Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Toasty Skewer
Weapon Toasty Skewer
Weapon type Staff
Might 8
Range 2
Required Assault
SP 200
Exclusive? No
String ID SID_マシュマロの杖
Description If a foe initiates combat against an ally within 2 spaces of unit, grants Def/Res+3 to that ally during combat.

Notes[ | ]

  • "If foe initiates combat" means if a foe triggers combat during the enemy phase. The unit being initiated upon does not need to deal damage, nor be able to counterattack.
    • However, if the effect is applied after combat, the unit being initiated upon must also survive it to fulfill this condition.
  • The stat increase that can be applied by Toasty Skewer is considered a temporary buff.
  • The combat boost of Toasty Skewer will not apply to the user's allies if the user is inflicted with Status Effect Times Grip Time's Grip, the user's allies are inflicted with Status Effect Feud Feud, or the user's allies are in combat against a foe with skills such as Impenetrable Void Impenetrable Void and C Feud 3 C Feud 3.

List of owners[ | ]

UnitSkill chain
Genny Dressed with Care Face FC
Toasty Skewer
Toasty Skewer+

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese マシュマロの杖
German Grillspieß
Spanish (Europe) Brocheta dulce
Spanish (Latin America) Brocheta dulce
French Brochette
Italian Spiedone
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 棉花糖之杖
Portuguese Espetinho doce