Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

The Path's End - Opening

Background image: 005_Castle
Hilda Helping Hand Face FC

Ugh! Where's Shez? She said she'd
meet me here, but I don't see her

Aha! Took you long enou—

Hey there, Hilda.

Shez Rising Mercenary Face FC
Hilda Helping Hand Face FC

Excuse me? What are YOU doing

Florina had a request, and since she's
still not great at dealing with men, the
other Shez and I decided to swap jobs.

Shez Rising Mercenary Face FC
Hilda Helping Hand Face FC

You two are still taking on jobs as a
pair? Kind of weird, if you ask me.

Is it? Gender aside, we are still pretty
much the same person. So why not
take advantage of that?

Shez Rising Mercenary Face FC
Hilda Helping Hand Face FC

Huh... I mean, I guess you have a
point. It still seems a little weird,

May I have a moment? I have a small
favor to ask of you, Shez.

Monica Favored Vassal Face FC
Shez Keen Mercenary Face FC

Me? Well, not like it matters much.
I'm sure either of us is fine, so I'll
hear you out.

Oh, well, I meant to ask the other
Shez, but if you say it's all right,
I would be happy for the help.

That being said, isn't this his room?

Monica Favored Vassal Face FC
Shez Keen Mercenary Face FC

Yeah, but it's no big deal—we're not
usually in the castle at the same time.
Anyway, I can handle anything he can.

At the end of the day, we both follow
the merc creed of using whatever
we can as a resource.

You're both mercenaries through and
through, aren't you? I doubt I could
work with another me so easily.

And yet, the two of you have simply
accepted it and, what's more, even
made use of it. I'm truly impressed.

Monica Favored Vassal Face FC

The Path's End - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Smile

I’m a little surprised to see the two of
you so eager to work with a version
of yourself from another world.

Normally, when something like this
happens, it takes a little longer to
accept the situation.

Well, yeah, but at the end of the day
she’s just another me, and a second
set of hands can get jobs done faster.

Shez Rising Mercenary Face FC
Shez Keen Mercenary Face FC

Agreed. Besides, what was there to
doubt? It was obvious who he was.

After all, I should be the only one
with this sword, but he’s got it too.

Speaking of which, is that sword like
one of Askr’s divine weapons?

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Shez Rising Mercenary Face FC

Maybe? It’s not like we know much
about it either. Just that we’re the
only ones who can use it.

We don’t know where it comes from,
and it disappears the second we let
go of it. Can’t exactly loan it, can we?

Shez Keen Mercenary Face FC
Hilda Helping Hand Face FC

Our home continent, Fódlan, does
have legendary items known as the
Hero’s Relics.

But I don’t think your swords are
quite like those. Something just feels
different, I guess.

Hubert actually looked into this, and
found that, if anything, they are more
like the opposite of Hero’s Relics.

Monica Favored Vassal Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

Hmm... How intriguing. Regardless of
what that means, the two must be far
from ordinary mercenaries.

Of course! They’re clearly incredible.
Why else would they have been
called to Askr?

Sharena Princess of Askr Face Smile

The Path's End - B

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Monica Favored Vassal Face FC

You’ve been quiet for a while now.
Is something the matter?

It’s the Shezes, they’re... Well, see for

Hilda Helping Hand Face FC
Monica Favored Vassal Face FC

Hmm... So, while you two agree on
almost everything, it turns out there
is one vital difference between you.

Yeah, that’s about the gist of it. It’s
like we started from the same point,
but ended up taking different paths.

Shez Keen Mercenary Face FC
Shez Rising Mercenary Face FC

Ultimately, we just can’t seem to
wrap our heads around how the other
one made those different choices.

Hmm... Well, I suppose butting heads
might be kind of inevitable, given the

If there were two of me, you’d better
believe I’d try to get the other one
to do my chores for me.

And the other me would probably do
the same, with it going back and forth
and nothing ever getting done.

At least, until both of us end up
passing it off to Holst.

Hilda Helping Hand Face FC
Monica Favored Vassal Face FC

Competing with only Hubert for the
position of Her Majesty’s right hand is
already difficult enough.

I cannot imagine having to compete
with myself in addition to that.

Uh-huh... Well, we’re the same
person, so I guess I just figured we
might as well help each other.

Shez Rising Mercenary Face FC
Shez Keen Mercenary Face FC

Normally I’d agree, but seriously, why
did you choose THEM?!

Hey, if anything, I feel like that should
be MY question!

Shez Rising Mercenary Face FC
Hilda Helping Hand Face FC

Wait, wait, hold on. Just calm down,
you two.

Yes, please. Still, this is a rare sight.
I don’t often see you getting so worked
up, Shez.

Monica Favored Vassal Face FC

The Path's End - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Hilda Helping Hand Face FC

Hmm... It seems like things have
gotten pretty awkward between the
Shezes lately.

I’m afraid there isn’t much we can do
to fix that.

As similar as they might seem, they
are still two different people, with
differing perspectives and histories.

Monica Favored Vassal Face FC
Hilda Helping Hand Face FC

I suppose that’s just how it goes. We
change based on our surroundings.
Who we meet, where we live...

Even something like what house you
got placed in could end up drastically
changing the course of your life.

Sometimes, we make choices without
realizing their true significance.

It can be hard to look back on
decisions like that without feeling
some measure of regret.

Monica Favored Vassal Face FC
Hilda Helping Hand Face FC

Well, whatever it is, I hope they can
find a way to go back to getting along.
Listening to them argue is the WOR—

Isn’t that them over there?

Monica Favored Vassal Face FC
Shez Rising Mercenary Face FC

All right, so you’ve got your way of
doing things, and I’ve got mine. Just
means we can learn from each other.

Exactly. We’re similar enough that
observing each other should help us
to see how we can still improve.

Shez Keen Mercenary Face FC
Shez Rising Mercenary Face FC

“Use whatever you can.”

That is the mercenary creed.

Shez Keen Mercenary Face FC
Hilda Helping Hand Face FC

Huh? They seem totally fine! Why
were we even worried about them?

That’s Shez for you—always striving
to improve and become someone
others can count on.

Monica Favored Vassal Face FC
Weave of Fate
The Path's End Flow of Power
Red Friendship
Shez M
Orange Friendship
Shez F
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
