Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
The Three's Battle
Lost Lore World of Crests
World World of Crests
Spoils of Heroes

The twenty-seventh Lost Lore event, and the second taking place inIcon MiniUnit Head 12the World of Crests.

Availability[ | ]

This Lost Lore event was made available:

  • (Notification)

Rewards[ | ]

Lore LinesRewardLore LinesReward
10Verdant Badge 100Transparent Badge 100Divine Code Ephemera 12 15250Orb 1
20Scarlet Badge 100Lost Lore Team 1300Hero Feather 500Divine Code Ephemera 12 15
40Great Transparent Badge 200Azure Badge 100Divine Code Ephemera 12 15350Orb 1
60Great Verdant Badge 200Lost Lore Team 1400Refining Stone 5Divine Code Ephemera 12 15
100Great Azure Badge 200Divine Code Ephemera 12 15450Sacred Coin 5Divine Code Ephemera 12 15
150Great Scarlet Badge 200Divine Code Ephemera 12 15500Dragonflower F 20
200Hero Feather 200Divine Code Ephemera 12 15550Dragonflower F 30

Heroes' Saga[ | ]

Act Heroes' Saga Image
English Japanese
Prologue Three powers vie for control of
Fódlan, a land under the watchful eye
of a goddess. At its center sits Garreg
Mach Monastery, where the Imperial
princess, the crown prince, and the
future Alliance leader study together
under the guidance of the archbishop
of the Church of Seiros...
File:The Threes Battle Prologue.png
1st Act
2nd Act File:The Threes Battle Act 2.png
3rd Act File:The Threes Battle Act 3.png
4th Act
Final Act File:The Threes Battle Final Act.png

Locations[ | ]

LocationImageLines requiredClear rewards
EnbarrTrip 005 Castle02Orb 1Sagas Final Act 1
Gronder FieldTrip 002 PlainCloud45Orb 1Sagas 4th Act 1
Bridge of MyrddinTrip 002 PlainBridge40Orb 1Sagas 3rd Act 1
AilellTrip 003 Volcano35Orb 1Sagas 2nd Act 1
Garreg MachTrip 031 GarregMachCathedral20Orb 1Sagas 1st Act 1

Unit data[ | ]

Foe HP Atk Spd Def Res
Frame 5Icon Class Green AxeIcon Move ArmoredTrip Face 202412 0


380 49 15 28 15
Frame 4Icon Class Red TomeIcon Move InfantryTrip Face 202412 1


300 46 23 9 30
Frame 3Icon Class Blue LanceIcon Move CavalryTrip Face 202412 2

Death Knight

340 43 30 30 25
Frame 3Icon Class Colorless BeastIcon Move InfantryTrip Face 202412 3

Giant Demonic Beast

320 35 20 30 1
*The order of foes is randomized at the start of every strike.

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese ???
German ???
Spanish (Europe) ???
Spanish (Latin America) ???
French ???
Italian ???
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) ???
Portuguese ???