Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
News Celestial Stone Shop update
Updates to the Celestial Stone Shop

The items available in the Celestial Stone Shop have been updated!

In addition to the Forma Souls, Trait Fruit, and Dragonflowers you could previously exchange Celestial Stones for, you can now exchange them for Aether Stones, Sacred Coins, and Refining Stones as well. Plus, the number of times you can trade for each type of Dragonflower has increased to 20!

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The items available in the Celestial Stone Shop have been updated!

In addition to the Forma Souls, Trait Fruit, and Dragonflowers you could exchange Celestial Stones for, you can now exchange them for Aether Stones, Sacred Coins, and Refining Stones as well. Plus, the number of times you can exchange for each of the four types of Dragonflower has increased from 6 times to 20 times!

Be sure to check the Celestial Stone Shop in the shop menu to see which items you can exchange and how many Celestial Stones are in your inventory.

News emote Anna smile 2
It's difficult to decide which items to exchange your Celestial Stones for, isn't it?

・ Celestial Stones are special items that you can obtain when you summon a Hero of your choice after summoning 40 times in specific summoning events.
・ There is a limit to how many times you can exchange for each item in the Celestial Stone Shop within certain periods of time, and the limit on each item is displayed next to the "Exchanges left" text.
・ The next time the lineup is scheduled to be updated is . You can see how many days are left before the lineup is reset next to the "Days left to exchange" text at the top of the shop menu.
・ There will be times in the future when the lineup of items in the shop changes.

About items you can exchange Celestial Stones for
Forma SoulForma Soul

After the Hall of Forms event ends, you can make one of the Forma units from the event your ally by using a Forma Soul.
Trait FruitTrait Fruit
Collect 100 and you can change a Hero's traits (assets and flaws) once.
Dragonflower IDragonflower
Used to boost the stats of your Heroes. Can only be used on Heroes of the corresponding movement type (red for infantry, green for armored, yellow for cavalry, and blue for flying).
Aether StoneAether Stone
Used to create or enhance Aether Raid structures.
Sacred CoinSacred Coin
Used to create and enhance Sacred Seals that your Heroes can equip.
Refining StoneRefining Stone
You can refine your weapons in the Weapon Refinery.

To see your in-game inventory of items, tap Misc., then Inventory.

