Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
The Sworn Oath
Forging Bonds The Sworn Oath
Event Characters Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC Hrid Icy Blade Face FC Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face FC Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Bonus Accessories Accessory Tacticians Hat EXFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Plegian Crown EXFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Wings of Darkness EXFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Explorers Hat EXFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Star of NiflFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Crown of NiflFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Frostflower BandFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Chilly TiaraFrame 1Pane 1
Start time
End time
Dueling Desires
Hearts as One

Availability[ | ]

This event was made available: (Notification)

Rewards[ | ]

For a list of general Forging Bonds rewards, see Forging Bonds.
Red FriendshipOrange FriendshipGreen FriendshipBlue Friendship
10Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC Ylgr's C Conversation10Hrid Icy Blade Face FC Hríd's C Conversation10Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face FC Gunnthrá's C Conversation10Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC Fjorm's C Conversation
25Scarlet Badge 5025Scarlet Badge 5025Scarlet Badge 5025Scarlet Badge 50
50Hero Feather 20050Hero Feather 20050Hero Feather 20050Hero Feather 200
75Azure Badge 5075Azure Badge 5075Azure Badge 5075Azure Badge 50
100Accessory Star of NiflFrame 1Pane 1100Accessory Crown of NiflFrame 1Pane 1100Accessory Frostflower BandFrame 1Pane 1100Accessory Chilly TiaraFrame 1Pane 1
150Verdant Badge 50150Verdant Badge 50150Verdant Badge 50150Verdant Badge 50
200Hero Feather 200200Hero Feather 200200Hero Feather 200200Hero Feather 200
250Transparent Badge 50250Transparent Badge 50250Transparent Badge 50250Transparent Badge 50
300Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC Ylgr's B Conversation300Hrid Icy Blade Face FC Hríd's B Conversation300Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face FC Gunnthrá's B Conversation300Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC Fjorm's B Conversation
350Great Scarlet Badge 50350Great Scarlet Badge 50350Great Scarlet Badge 50350Great Scarlet Badge 50
400Hero Feather 200400Hero Feather 200400Hero Feather 200400Hero Feather 200
450Great Azure Badge 50450Great Azure Badge 50450Great Azure Badge 50450Great Azure Badge 50
500Hero Feather 200500Hero Feather 200500Hero Feather 200500Hero Feather 200
600Great Verdant Badge 50600Great Verdant Badge 50600Great Verdant Badge 50600Great Verdant Badge 50
700Great Transparent Badge 50700Great Transparent Badge 50700Great Transparent Badge 50700Great Transparent Badge 50
800Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC Ylgr's A Conversation800Hrid Icy Blade Face FC Hríd's A Conversation800Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face FC Gunnthrá's A Conversation800Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC Fjorm's A Conversation
900Hero Feather 200900Hero Feather 200900Hero Feather 200900Hero Feather 200
1,000Hero Feather 2001,000Hero Feather 2001,000Hero Feather 2001,000Hero Feather 200
1,100Hero Feather 2001,100Hero Feather 2001,100Hero Feather 2001,100Hero Feather 200
1,200Divine Dew 51,200Divine Dew 51,200Divine Dew 51,200Divine Dew 5
1,300Hero Feather 2001,300Hero Feather 2001,300Hero Feather 2001,300Hero Feather 200
1,400Hero Feather 2001,400Hero Feather 2001,400Hero Feather 2001,400Hero Feather 200
1,500Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC Ylgr's S Conversation1,500Hrid Icy Blade Face FC Hríd's S Conversation1,500Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face FC Gunnthrá's S Conversation1,500Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC Fjorm's S Conversation
1,700Hero Feather 3001,700Hero Feather 3001,700Hero Feather 3001,700Hero Feather 300
1,900Hero Feather 3001,900Hero Feather 3001,900Hero Feather 3001,900Hero Feather 300
2,100Hero Feather 3002,100Hero Feather 3002,100Hero Feather 3002,100Hero Feather 300
2,300Hero Feather 3002,300Hero Feather 3002,300Hero Feather 3002,300Hero Feather 300
2,500Accessory Star of Nifl EXFrame 1Pane 12,500Accessory Crown of Nifl EXFrame 1Pane 12,500Accessory Frostflower Band EXFrame 1Pane 12,500Accessory Chilly Tiara EXFrame 1Pane 1
2,750Hero Feather 3002,750Hero Feather 3002,750Hero Feather 3002,750Hero Feather 300
3,000Hero Feather 5003,000Hero Feather 5003,000Hero Feather 5003,000Hero Feather 500
3,250Hero Feather 3003,250Hero Feather 3003,250Hero Feather 3003,250Hero Feather 300
3,500Orb 13,500Orb 13,500Orb 13,500Orb 1

