Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Name Cooldown Description SP Required
Time Is Light 3 Boosts damage by 45% of unit's Spd when Special triggers. Neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat. If unit initiates combat, after combat, if unit's Special triggered and unit survives, grants another action to unit and inflicts "restricts movement to 1 space" on unit and Pair Up cohort through their next action (once per turn). (This effect has priority over other similar effects; in such cases, these other similar effects are treated as not having triggered.) 500 Vengeance
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.

* Unused restrictions: Cannot use: Staff

Effects[ | ]

Status effects
Status Effect Gravity GravityUnit Unit &
Cohort Cohort
After combat in
Player Phase if
Special triggered
Map effects
Another Action Another actionUnit UnitAfter combat in
Player Phase if
Special triggered
Combat effects
Damage boost Boosts damage by X%
X = 45% of Unit Unit's Spd
Unit UnitSpecial triggers
Neutralize Guard Neutralizes "Special
cooldown charge -1"

Notes[ | ]

  • Time Is Light will neutralize the "Special cooldown charge -X" effect on unit from effects such as Icon Class Red Sword Guard Sword+, Status Effect Guard Guard, or 【Divine Vein (Green)】.
    • Since the "Special cooldown charge -X" effect will be neutralized on unit, Time Is Light will also stack with the "Special cooldown charge +X" effect on unit from effects such as Heavy Blade 4 Heavy Blade 4, Status Effect Special Cooldown Charge 1 Special Cooldown Charge +1, or the Grand Conquests Icon Move Infantry Infantry area effect, unless the foe is equipped with skills that neutralize the "Special cooldown charge +X" effect on unit.
  • "If unit initiates combat" means if the user starts combat during the player phase. The unit does not need to deal damage, nor be the first to attack.
    • However, if the effect is applied after combat, the unit must also survive it to fulfill this condition.
  • Time Is Light activates if the unit's Special is charged after combat.
  • Time Is Light cannot be used to trigger effects such as Special Spiral 4 Special Spiral 4, Icon Class Red Sword Dark Mystletainn, or Skilliconweapon Bride's Fang as Time Is Light does not trigger before or during combat.
  • Time Is Light applies the Status Effect Gravity Gravity status effect.

List of owners[ | ]

UnitSkill chain
Gullveig Golden Seer Face FC
Time Is Light

Gallery[ | ]

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese 時は光
German Zeit ist Licht
Spanish (Europe) El tiempo es luz
Spanish (Latin America) El tiempo es luz
French Temps et lumière
Italian Il tempo è luce
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 時間等同光
Portuguese O tempo é luz

References[ | ]

See also[ | ]
