Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Ivy: Snow Queen - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Ivy Snow Queen Face FC

Divine One, I’m so happy that we are
able to be together in this world too.

I am too, Ivy. It does my heart good
knowing my companions from Elyos
are being summoned here.

Alear Dragon Child Face FC
Ivy Snow Queen Face FC

I only regret not being summoned
sooner. Perhaps I could have had
you to myself for a while...

I didn’t quite catch that. What did
you say?

Alear Dragon Child Face FC
Ivy Snow Queen Face FC

Nothing important. Don’t worry about
it, Divine One.

If you’re sure.

Given your recent arrival, I imagine
there’s still a lot in Askr that is new
to you.

If you’re ever uneasy about anything,
you can come to me. We shouldn’t
act like strangers.

Alear Dragon Child Face FC
Ivy Snow Queen Face FC

Thank you. As long as you are here,
I doubt there is anything that could
make me uneasy.

Except... There was one inexplicable
thing that happened.

What was it?

Alear Dragon Child Face FC
Ivy Snow Queen Face FC

I saw something terrifying in the
barracks during the night. It looked
like something...sinister.

Sinister?! You don’t think the
Corrupted could have come here
too, do you?

Alear Dragon Child Face FC
Ivy Snow Queen Face FC

No, it wasn’t one of the Corrupted.
It was more like a gh-gho...a creepy
shadow that moved strangely...

But if it came here after a Hero, we
would have heard something about it
by now. Surely...surely it was nothing.

We should consider the possibility
that it actually is some—

Alear Dragon Child Face FC
Ivy Snow Queen Face FC

I’m sorry for wasting your time with
my silly imaginings. Please excuse
me, Divine One.

Wait, Ivy! ...And she’s gone.

She didn’t want to waste my time,
but she shouldn’t feel unsafe here.
As the Divine Dragon, it is my duty...

I know! I will go secretly patrol the
area after dark, just to be certain!

Alear Dragon Child Face FC

Ivy: Snow Queen - B

Background image: 002_ForestNight
Alear Dragon Child Face FC

*sigh* It seems to have gotten quite
late. How many hours have passed
since I started this patrol?

I’ve checked every shadowy hall and
dark corner in the barracks Ivy is in
and haven’t found anything amiss.

Oh, evening, Alear. You look like
you’re working hard.

Hector Dressed-Up Duo Face FC
Hector Dressed-Up Duo Face

Hello, Alear.

Hector, Lilina. Are you two returning
from a battle at this hour?

Alear Dragon Child Face FC
Hector Dressed-Up Duo Face FC

We are. Our foes were strong today,
but we were victorious in the end
despite the trouble they gave us!

Alear, what are you up to?

Hector Dressed-Up Duo Face
Alear Dragon Child Face FC

The truth is, Ivy thought she might
have seen a ghost around here, so
I’m patrolling.

A ghost?!

Hector Dressed-Up Duo Face FC
Alear Dragon Child Face FC

It may have been something else that
she mistook for a ghost, but just in

That could be a problem. Let us give
you a hand.

Hector Dressed-Up Duo Face FC
Alear Dragon Child Face FC

That’s not necessary. You two must
be exhausted from the battle.

We can’t leave an ally alone when
there may be enemies about. If any
ghost appears, we’ll crush it!

Hector Dressed-Up Duo Face FC
Hector Dressed-Up Duo Face

I’ll give that ghost a big surprise. Um...
just like this.


Ahh! Hahaha. That was incredibly
intimidating, Lilina.

Alear Dragon Child Face FC
Ivy Snow Queen Face FC



Alear Dragon Child Face FC
Ivy Snow Queen Face FC

The Divine Dragon is being attacked
by the restless spirits of the dead...a
cloaked hunter and a monstrous cat!

Ivy, wait!

That’s not what’s happening! They’re
not really ghosts. They’re just
wearing harvest-festival costumes!

Alear Dragon Child Face FC
Ivy Snow Queen Face FC

Hold on, Divine One! I’ll go get help!

Everyone! Help! The Divine Dragon
is being attacked!

Vicious ghost are after her! Hurry!

Well, I guess there’s no trying to stop
her now, is there?

Hector Dressed-Up Duo Face FC
Alear Dragon Child Face FC

You can already see lights appearing
in the barracks one after another.

We might as well wait until everyone
is awake so we only have to explain
ourselves once.