Bonus schedule[ | ]

Hour 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00
Day 1 2.0× Gunnthrá 2.0× Ylgr 1.5× Fjorm 2.0× Gunnthrá 1.5× Hríd 2.0× Hríd 1.5× Fjorm 2.0× Ylgr 2.0× Hríd 2.0× Hríd 2.0× Fjorm 2.0× Ylgr 1.5× Gunnthrá 1.5× Gunnthrá 1.5× Fjorm 1.5× Ylgr 2.0× Fjorm 2.0× Gunnthrá 1.5× Ylgr 1.5× Ylgr 1.5× Hríd 1.0× Hríd 1.5× Gunnthrá 1.5× Fjorm
Day 2 1.5× Ylgr 1.5× Hríd 1.5× Fjorm 1.5× Ylgr 2.0× Hríd 2.0× Fjorm 2.0× Gunnthrá 1.5× Gunnthrá 2.0× Ylgr 1.5× Hríd 1.5× Gunnthrá 2.0× Fjorm 2.0× Ylgr 1.5× Gunnthrá 1.5× Fjorm 1.5× Hríd 1.5× Ylgr 1.5× Fjorm 2.0× Gunnthrá 1.5× Hríd 1.5× Gunnthrá 2.0× Fjorm 1.5× Ylgr 1.5× Hríd
Day 3 2.0× Fjorm 1.5× Gunnthrá 1.0× Ylgr 1.5× Gunnthrá 1.5× Ylgr 1.5× Hríd 2.0× Fjorm 1.5× Hríd 2.0× Ylgr 2.0× Fjorm 2.0× Fjorm 1.5× Gunnthrá 2.0× Ylgr 1.5× Hríd 1.5× Gunnthrá 2.0× Hríd 2.0× Gunnthrá 2.0× Fjorm 2.0× Gunnthrá 1.5× Fjorm 2.0× Hríd 1.5× Hríd 2.0× Ylgr 1.5× Ylgr
Day 4 1.5× Ylgr 1.5× Fjorm 2.0× Fjorm 2.0× Hríd 2.0× Ylgr 2.0× Hríd 1.0× Gunnthrá 1.5× Gunnthrá 1.5× Fjorm 2.0× Hríd 1.5× Ylgr 1.5× Gunnthrá 2.0× Gunnthrá 2.0× Hríd 2.0× Fjorm 1.5× Ylgr 2.0× Gunnthrá 2.0× Hríd 1.5× Fjorm 1.5× Hríd 2.0× Gunnthrá 2.0× Ylgr 2.0× Fjorm 1.5× Ylgr
Day 5 1.5× Fjorm 1.5× Fjorm 2.0× Hríd 2.0× Gunnthrá 1.5× Hríd 1.5× Gunnthrá 2.0× Ylgr 1.5× Ylgr 2.0× Ylgr 1.5× Ylgr 1.5× Hríd 1.5× Gunnthrá 1.5× Gunnthrá 2.0× Fjorm 1.5× Hríd 1.5× Fjorm 1.5× Ylgr 1.5× Gunnthrá 1.5× Ylgr 1.5× Hríd 1.5× Gunnthrá 2.0× Fjorm 1.5× Fjorm 2.0× Hríd
Day 6 1.0× Hríd 1.5× Ylgr 2.0× Gunnthrá 1.5× Gunnthrá 1.5× Fjorm 2.0× Hríd 1.5× Ylgr 2.0× Fjorm 2.0× Gunnthrá 1.5× Hríd 2.0× Gunnthrá 2.0× Ylgr 1.5× Fjorm 1.5× Fjorm 1.5× Ylgr 1.5× Hríd 1.5× Gunnthrá 2.0× Fjorm 2.0× Ylgr 2.0× Fjorm 2.0× Hríd 2.0× Ylgr 2.0× Hríd 1.5× Gunnthrá
Day 7 1.5× Fjorm 1.5× Gunnthrá 2.0× Hríd 2.0× Hríd 1.5× Ylgr 2.0× Gunnthrá 1.5× Fjorm 1.5× Ylgr 1.0× Gunnthrá 1.5× Fjorm 2.0× Ylgr 1.0× Hríd 2.0× Gunnthrá 2.0× Ylgr 1.5× Hríd 2.0× Fjorm 2.0× Fjorm 2.0× Gunnthrá 1.0× Hríd 1.5× Gunnthrá 1.5× Fjorm 1.5× Ylgr 2.0× Ylgr 2.0× Hríd
