Heroes' Saga
Prince Marth and his allied forces were on the march to defend Altea. On their path, they encountered the Whitewings, led by Minerva, Princess of Macedon—also known as the Red Dragoon—blocking Marth's advance. Witnessing the cowardly tactics of the Grust soldiers serving by their side, however, Minerva abandoned her post, taking her troops with
祖国を救うため進軍するマルス王子 彼の前に赤い竜騎士の異名をとる マケドニア王女ミネルバ率いる 白騎士団が立ち塞がる だが王女は共闘するグルニア軍の 罠を用いた卑劣な戦いを拒み 部下と共に戦列を離れるのだった
1st Act
On the way to the Holy Kingdom of Archanea, Marth learned that Princess Maria, Minerva's sister, was being held hostage by the Dolhr Empire. One of Minerva's soldiers revealed Minerva's plan for rebellion to Marth—and that seeking his aid in rescuing Maria was part of that plan...
マルスはアカネイア聖王国への道中 ミネルバの妹であるマリア王女が ドルーア帝国に捕らわれていることを知る 彼を訪ねてきたミネルバ王女の臣下は 王女の反逆の計画を明かし その為に マリアを救出してほしいと協力を請う
2nd Act
The first king of Macedon, Iote, rode a wyvern into battle in order to free the enslaved. Prince Michalis had been called the second coming of Iote, and yet he joined forces with the Dolhr Empire despite the protest of his sister Minerva—solely to pursue his own personal ambitions. Taking their younger sister hostage, he had forced Minerva to fight a war that was not hers...
かつて飛竜に跨り奴隷解放の為に戦った マケドニアの建国王アイオテ だがその再来と謳われたミシェイル王子は 己の野望の為 妹ミネルバの反対も虚しく ドルーア帝国へ加担してしまう ミネルバは妹マリアを人質に取られ 意に添わぬ戦いを強いられていた
3rd Act
Marth, having faith in what he saw behind Minerva's eyes, made his way to the fortress where Maria was held captive to rescue her—ignoring the council of those who thought it a trap. At Maria's return to safety, Minerva expressed her thanks for Marth's role in saving her sister, and pledged to fight by his side...
罠を疑う声もある中 マルスは戦場で見た ミネルバの優しくも哀しい面差しを信じ マリアの囚われた要塞へ赴き彼女を救出 ミネルバはこれに篤く感謝し マルスと共に戦うことを誓う
4th Act
Overcoming many trials on their way, Marth and his companions eventually arrived at the Macedon border. Marth approached Minerva, concerned for her mental state before the decisive battle. Minerva, however, only wanted to right the wrongs of her homeland, and to do so by her own hand.
幾多の困難を乗り越え マルス一行は マケドニアとの国境へ到着する 近づく決戦を前にミネルバを気遣うマルス しかしミネルバは祖国マケドニアの過ちを 自らの手で正すことを望んだ
Final Act
Unfazed by the might Macedon's Dragoons boast, Marth and Minerva prevailed in battle, and Michalis was believed slain. But several years later, a coup in Macedon placed Minerva in a dire position—and it is said that it was none other than Michalis who rescued her.
勇猛を誇るマケドニア竜騎士団と マルスとミネルバらは果敢に戦い勝利する 戦場に散ったかに思われたミシェイル だが数年の後 マケドニアに反乱が起こり 危機に陥ったミネルバ王女を救ったのは 彼だと伝えられている