Heroes' Saga
In a world caught between two dragons—one Divine, one Fell—the undead Risen suddenly appeared in the peaceful Halidom of Ylisse. Just as suddenly, a mysterious masked swordsman called Marth arrived to lend aid the imperiled Ylissean Prince, Chrom...
神竜と邪竜が司る世界 平和なイーリス聖王国に突如 人ならざる存在 屍兵が現れる 危機に陥った王子クロムを助けたのは 謎の仮面の剣士マルスであった
1st Act
Still unprepared for the Risen onslaught, Ylisse called for the aid of its warlike neighbor, Regna Ferox. It was Flavia, the East-Khan of Ferox, who offered Ylisse her support, but first she had to win a tournament to prove herself worthy of being named head Khan—so Chrom entered as her champion. There, Chrom crossed swords with Marth and emerged the ultimate victor, sealing the alliance...
屍兵の襲来に軍備を持たないイーリスは 軍事大国フェリアに助けを求め 同盟締結を賭けた闘技大会に参加する しかし敵の中にはあのマルスの姿があった 剣を交えるクロムとマルス クロムは見事勝利しフェリアの助力を得る
2nd Act
As Ylisse returned to stability, Mad King Gangrel, the ruler of bordering Plegia, used deceit to provoke Ylisse into aggressive action. It was then that Marth arrived and, claiming to know the future, informed Chrom that his sister Emmeryn, the exalt of Ylisse, was at risk of assassination...
平穏を取り戻したかに見えたイーリスを 隣国ペレジアの暗愚王ギャンレルは 卑劣な手段で挑発する クロムの姉でありイーリスの聖王エメリナに 迫る暗殺の危機を告げに来たマルスは 自分を未来を知る者だという
3rd Act
Chrom and company again sought aid from Regna Ferox, spiriting the exalt to safety. It was then that word arrived of Gangrel's invasion of the capital, Ylisstol. Though she faced certain death, Emmeryn returned to protect her people, entrusting the symbol of the Ylissian royalty, the Fire Emblem, to Chrom. Before long, Ylisstol fell, and Emmeryn was taken...
身を隠す聖王エメリナと共に 援軍を求めフェリアへ旅立つクロムたち しかし王無き都にギャンレルの魔の手が迫る 民を守る為に死地へ引き返すエメリナは クロムに王の証である炎の台座を託す ほどなくイーリス王城は陥落 エメリナはペレジアに捕らえられる
4th Act
Threatening to publicly execute Emmeryn, Gangrel lured the Ylissian forces to Plegia. Chrom and company mounted a heroic rescue attempt, but when Risen reinforcements arrived, their plan was foiled. Gangrel then offered to exchange Emmeryn's life for the Fire Emblem—causing Emmeryn to throw herself willingly from a cliff to save others from more suffering...
ギャンレルはエメリナを公開処刑にかけ ペレジアにイーリス軍をおびき寄せる 策を弄しエメリナを救わんとするクロムたち しかしまたも現れた屍兵を前に惜敗する エメリナと引き換えに炎の台座を求めるギャンレル クロムを そしてイーリス聖王国を守る為 エメリナは処刑台から自ら身を投げた
Final Act
Though he had lost his beloved elder sister, Chrom fought past his despair to strike down Gangrel, thus ending the war between Plegia and Ylisse. Then, two years later, new invaders approached from the west. Marth again appeared in time to aid Chrom. In doing so, Marth was revealed to have been Lucina, Chrom's daughter, all along—and she had traveled back in time to prevent a dark future...
最愛の姉を亡くした失意の底から這い上がり クロムはギャンレルを討ち戦に終止符を打つ 二年の後 西の大陸から 新たな侵略者が襲来する クロムの危機に再び現れたマルスの正体は 絶望の未来を変えるため時を越えた クロムの娘だった