Day 8 1.5× Hríd 1.0× Hríd 1.5× Ylgr 2.0× Ylgr 1.5× Fjorm 2.0× Gunnthrá 1.5× Fjorm 2.0× Gunnthrá 2.0× Gunnthrá 1.5× Hríd 2.0× Ylgr 2.0× Gunnthrá 1.5× Ylgr 1.0× Fjorm 1.5× Fjorm 2.0× Hríd 1.5× Gunnthrá 2.0× Gunnthrá 2.0× Hríd 1.5× Hríd 2.0× Fjorm 1.5× Fjorm 2.0× Ylgr 1.5× Ylgr
Day 9 1.5× Hríd 1.5× Fjorm 1.5× Gunnthrá 1.5× Gunnthrá 1.5× Ylgr 1.5× Fjorm 2.0× Ylgr 2.0× Hríd 1.5× Hríd 2.0× Gunnthrá 1.5× Ylgr 1.0× Ylgr 1.5× Fjorm 2.0× Fjorm 2.0× Gunnthrá 2.0× Hríd 2.0× Gunnthrá 1.5× Hríd 2.0× Fjorm 1.5× Gunnthrá 2.0× Fjorm 2.0× Hríd 1.5× Ylgr 1.5× Ylgr
Day 10 1.5× Gunnthrá 2.0× Ylgr 2.0× Fjorm 2.0× Hríd 2.0× Gunnthrá 1.5× Ylgr 1.5× Fjorm 1.5× Hríd 1.5× Hríd 1.5× Fjorm 2.0× Ylgr 1.5× Gunnthrá 1.5× Gunnthrá 1.5× Hríd 1.5× Fjorm 2.0× Ylgr 1.5× Gunnthrá 2.0× Ylgr 2.0× Hríd 1.5× Hríd 1.5× Fjorm 1.5× Ylgr 1.5× Gunnthrá 1.5× Fjorm
Day 11 1.5× Fjorm 2.0× Gunnthrá 1.5× Ylgr 1.5× Gunnthrá 2.0× Fjorm 2.0× Hríd 1.5× Hríd 1.5× Ylgr 1.5× Fjorm 1.5× Fjorm 2.0× Ylgr 2.0× Gunnthrá 1.5× Hríd 1.5× Gunnthrá 1.5× Hríd 2.0× Ylgr 1.5× Ylgr 2.0× Hríd 1.5× Fjorm 1.5× Hríd 2.0× Gunnthrá 2.0× Fjorm 1.5× Gunnthrá 1.5× Ylgr
Day 12 1.5× Hríd 1.5× Hríd 1.5× Ylgr 2.0× Fjorm 2.0× Ylgr 2.0× Fjorm 1.5× Gunnthrá 1.5× Gunnthrá 1.5× Hríd 2.0× Ylgr 1.5× Gunnthrá 2.0× Hríd 2.0× Fjorm 2.0× Gunnthrá 2.0× Fjorm 2.0× Ylgr 2.0× Hríd 2.0× Ylgr 2.0× Gunnthrá 2.0× Gunnthrá 1.5× Ylgr 1.5× Fjorm 1.5× Fjorm 1.5× Hríd
Day 13 2.0× Hríd 2.0× Hríd 2.0× Gunnthrá 1.5× Fjorm 1.5× Fjorm 2.0× Gunnthrá 2.0× Ylgr 1.5× Ylgr 2.0× Gunnthrá 2.0× Gunnthrá 1.5× Ylgr 2.0× Fjorm 1.5× Ylgr 1.5× Hríd 1.5× Fjorm 1.5× Hríd 2.0× Fjorm 1.5× Gunnthrá 2.0× Hríd 1.5× Hríd 2.0× Ylgr 1.5× Ylgr 2.0× Fjorm 2.0× Gunnthrá
Day 14 1.5× Fjorm 1.5× Gunnthrá 2.0× Ylgr 2.0× Ylgr 2.0× Fjorm 1.5× Gunnthrá 2.0× Hríd 1.5× Hríd 1.0× Fjorm 2.0× Hríd 1.5× Gunnthrá 2.0× Ylgr 2.0× Fjorm 1.5× Ylgr 1.5× Hríd 1.5× Gunnthrá 2.0× Hríd 2.0× Gunnthrá 1.5× Ylgr 2.0× Ylgr 2.0× Gunnthrá 2.0× Hríd 2.0× Fjorm 2.0× Fjorm

