Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Keaton: Lupine Collector - C

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Anna Commander Face FC

Phew! Another victory down—who
knows how many more to go! Good
work out there, everyone!

The enemy never stood a chance!
When we give it all we've got, no one
can get in our way!

Keaton Lupine Collector Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

Keaton, I saw you diving in behind the
enemy lines. I could hardly keep track
of you! It was incredible!

You're beginning to understand the
strength of the wolfskin, are you? Ha!
I was barely even warmed up!

Keaton Lupine Collector Face FC
Anna Commander Face FC

I believe it! Seems like you've energy
to spare. I'm just glad we all made it
back safely...

Which is what I wanted to talk to you
about, Keaton... You weren't sticking
to the plan out there, were you...

The plan was that you'd wait in the
forest to the north—but didn't I see
you coming in from the south?

Er, well, you see... What happened
was that, umm...

I went with my gut instead! It seemed
like that would be for the best! Never
let me down before, anyway...

Keaton Lupine Collector Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

Your gut, huh? I see... Sounds like
another way of saying it was your
beast intuition!

Maybe! Listen—I think all that fighting
just caught up with me. I'm gonna go
take a nap somewhere.

Keaton Lupine Collector Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

Hey! Keaton! Aaaand he's gone...

Didn't he say he was barely warmed
up and was ready for more? But then
he suddenly needed to go nap?

Hmm... Interesting.

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

Keaton: Lupine Collector - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Keaton Lupine Collector Face FC

Hey, Alfonse. Have a minute? Can I
ask you something?

Sure, Keaton. Judging by that look
on your face, it must be something
pretty serious.

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Keaton Lupine Collector Face FC

Yeah, I wanted to talk about that
battle the other day... I want you to
know I didn't just ignore the plan.

I TRIED to follow the strategy, but
I somehow lost track of my position
and ended up behind enemy lines.

What? But I thought you said you
were following your gut...

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Pain
Keaton Lupine Collector Face FC

That's what it felt life. I tried to go
to the northern woods as planned...
but I still ended up in the south! got lost?

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Keaton Lupine Collector Face FC

No, no. I know when I'm lost—not
that it ever happens... My instinct
was just off, that's all!

Oh, OK... Your instinct was off, so
you got lost. Understood.

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Pain
Keaton Lupine Collector Face FC

Hmph. Anyway... You don't happen
to know of a way to keep instincts
properly honed, do you?

Oh, so you're looking for a way to
keep yourself from getting lost? Hm...
I'll ask around for some good tips!

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Keaton Lupine Collector Face FC

Really? You'd do that for me?
Er, I's not a dire situation
or anything like that, of course.

I just figured, if there WERE some
good methods, I might as well test
them out. Y'know—just for fun!

The way your tail is wagging all over
the place says it all, Keaton.

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Pain

I can't guarantee I'll find anything
helpful, but I'll do my best for you!

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Smile
Keaton Lupine Collector Face FC

Amazing! Thank you!

Keaton: Lupine Collector - A

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

OK, Keaton. The best tip I came up
with for not getting lost is to closely
study a map of the area before battle.

I have a map of Askr here... Would
you like to borrow it?

A map, huh? Yeah, I guess that could
work, but...

I'm not sure I'll have time to look
down at a map once I'm face to face
with our foes on the battlefield...

Keaton Lupine Collector Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

Fair enough... What about using the
sun and stars to figure out which
direction you're headed?

You can use the sun during the day,
and at night, you can use the stars.

Wolfskin like you have incredible
eyesight, right? That kind of thing
would probably be easy for you!

Yeah, that could work, but...what if
it's rainy or cloudy? I won't be able
to see the sun or stars, will I?

Keaton Lupine Collector Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

Hm. I suppose you're right. You could
try leaving yourself a trail, so you can
follow it back to where you started...

I've heard of someone escaping a
bewitched forest using that trick...
All thanks to a bread-crumb trail!

What?! They left a whole trail of food
behind them? What if someone
followed them and ate their trail?

Keaton Lupine Collector Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Pain

W-well, you don't HAVE to use bread
crumbs to mark your trail...

Still, I'm not sure any of these
methods are going to work for me.

Sorry, Alfonse, I know you went to
a lot of trouble coming up with all
those ideas for me...

Keaton Lupine Collector Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

I'm sorry none of them have been
helpful so far! I'll try to come up with
other ideas that might work for you.

Keaton: Lupine Collector - S

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

Hey, Keaton! I have a solution for you
thanks to 【Summoner】!

Really? You two came up with a good
way for me to avoid getting lost? Let
me hear it, then!

Keaton Lupine Collector Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

OK. From now on, whenever you go
into battle, just make sure one of us
is there at your side!

That ought to solve your problem!
Even if you TRY to take a wrong turn,
we'll be there to set you straight.

That's actually a really good plan...
I'm impressed! There's no way I'll get
lost now!

Keaton Lupine Collector Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

And if we start by assuming we'll be
acting together, we should be able to
strategize accordingly, no problem!

Well, I guess that's how it'll be, then...
I suppose I'll just have to get used to
having the two of you around.

Personally, I'm not sure why it's a
problem for me to just get wild and
dig in behind enemy lines, but OK...

Keaton Lupine Collector Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Pain

You can try to sound glum all you
want, Keaton, but the wagging of
your tail is telling a different story.

Just get ready for the next battle...
Brace yourself for seeing everything
a wolfskin is capable of!

Keaton Lupine Collector Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

I can hardly wait!

With you keeping me on track, I'll be
even better than before! Just watch—
I'll be unstoppable! Ah-roooooo!

Keaton Lupine Collector Face FC
← Flora Nyx →
The Orb Case
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
