Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
This page is about the first emperor of Embla. For the Hel General who used the name Thrasir in Book III, see Veronica.

Thrasir was the first emperor of Embla. She was a character first mentioned by Alfonse in the Book III, Chapter 1: Part 4. According to Alfonse she was a witch so powerful she could lay waste to an entire realm if she so chose.[1]


Trivia[ | ]

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese スラシル
German Thrasir
Spanish (Europe) Thrasir
Spanish (Latin America) Thrasir
French Thrasir
Italian Thrasir
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 史菈希爾
Portuguese Thrasir

References[ | ]

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