Special conversations[ | ]

The Sworn Oath[ | ]

The Sworn Oath - Opening

Background image: 025_NiflPlain
Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC

Good morning, Gunnthrá... *yawn*


You're up rather early, little sister.
Did you have a bad dream?


Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face FC
Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC

Not bad just...strange.

I was with you, Fjorm, and Hríd... It
was night, and we were in a forest
around a fire...

And there was someone else there.
Someone I didn't recognize. They
were wearing a hood...




Oh! Together around a campfire.
That sounds like fun. But who could
the mysterious stranger be?


Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face FC
Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC

I don't know. They were watching us.
It wasn't scary, but it wasn't exactly
normal either.


I you have the same
power over dreams that I do?

That person... They might be
important to us sometime in the



Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face FC
Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face Smile

Do you think so? If I dream of them
again...I'll ask them!


Morning tidings, Gunnthrá...and Ylgr,
I see.


Hrid Icy Blade Face FC
Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC

Oh, Hríd! Good morning! And you
too, Fjorm!


Now, this is strange. This early,
you're usually still asleep!


Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Smile
Hrid Icy Blade Face FC

I need to speak with you, Gunnthrá. It
seems that our worries have become
reality, my sister.

Surtr is coming, with the Fiery Hordes
of Múspell at his back.



Oh no! I had hoped that this was
nothing more than a silly fear of
mine... What will this mean for Nifl?


Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face Pain
Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face Pain

Does this mean there will be a
war, Hríd?


You mustn't worry, Ylgr. We are
protected by Nifl, the dragon of ice.


Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Hrid Icy Blade Face FC

Our country is ringed by snowcapped
mountains. They have repelled
invaders for thousands of years.


Really? Then we have nothing to
worry about. Right?


Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face Smile
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

You must pray, Ylgr. Pray for the
people of Nifl. Pray for our family.
Pray for peace.


Of course! I'll do whatever you need
me to do. Tell me how I can help!


Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC
Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face FC

I hope that this storm passes
harmlessly by... But I... I...




Hrid Icy Blade Face FC

The Sworn Oath - C

Background image: 025_NiflPlain
Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face FC

Fjorm...I see that you are training
diligently. Please...don't overdo it.

I'm fine, Gunnthrá. I know my limits.

I must be sure that when the time
comes, I am ready.

What about you, my sister? You
have performed the Rite of Dreams
many times. Are you not overtaxed?

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face Smile

I am fine, Fjorm. though I do
appreciate your concern.

Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face Pain

I am uneasy, my sister. And so, as
long as I remain safe...I must continue
the rite. For the future of Nifl...

I see. I hope that your anxieties are
misplaced, but...I understand.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain
Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face FC

Through dreams, I can meet with one
who plays a large part in our fate.

If the rite is successful, I just know
that I am doing what I can to help
Nifl find a bright future.

I am no warrior. This is all I can do.

That isn't true! Your magic is without
equal. I could certainly not defeat

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face Smile

I am not so sure about that, my sister.
I have seen your strength grow.

Remember, I have been watching
over you since you were little...

I know you will do your best to
protect Nifl and its people. I want
to see you succeed, Fjorm.

I will do everything that I can.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

The Sworn Oath - B

Background image: 025_NiflPlain
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Training went well today, Brother.

