Heroes' Saga
The kingdom of Zofia had grown barren, and had been so for years. Terrors spread over the land, and the Rigelian Empire invaded. Zofia was in a state of utter devastation when Celica, a priestess of Novis, set off on a journey to the temple of Mila, the Earth Mother, seeking a way to rescue the people...
ソフィア王国の大地に恵みが絶えて数年 魔物の跋扈 リゲル帝国の侵略と 王国は荒廃を極めんとしていた ノーヴァ島の神官セリカは人々を救うため 大地母神ミラの神殿を目指し旅に出る
1st Act
Ambushed by mysterious foes, Celica was saved when a masked knight came to her rescue. She then headed toward Zofia Castle, where she was reunited with her childhood friend, Alm. With the intention of leading the Deliverance, Alm hoped to put an end to the conflict by military might. Celica instead hoped for a divine intervention. At an impasse, the two had a falling out, and Celica left...
セリカの身を狙う 謎の祈祷師の襲撃を受けるも 仮面の騎士に助けられソフィア城へ そこで再会した幼馴染の少年アルムは 解放軍を率い武力で解決を目指すという 神の力による和平を願うセリカは 彼と袂を分かち 城を後にする
2nd Act
Celica learned that people were being kidnapped and taken off to a thieves' fortress. Aiming to defeat their leader, Celica staged an assault on the fortress and saved a priestess being held there. The priestess, shocked to see Celica's face, revealed she was a priestess of Mila who had served Celica's mother, the queen of Zofia...
人々が盗賊の砦に連れ攫われる事件が 相次いでいるという 盗賊の頭を討たんと砦に乗り込んだセリカは 囚われていた神官を救い出す セリカの顔を見て驚く神官 彼女はミラの神殿で セリカの母である ソフィアの王妃に仕えていたのだった
3rd Act
Celica hurried on to Mila's temple, but she arrived to find it devastated by the Rigelian military, with no sign of Mila. Just then, the masked knight reappeared and gave Celica a circlet, a keepsake of her mother's. Upon receiving the gift, she swore to live as the princess of Zofia from that moment onward...
ミラの神殿へ急ぐセリカ しかし神殿に大地母神ミラの姿はなく リゲル軍に荒らされ崩れ果てていた そこへ現れた仮面の騎士から 母の形見のサークレットを 授けられたセリカは ソフィア王女として生きることを誓う
4th Act
Celica and her entourage traveled across Rigel after Mila, eventually coming into contact with a priest of Duma, god of strength. It was then that Celica learned that both gods were fated to fall, but she could offer up her own soul to Duma to save them. Celica lost herself in internal conflict before being chastised by the masked knight who then revealed he was her long-lost older half-brother...
ミラを追ってリゲルの地に渡る一行 邪神ドーマを崇める司祭に 接触されたセリカは 滅びる運命にあるドーマとミラを 己の魂と引き換えに 救えることを知り苦悩する 自分を見失ったセリカを叱責する仮面の騎士 その正体は 幼い頃死んだと思われていた 腹違いの兄コンラートであった
Final Act
Celica, briefly reunited with Alm by way of a sage's power, witnessed his unwavering kindness and concern for her, and resolved to bring an end to the conflict for him. She returned to the priest of Duma who had promised Mila would be saved in exchange for her soul, and she offered herself up as a servant of Duma.
賢者の力でアルムと束の間再会したセリカは 自分を想う彼の変わらぬ優しさに触れ この戦いを終わらせ 彼を救うことを決意する 封印されたミラの解放と引き換えに セリカの魂を求める司祭 セリカはその魂を捧げ ドーマの僕となった