Every weapon in Fire Emblem Heroes falls under a distinct weapon type. Currently there are 24 weapon types in the game, which are further split into red, blue, green, and colorless weapons.
- Red weapons
- Sword, Red bow, Red Dagger, Red Tome, Red Breath, Red Beast weapons have a weapon-triangle advantage against green weapons and triangle disadvantage to blue weapons.
- Blue weapons
- Lance, Blue bow, Blue Dagger, Blue Tome, Blue Breath, Blue Beast weapons have a triangle advantage against red weapons and triangle disadvantage to green weapons.
- Green weapons
- Axe, Green bow, Green Dagger, Green Tome, Green Breath, Green Beast weapons have a triangle advantage against blue weapons and triangle disadvantage to red weapons.
- Colorless weapons
- Colorless bow, Colorless Dagger, Colorless Tome, Staff, Colorless Breath, Colorless Beast weapons are not affected by the weapon-triangle by default.