Yes. The soldiers are making
progress, day by day...

My concern is that we have lived
peaceful lives for so long that our
instinct for battle has atrophied.

I worry that we cannot make up for

Hrid Icy Blade Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Can I ask you a question, Hríd?

Why did I give you Leiptr?

Hrid Icy Blade Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Yes. The Lance of Ice... It had
remained concealed until now...and
so had all of its divine power.

Shouldn't you be the one to wield it?

I have not changed my mind, Fjorm.
The one who must wield Leiptr is

Hrid Icy Blade Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain

Yet when we spar, I never win...

It is true that if you compare our raw
fighting skill, I am above you.

But your will is unbreakable, like a
wall of solid ice.

Hrid Icy Blade Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

You think so? Truly?

Have you ever given up, after the
many times I have bested you?

You have never skipped a day of
training. Your aim is still to win.

No matter the odds you face, you
never falter...even in the face of
Surtr's flames, I'd wager.

Your will is unwavering. Your focus
is on winning.

Hrid Icy Blade Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC


Fjorm, if something does happen to
me, please...protect mother and our

Hrid Icy Blade Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain

What? No! I— Nothing like that will
happen, Hríd! Why... Why would you
say that?

Calm yourself, Sister. How could I
not say it?

I have no intention of dying. Until
Nifl is safe, I will do all that I can to

Hrid Icy Blade Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

On that we can agree, my brother.

The Sworn Oath - A

Background image: 025_NiflPlain
Hrid Icy Blade Face FC

Our scouts have reported back.

Múspell's army, led by Surtr, is
advancing toward the capital.

The time has finally come.

Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face Pain
Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face Pain

Their army is much bigger than ours,
isn't it? And Surtr...he terrifies me.

On his march, he has already burnt
villages to ash.

They're gone now...

Hrid Icy Blade Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Anger

I cannot stand for this any longer!
Let's face them, Brother!

Can we win? Surtr's undying flame...
There's nothing we can do about it!

Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face Pain
Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face FC

Nifl, the dragon if ice, will protect us.
Do not be afraid, Ylgr.

We must protect this land and its
people—no matter what. It is our
family's duty as Nifl's royalty.

Gunnthrá, Fjorm, Ylgr...grasp my hand
in yours. Let us make an oath here
and now.

Hrid Icy Blade Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Yes! A sacred vow, as our family has
done since ancient times!

Nifl, ice dragon... We are your

We now swear an oath. We will give
all we have to be victorious and to
protect the people of Nifl!

Hrid Icy Blade Face FC
Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face FC

For the sake of the people, we swear!

For peace, we swear!

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC

For our future, we swear!

It is done. If we four combine our
strength, we will succeed.

And our mysterious stranger, whom I
met in a dream... They will lend us
strength too.

Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

It is time. For the future of Nifl, we
must win this fight!

Whatever I can do, I will!

Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC
Hrid Icy Blade Face Cool

Whatever lays before us, may Nifl's
protection be with us all—always!

Ylgr: Fresh Snowfall[ | ]

Ylgr: Fresh Snowfall - C

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC

So...soft. Mmm... I dreaming?

Wait a minute! I remember you!
You've been showing up in my
dreams lately.

Who are you? You're not from Nifl.

You're a good person, though. I can

How can I be so sure?

I can just tell. Your's the
warmth of the sun...

I don't know what it is, but I feel safe
when you're around.

It's almost like you're one of us...
like you're part of the family.

I'm Ylgr, the youngest princess of
Nifl. Tell me your name.

Hmmm... 【Summoner】...
I see.

Visit me again, OK? I don't know
anything about you yet!

Next time, we need to talk. Really
talk. OK?

Ylgr: Fresh Snowfall - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC

Oh, good. You're back!

Hey, 【Summoner】...

It's really odd. I know I've heard
that name before, but when I wake
up, I can't remember it.

Even if I try really hard to hang on to
the memory, my dreams always fade

My sister Gunnthrá is different.
Thanks to the rite she performs, she
remembers her dreams, but I can't.

But when you came back to me, I
could remember your name. That's
enough to make me happy.

It's weird. Just being next to you fills
me with warmth.

Here, take my hand...

