Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Monica: Favored Vassal - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Edelgard Adrestian Emperor Face FC

Whew... Finally back. This is no time
to rest, however—I still have matters
I must attend to.

I would ask you to reconsider, Lady
Edelgard. Please allow me to unpack
that bag on your behalf.

Hubert Sinister Servant Face FC
Edelgard Adrestian Emperor Face FC

Are you quite certain? In that case,
I apologize for troubling you with this.

Now then, to take care of this quickly.
Ah, perhaps I’ll brew myself a cup of
coffee once I am finished.

Hm? What’s this?

Hubert Sinister Servant Face FC

This is a charm that I found among
Lady Edelgard’s belongings.

Hubert Sinister Servant Face FC
Monica Favored Vassal Face FC

Y-yes, I suppose it is. Which means
we must find whoever did this and
ensure no harm befalls Her Majesty.

Oh my... What is the matter, Monica?
Do you happen to know who the
culprit is? I would love to hear it.

Hubert Sinister Servant Face FC
Monica Favored Vassal Face FC

N-no, I do not. I don’t know.

Is that so?

How unfortunate. I’ll have to ask for
your assistance in this matter, then.

I’m sure that perfect recollection of
yours will prove quite useful in
finding the villain who hid this charm.

Now, let’s first find everyone who had
access to her belongings and hear
what they have to say.

Hubert Sinister Servant Face FC
Monica Favored Vassal Face FC

...Of course.

Oh no, Monica... This looks like

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Anger

Monica: Favored Vassal - B

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Claude Almyras King Face FC

A charm, huh... Medicine is one thing,
but I can’t say I’m too familiar with
curses. What about you, Dimitri?

We’ve been away from the castle for
quite some time, so I am afraid I also
cannot be of much help to you.

Dimitri King of Faerghus Face FC
Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC

A-are you accusing us?! Do you really
think CHOP would view HACK as a
threat?! That is beyond laughable!

Even if we did, it’s not like any of us
would resort to such petty tricks.

Dorcas Serene Warrior Face FC
Nyx Rulebreaker Mage Face FC

I am not familiar with this magic.
It seems to contain a curse, but I
cannot identify it beyond that.

Hmm... Judging by the writing, this
appears to be Plegian magic. I almost
feel like I’ve seen it before...

Robin Mystery Tactician Face FC
Hubert Sinister Servant Face FC

Well then. We still haven’t discovered
the culprit, but we have gained one
important piece of information.

Namely, that the charm was likely
made by a Plegian mage. Now we
shall find and interrogate them.

Don’t you think it’s too early to act?
If we operate on vague information,
it may cause trouble for Her Majesty.

Monica Favored Vassal Face FC
Hubert Sinister Servant Face FC

Heh heh... Vague is simply a matter
of perspective and indulgence. If we
have a culprit in mind, then—

P-please wait!

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain
Hubert Sinister Servant Face FC

Oh, Lady Fjorm. What is the matter?

That charm, um... I-is there a chance
that it isn’t actually malicious?

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Hubert Sinister Servant Face FC

Hmm... You seem to know something.

Wha— Well... You see...

I-I’m sorry, Monica! I don’t think
I can hide it any longer!

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain

Monica: Favored Vassal - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Camilla Bewitching Beauty Face FC

Hehe... You certainly hold Edelgard
dear, don’t you?

I don’t just hold her dear. I am wholly
devoted to Lady Edelgard. It is love.

Monica Favored Vassal Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

I can’t believe you’re able to express
your feelings so openly... I’m actually
a little envious.

By the way, Monica. You said that
something was troubling you?

Tharja Dark Shadow Face FC
Monica Favored Vassal Face FC

Yes. You see, Lady Edelgard once
saved my life. It is something I can
never forget, nor repay.

And yet, in the version of Fódlan that
Her Majesty is from, it seems I lost
my life and had my body stolen.

Because of that, Her Majesty was put
in danger.

That is why, at least here in Askr, I’d
like to protect Lady Edelgard for the
me who died in that other world.

Anyway, that is what I’ve been
thinking about. I’d appreciate any
wisdom you can share.

Hehe... In that case, I have a very,
very special good-luck charm for you.

Tharja Dark Shadow Face FC
Monica Favored Vassal Face FC

Good-luck charm?

For it to work, you must first hide this
charm among Edelgard’s belongings.

Do that, and she should be protected
from any calamity that may befall her.

Tharja Dark Shadow Face FC
Camilla Bewitching Beauty Face FC

Oh my, that’s incredible! If you have
another, I’d be VERY interested in
getting it for a certain someone...

Tharja... Why are you giving me such
an incredible charm?

Monica Favored Vassal Face FC
Tharja Dark Shadow Face FC

No real reason... I guess I just felt like
lending you my aid. Oh, but there is
one thing I almost forgot to mention.

The person in question must never
realize it was you who hid the charm.
If that happens, its power will vanish.

So, I can’t let her find it... Very well.
I will give it a try!

Monica Favored Vassal Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Um... Are you sure this is a good

Monica: Favored Vassal - S

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Monica Favored Vassal Face FC

No... Princess Fjorm!

I’m sorry! But, I just didn’t want to
cause any more trouble than we
already have!

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain
Hubert Sinister Servant Face FC

Heh heh... I do not mind. Besides,
I thought it might be something
along these lines.

Resorting to dark magic may be less
than ideal, but I am in no position to
criticize you for it.

Ultimately, we do whatever it takes
for Lady Edelgard’s sake.


Monica Favored Vassal Face FC
Hubert Sinister Servant Face FC

Still, having said that, all decisions
must ultimately rest with Her Majesty.
What do you think, Lady Edelgard?


Edelgard Adrestian Emperor Face FC
Monica Favored Vassal Face FC

Ah! Lady Edelgard! I am so terribly
sorry! I, Monica von Ochs, will accept
any punishment you give me!

Well, I suppose what you did may
have been a little too presumptuous.

Edelgard Adrestian Emperor Face FC
Monica Favored Vassal Face FC

Yes, I understand...

However, do you really think I would
need the protection of such a charm?
Am I truly so pathetic in your eyes?

Edelgard Adrestian Emperor Face FC
Monica Favored Vassal Face FC

N-no, not at all! I just thought, in the
unlikely event something happened...

Heh... Perhaps you have a point.

You realized your own abilities would
be insufficient to protect me. It is no
surprise that you would be worried.

Edelgard Adrestian Emperor Face FC
Monica Favored Vassal Face FC

Your Majesty, please! To me, you’re—

Please forgive me—I should not have
spoken so harshly. Thank you for this
charm, Monica.

I will not be punishing you, regardless
of how you chose to...deliver it.

Besides, only the me who saved your
life is truly qualified to dole out

Even without that right, though, I will
still be counting on you.

Edelgard Adrestian Emperor Face FC
Monica Favored Vassal Face FC

Lady Edelgard! Thank you!

Phew... At any rate, it seems like
everything has been settled
peacefully, so we can rest easy.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Smile
Hubert Sinister Servant Face FC

Yes, it was quite fortuitous, wasn’t it?
For the both of them, that is.

← Shez F
The Path's End
Red Friendship
Shez M
Orange Friendship
Shez F
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
