanics for merging are the same as for Rearmed Heroes.
Attuned Skills inherited by other Heroes will be considered learned at the time of inheritance; no SP will be required.
The Attuned Skills slot will only be displayed on a Hero's profile screen, etc., when an Attuned Skill is equipped.
After Attuned Skills Have Been Inherited
・ Only Attuned Heroes can equip both their Attuned Skill and an exclusive skill.
(Exclusive skills such as Gray Waves, which are counted as normal Sing or Dance skills are subject to this restriction, and cannot be equipped at the same time as an Attuned Skill. Sing, Dance, and Play are the only exceptions to this and can be equipped at the same time.)
・ Attuned Skills that have been inherited cannot be inherited again by another Hero using skill inheritance.
Attuned Skills can be inherited by an ally only through a merge.
○ Attuned Skills in Summoning Events
・ Attuned Skills will not appear among learned skills in Hall of Forms.
・ In Binding Worlds, allied Heroes equipped with Attuned Skills can be sent out to aid other summoners via Set Sent Proxy. In addition, you can make a Hero equipped with an Attuned Skill your ally via an Otherworld Bond item.
・ In Seer's Snare, when you dispatch a Hero equipped with an Attuned Skill, the Attuned Skill will not be sealed. You can use it from the start, just like weapon, Special, and Assist skills.
・ Foes that appear in Training Tower, etc., will not possess Attuned Skills, except for Attuned Heroes who originally possessed that Attuned Skill.
・ Your summoner unit can also equip Attuned Skills, even if the Attuned Hero who originally had the Attuned Skill is no longer your ally and the Attuned Skill exists only as a skill inherited by another Hero.
・ Attuned Skills are indicated with an X on the profile screen and the skill filter.
■ Regarding Elite Inheritance with Attuned Heroes
Attuned Heroes can use elite inheritance, allowing other Heroes to inherit skills from them, and the Attuned Hero will remain in your army with all of their skills intact.
Attuned Heroes can be used in battle or merged even after they've already completed an elite inheritance.
You can perform elite inheritance once per copy of an Attuned Hero. Regardless of the skills inherited, performing an elite inheritance expends the ability to use elite inheritance. (A Hero can inherit up to four skills using elite inheritance, the same as a normal skill inheritance.)
Elite inheritance use will be consumed even if only skills other than the Attuned Skill are inherited.
It also counts as using the Attuned Hero's elite inheritance if you inherit skills from an Attuned Hero that the Attuned Hero inherited from another Hero. The Attuned Hero will not disappear, but their elite inheritance use will be lost.
Note: If you restore an Attuned Hero's elite inheritance use by merging them with another Attuned Hero (see About Merging Attuned Heroes below), the target Attuned Hero can use elite inheritance again to have another Hero inherit their skills.
You can see whether or not an Attuned Hero has used their elite inheritance by checking the icon on their profile screen.
The icon is different before and after performing an elite inheritance.
(To the left is before using their elite inheritance, to the right is after.)
Also, a mark will appear on the icon on the Inherit Skill screen and Create Combat Manual screen indicating whether or not a Hero has used their elite inheritance.
(To the left is an Attuned Hero who has not used their elite inheritance, and to the right is an Attuned Hero who has.)
・ It will display "Lose" just like a normal skill inheritance when you perform an elite inheritance, but the Attuned Hero will not disappear.
・ You cannot use Attuned Heroes in a normal skill inheritance. You will no longer be able to select an Attuned Hero as the source ally once they have completed an elite inheritance.
・ You cannot make an Attuned Hero who has completed an elite inheritance into a Combat Manual. You can make them into a Combat Manual if they have not completed an elite inheritance, but if you do, they will disappear after being used in a skill inheritance once.
・ When you make a Hero who has inherited skills using elite inheritance into a Combat Manual, the skills that were inherited from the Attuned Hero using elite inheritance will not be included in the Combat Manual, just like skills inherited through normal skill inheritance.
■ About Merging Attuned Heroes
・ When the target ally in a merge is an Attuned Hero who has used their elite inheritance and the source ally is an Attuned Hero who has not used their elite inheritance...
The target ally's elite inheritance status will be available and it can be used to perform an elite inheritance.
・ When both the target ally and source ally are Attuned Heroes who have not yet used their elite inheritance...
The target ally will still only be able to perform a single elite inheritance after the merge (an Attuned Hero's available elite inheritances will never stack above one).
・ When the target ally is an Attuned Hero who has not yet used their elite inheritance and the source ally has...
After the merge, the target ally's elite inheritance will still be available.
・ When both the target ally and source ally are Attuned Heroes who have used their elite inheritance...
After the merge, the target ally's elite inheritance will still be used up, and none will be available.
Remaining Ally's Elite Inheritance | Source Ally's Elite Inheritance | Elite Inheritance Uses after Merging |
Used | Usable | One |
Usable | Usable | One |
Usable | Used | One |
Used | Used | None |
■ Notes about Summoning Events
Attuned Heroes will not appear in normal summoning events and will only appear in summoning events in which they are a Focus Hero.