Yup. I can feel the warmth of your
body spreading through me.

You ARE like the sun.

I know you'll keep me safe and warm
if I just stay with you...

The world...feels like it's coming
apart. And I'm going to wake up

So I hope that I can remember you,

Even after I wake up.

Ylgr: Fresh Snowfall - A

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC

I can't remember your name when I
wake up. It's SO frustrating!

I always remember that I met
somebody...but not who.

In Nifl, it's always snowing...and the
sun doesn't come out very often.

Just seeing the sun makes me happy.

And when I see you, I'm as happy as
if I'd seen the sun. Hee-hee.

Why don't I go somewhere warm?

You're right. I would like to go
somewhere sunny. I read about a
tropical island once in a book...

I'd like to go lots of places. I want to
travel to different realms and meet
all kinds of people!

Right now, Nifl and Múspell are at

But there must be someone in
Múspell who I could make friends

I wish people could just get along.
I wish everyone could live without a
care... You do too, don't you?

We could live lives of happiness—all
of us. That's what I want.

Ylgr: Fresh Snowfall - S

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC

Tell me what to do,

My brother and sister keep trying to
convince me things will be OK, but
I'm worried.

You're trying to cheer me up, aren't
you? Thanks.

You asked me if I wanted to go
somewhere warm. I remembered that
even after I woke up...

I already have somewhere
home. My family. My mother,
Gunnthrá, Fjorm, and Hríd...

Even if we're buried in snow, I'll still
have that warmth inside of me as
long as we're together.

And I'd like to be with you too. In
real life, I mean. Not just in a dream.

Maybe I will be able to meet you. I
hope it's soon.

I'll be able to introduce you to
everyone. They all mean so much to

Promise me that we'll meet one day.
And when we do...we'll smile.
Together. OK?

Hríd: Icy Blade[ | ]

Hríd: Icy Blade - C

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Hrid Icy Blade Face FC

This's so strange. Am I

Who's there? That hood...

You're the same person who
appeared in Ylgr's dream, aren't you?

Dream though this may be, this
meeting may be significant.

I am Hríd, Prince of Nifl. Would you
tell me your name?

So it's 【Summoner】, is it?

This may be our first meeting, yet
you are so familiar to me...

I feel there must be some connection
between us... Yes, I feel I already
know you. You seem to know me!

Hríd: Icy Blade - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Hrid Icy Blade Face FC

Hello, 【Summoner】.

It seems that dreams must be our
only meeting place.

It's strange—I can't recall a thing
about you when I wake. But when I
dream, it all comes rushing back.

It seems I lack my sister Gunnthrá's
power over dreams.

I apologize if I was curt with you
before. My country is heading for
calamity. I am ill at ease.

You seem so calm. Perhaps your
realm does not know war...

No, I see that I am wrong. You do
know the way of battle.

No matter the world, it seems that
no one can escape conflict...

The people of Nifl, my realm...they do
not stoke the flames of war.

You see, we do not seek conflict—
because we are not willing to lose a
single life. Not one.

Hríd: Icy Blade - A

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Hrid Icy Blade Face FC

It has been some time since last we
spoke, 【Summoner】.

It's appear to me when I
am troubled.

King Surtr of Múspell has invaded.

I am unsure if Nifl has the power to
stop him.

I carry the weight of it all—the future
of Nifl and that of my family.

In truth, I do not believe we have the
power to stop Surtr, no matter how
we prepare.

When I wake, I will go back to my
responsibilities. I must keep morale

It is only here that I can reveal my
misgivings about our chances.

When I am with you, I cannot keep
my emotions contained.

Is it because this is a dream? Or do
you draw them out of me?

There must be some reason that you
have appeared before me.

Whatever that reason is, I have no
doubt that Nifl's fate hinges on it.

Hríd: Icy Blade - S

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Hrid Icy Blade Face FC

Yet again we meet,

I am glad of it. This may be the last
time we can meet like this.

Surtr has invaded. Tomorrow, I head
to the battlefield.

The difference in power between our
forces is stark. But if we can strike
Surtr down, Nifl may survive...

Even if it means my life, I intend to
defeat that man.

I would gladly give my life to protect
the people of Nifl.

