Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Coming Soon Update
The Next Update Is on Its Way!

Thank you for playing the Fire Emblem Heroes game! Here's an update from the Fire Emblem Heroes development team.

The major additions in the Ver. 7.9.0 update planned for release on or after are as follows:

・ New skills are being added for some Mythic Heroes.
・ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated.
・ New weapons to refine are being added.
・ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey.
Aether Raids is being updated.
Summoner Duels is being updated.

Tap More for additional information.

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Thank you for playing the Fire Emblem Heroes game! Here's an update from the Fire Emblem Heroes development team.

The following will introduce the new features and changes in the Ver. 7.9.0 update.

■ New skills are being added for some Mythic Heroes

Of the Heroes that appear in Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes, Mirabilis: Daydream and Hel: Death Sovereign are gaining new skills.

○ New skills

Hero banner Mirabilis Daydream

・ Assist Skill
News icon new skillIcon Skill AssistWhimsical Dream+
Range: 1
Grants another action to target ally. Grants
Atk+6 and "neutralizes foe's bonuses during
combat" to target ally and allies within 2 spaces
of target ally (excluding unit) for 1 turn. Inflicts
Atk-6 on nearest foes within 5 spaces of target
ally and any foe within 2 spaces of those foes
through their next actions. (Cannot target an
ally with Sing or Dance. This skill treated as
Sing or Dance.)
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.

・ B Skill

Chill Def Res 3Chill Def/Res 3
At start of turn, inflicts Def/Res-6 on foe on
the enemy team with the highest Def+Res total
and foes within 2 spaces of that foe through
their next actions.

Hero banner Hel Death Sovereign

・ A Skill

Distant PressureDistant Pressure
Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range.
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants
Spd+5 during combat, but after combat, if unit
attacked, deals 5 damage to unit.
Cannot use: Icon Class Red BowIcon Class Red DaggerIcon Class Red TomeIcon Class Blue BowIcon Class Blue DaggerIcon Class Blue TomeIcon Class Green BowIcon Class Green DaggerIcon Class Green TomeIcon Class Colorless BowIcon Class Colorless DaggerIcon Class Colorless TomeIcon Class Colorless Staff

・ C Skill
News icon new skillInevitable Death PlusInevitable Death+
For each foe within 4 spaces of unit, unit can
move to any of the nearest spaces adjacent
to that foe (unless space is impassible terrain).
Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-5 on foes within
2 spaces of unit during combat. If unit's
Spd > foe's Spd, neutralizes effects that
guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and
effects that prevent unit's follow-up
attacks during combat.
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.

Mirabilis: Daydream and Hel: Death Sovereign are receiving new weapon skills to refine at the same time, so be sure to check the section of this notification labeled "New weapons to refine are being added" in conjunction with this section.

■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated

With the release of Ver. 7.9.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 9) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.

Divine Codes (Ephemera 9) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:

Icon Class Blue Tome5★ Hapi: Drawn-Out Sigh
Icon Class Green Axe5★ Jill: Fiery Dracoknight
Icon Class Blue Lance4★ Silas: Loyal Knight
Icon Class Blue Lance4★ Abel: The Panther
Icon Class Blue Lance4★ Michalis: Fruiting Ambition
Icon Class Blue Tome4★ Miriel: Rapier Intellect
Icon Class Colorless Staff4★ Nyna: The Last Princess

・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 9) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 7.9.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 8) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 7.9.0.

■ New weapons to refine are being added

The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:

Icon Class Red SwordFlower of Ease
Hero who can learn this skill: Mirabilis: Daydream

Icon Class Red SwordMirage Falchion
Hero who can learn this skill: Itsuki: Finding a Path

Icon Class Red SwordGenesis Falchion
Hero who can learn this skill: Marth: Prince of Light

Icon Class Blue LanceBinding Reginleif
Hero who can learn this skill: Eirika: Pledged Restorer

Icon Class Green AxeHel's Reaper
Hero who can learn this skill: Hel: Death Sovereign

Icon Class Green TomeCharging Horn
Hero who can learn this skill: Gatekeeper: Nothing to Report

Icon Class Colorless TomePhantasm Tome
Hero who can learn this skill: Marianne: Serene Adherent

Note: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.

■ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey

○ New Memento Events are being added.

Aether Raids is being updated

○ Some structures will have their level cap increased.

・ Bright Shrine (O/D): up to level 11

Aether Resort is being updated.

・ Two new songs are being added to the Concert Hall: "Backsliding" from the Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn game and "In a Silver Garden with You" from the Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia game.

Summoner Duels is being updated

○ You will be able to increase your Favor Level to level 3,500.

This will be in effect with the season starting

○ A new Captain Skill is being added.


Captain Skill Effects (Tap to open.)

Captain deals damage = X during combat
and allies within 3 spaces of captain deal
damage = 50% of X during combat
(X = highest total penalties among target
and foes within 2 spaces of target; excluding

area-of-effect Specials).

Note: The new Captain Skill will be able to be used in the season beginning

■ Additional Heroes will be available via Heroic Grails

The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:

Donnel: Sunny Villager
Zephia: Scheming Dragon

■ Other Changes

○ We will address an issue in which Friend Mock Battles are sometimes unavailable during periods of time when Aether Raids are not being held.

That's all the news about the update!

We hope you continue to enjoy playing Fire Emblem Heroes.