Everything is in motion... I have given
Fjorm Leiptr, the Lance of Ice.

Should something happen to me,
my sisters are prepared to lead Nifl.

You're shaking your head...

Don't throw your life away, you

But what if I have no choice?
I must protect my family. To do that,
I would die without hesitation.

If we join our strength, then none of
us need die? You have a point.

Till now, I have only thought about
how I might protect them...but that
is not the only path.

Thank you, 【Summoner】.
You have eased my fears.

Because the kingdom of Nifl must
continue, I need to survive.

I hope that we may meet one day,
out there in the world.

The possibility may be remote, but...
if I do meet you amid the flames of
battle, lend me your strength.

I say this though I am certain I will
forget it once I wake...

Some part of me, deep in my soul,
will recall these moments. I very
much want to believe that.

I will do my utmost to survive, as
you ask.

And my sisters and I will clear a
path for Nifl's future.

Gunnthrá: Voice of Dreams[ | ]

Gunnthrá: Voice of Dreams - C

Background image: 025_NiflPlain
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Gunnthrá...tonight is the night, isn't
it? For the Rite of Dreams...

Yes. I have gone to the temple and
offered my prayers to Nifl, the dragon
of ice.

Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face FC
Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC

I really want to know about this
person you're going to meet in your

When I wake up, I forget almost
everything! But with your powers,
you should be able to remember.

I'm jealous! That sounds wonderful...

The Rite of Dreams has always been
connected to the fate of Nifl...

I hope that you learn much that may
help us.

Hrid Icy Blade Face FC
Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC

Good luck!

Thank you, Ylgr.

Perhaps the person you have been
speaking to is the same person I am
fated to meet...

Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

I will pray for your success, my sister.

Thank you, Fjorm. I look forward to
this meeting...with the one my fate
is bound to.

Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face FC

Gunnthrá: Voice of Dreams - B

Background image: 007_SnowDreaming
Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face FC

I...where am I? This realm...

Oh! It's you. I am so very pleased to
meet you.

I am the eldest princess of Nifl, the
Kingdom of Ice. My name is Gunnthrá.

Thanks to a very ancient rite...I am
able to speak to you in dreams.

This is my dream...but it is also your
dream, isn't it?

You're somewhere totally different
than I am, aren't you? It's not Nifl.

I can see you so clearly...

The features of your face, the clothes
you wear... I can see it all.

I must thank you. You heard my call,
and you responded.

From now on, no one else will
appear in my dreams...


We...must part...


Gunnthrá: Voice of Dreams - A

Background image: 007_SnowDreaming
Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face FC

There you are...

I had so hoped we would meet again
in our dreams.

I can sense a great power in you. It's
very different than any in Nifl.

We're speaking together now...but
that doesn't mean our "now" is the

Past, present, and future... You can
speak to me across time, or so I

Right now, our kingdom, Nifl, is in
great peril.

But you know our fate, don't you?

If you can help me make that future
a good one...

Well, I would give anything for that.
I would entrust our very fate to you.

Please, lead them all—everyone I care
about. My brother, my sisters, my
mother... Please.

That is what I would ask of you.

Please...bring light... Nifl...

Gunnthrá: Voice of Dreams - S

Background image: 007_SnowDreaming
Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face FC

How many times have we met in
dreams like this?

To you, I am one of many who vies
for your attention from all the

And yet among thousands, you chose

I cling to that shining thread, that
miraculous possibility that binds us

We will meet here one day, in Nifl.

To prepare for that day, I need your
name, which will be inscribed in our

It's 【Summoner】?
Yes, 【Summoner】...

I will not forget your name. We are
tied together, you and I.

When we meet, I will give you all that
I have to give, and you will clear the
path to the future for us.

That is what I believe.

No matter what awaits me...I look
forward to the day we can finally
meet, 【Summoner】.

Fjorm: Princess of Ice[ | ]

Fjorm: Princess of Ice - C

Background image: 003_Volcano
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain

Ah... Aagh!

So hot...burning... Aaagh!

An ocean of flames? Where am I?

Hah-hah-hah! Weaklings, all of you,
fit only to burn!

Surtr Ruler of Flame Face Smile
Hrid Icy Blade Face Pain



Gunnthra Voice of Dreams Face Pain
Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face Pain

Hríd! Gunnthrá! Fjorm! Help!

Ylgr? Hríd, Gunnthrá! Where are

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Anger
Surtr Ruler of Flame Face Smile

Hah-hah-hah! Feel my flames devour
you...devour your very souls!

How can you be so cruel? To laugh
in the faces of your victims! Are you
a man or a devil?

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Anger
Surtr Ruler of Flame Face Smile

The weak are slaughtered. That is the
proper order. It is your turn to burn! I
will char your bones till they are ash!

No you don't!

Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC
Anna Commander Face Cool

Not if we can help it!

Who are—

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

We must save Princess Fjorm!

Your orders, 【Summoner】?

You're save me? Just who
are you?


Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Fjorm: Princess of Ice - B

Background image: 025_NiflPlain
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Can we talk, Ylgr?

Sure thing, Fjorm. Do you need
something? Whatever it is, just let me

Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face Smile
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

I want to ask you about that dream
you mentioned.

My mysterious stranger?

Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Yes, exactly. You said they were with
us in the dream. I want to know who
they are.

We've talked many times in my
dreams...but when I wake up, I
can never remember anything.

Since that first dream we've spoken
several times. But I still have no idea
who I'm talking to!

Why do you want to know? Did you
have a dream too?

Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Yes, I did. It was very strange. And I
can barely remember a thing about

Someone saved me from terrible
danger. That's really all I can

That sounds scary! If you like, I can
sleep with you tonight. That should

Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Smile

I appreciate the offer, Sister, but I
think I shall be fine.

Maybe your mysterious stranger and
my mysterious stranger...are the

Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Yes... Gunnthrá has more power over
her dreams than we do. Maybe she
knows this person's identity.

Their fate may be closely twined with
that of Nifl.

Fjorm: Princess of Ice - A

Background image: 025_NiflPlain
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

So you've been having unusual
dreams too?

I have. In them, I'm deep in
discussion with...someone. About the
future of Nifl, I believe.

But when I wake...I cannot remember
a word. It all disappears, as if into

Hrid Icy Blade Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

It's the same with me. I feel that
these dreams are important, but I
can't recall them...

I asked Gunnthrá about this. She
believes we may possess a fragment
of her power over dreams.

These dreams, she believes, may
offer hints of Nifl's future.

Hrid Icy Blade Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

So it stands to reason that the person
we meet is important to the fate of

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Anger

Múspell may invade any day now.
Perhaps as soon as tomorrow.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

These dreams may be a warning of
imminent crisis.

Dreams are dreams. They cannot
change reality. We can ponder
their significance, but...

We have no choice but to prepare
for battle here, in the real world.

Hrid Icy Blade Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

You're right, of course. It is our job
to secure the future of Nifl and its

Fjorm: Princess of Ice - S

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

I feel...strange. Am I dreaming?

I...can remember you. Yes, I know

Tell me—what connection do you
have to the future of Nifl?

Will we meet one day?

Yes. You will meet.

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

I remember you! I remember all of
you... You saved me once—in a

Princess Fjorm, the road ahead is
full of both greetings and partings.

Anna Commander Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

And we may not be able to see
the future from where we stand now.

What are you trying to tell me—tell

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

The future has not been written. We
cannot yet know how our paths will

There is one thing that is certain,
however. We are your allies. No
matter what happens, do not give up.

Anna Commander Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

When we finally meet, we will give
you all of the help we can. Please,
don't forget that!

These dreams...they are not

It seems that you have brought me
allies and that you will bring me

Thank you, 【Summoner】.

Even if fate dictates that Múspell's
fury will ravage this land...I will not
lose heart.

If I wake now, I will surely forget this
dream. But your words will remain a
part of me.

I will not bend. I will stand up to fate
and move forward on my path.

I have to believe that hope exists,
even if I must find it beyond the
snow-dusted plains of my home...

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Hríd: Icy Blade
Book III, Chapter 1: Part 1: The Dead Arrive

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese 遠き日の誓い
German Geschworener Eid
Spanish (Europe) Promesa a Nifl
Spanish (Latin America) Promesa a Nifl
French Le serment
Italian Il giuramento
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 悠遠的誓言
Portuguese Promessa a Nifl