Ivy: Snow Queen - A

Background image: 005_CastleSideForest
Ivy Snow Queen Face FC

I am sorry, Divine One...and everyone.
I can’t believe I mistook our allies for
ghosts and woke you all up.

Hahaha! It’s fine! I thought there was
some kind of special event going on!

Alfred Floral Protector Face FC
Diamant Rising Power Face FC

I am just glad there was no enemy
attack. It was startling enough to hear
you screaming like that, Princess Ivy.

I’m so embarrassed. It feels like my
face is on fire. Please, send me back
whence I came. Do it quickly.

Ivy Snow Queen Face FC
Alear Dragon Child Face FC

Absolutely not! I won’t let you go to
the gate to return home.

I should apologize too. I made things
worse by deciding to patrol without
first consulting anyone.

That’s not your fault. You only did
that because I made you think there
might be something wrong.

Not only that, I thought you two were
ghosts. Can you believe that? Even
though you are so cute!

I’m sorry, Hector, Lilina.

Ivy Snow Queen Face FC
Hector Dressed-Up Duo Face

It’s fine, Ivy. I’m not upset, and I
don’t think anyone’s mad at you.

That’s right! Besides, Eliwood and
Lyn aren’t the type to be bothered by
a little lost sleep!

Hector Dressed-Up Duo Face FC
Ivy Snow Queen Face FC


I’m sure now that the frightening
shadow I saw was merely another
Hero wearing a costume.

I’m afraid I haven’t been very diligent
about meeting new people here.

If I had, I might have known that there
were Heroes going around dressed in
various costumes.


Alear Dragon Child Face FC
Hector Dressed-Up Duo Face FC

If that’s the case, then let’s throw a
welcome party! We can use it to get
to know each other better!

It’s the perfect opportunity, with
Heroes here from the kingdom of
Elusia in your world!

Yes! Let’s get everyone together and
have some fun!

Hector Dressed-Up Duo Face
Alear Dragon Child Face FC

That’s a great idea! What do you
think, Ivy?

Um, yes... It would be nice to formally
meet everyone.

Thank you, Hector and Lilina. I gladly
accept your invitation.

Ivy Snow Queen Face FC
Hector Dressed-Up Duo Face FC

Excellent! It’s settled then. We’ll all
get together on the next full moon!

I’m kind of nervous, but I’m also
looking forward to it.

Ivy Snow Queen Face FC

Ivy: Snow Queen - S

Background image: 002_ForestNight
Alear Dragon Child Face FC

Are you enjoying the party, Ivy?

I am, Divine One. It has given me a
chance to speak with many of the
different Heroes here.

If not for this party, I may never have
seen their faces, unless we fought
together in battle perhaps.

I must remember to thank Hector and
Lilina again.

Ivy Snow Queen Face FC
Timerra Trick or Meat Face FC

It really has been good! I was worried
I might startle you in this outfit, Ivy,

Well, since we got to see each other
here first, I avoided frightening you

I’m always in the dark where I belong,
so I might have surprised you if we
ran into one another by accident.

Alcryst Tender Archer Face FC
Ivy Snow Queen Face FC

I suppose so. I’m glad I was able to
meet you this way, then.

I know everyone here is an ally, but
some Heroes have a very imposing
presence. I need to get used to that.

I saw someone earlier who was quite
pale, as if she had returned from the
brink of death, and soaking wet.

That’s strange. Is there a Hero like
that around here?

Alear Dragon Child Face FC
Timerra Trick or Meat Face FC

Not that I know of. I’m pretty sure I
memorized the faces of everyone in
the Order of Heroes.

I am a bit of a wet rag...emotionally,
that is, but it wasn’t me.

Alcryst Tender Archer Face FC
Ivy Snow Queen Face FC

Really? This doesn’t sound familiar to
any of you?

Wouldn’t it be funny if it was actually
a real ghost this time?

Timerra Trick or Meat Face FC
Ivy Snow Queen Face FC

A ghost is nothing to laugh about!

Wait! There she is again! Do you
see her?!

Oh! There really is a Hero walking
around soaking wet!

Alear Dragon Child Face FC
Ivy Snow Queen Face FC

You can see her too? Does that mean
we’re all seeing the same...ghost?

Oh no! Our eyes met! She’s coming
this way!


Ah... Wait a minute? You’re...

I finally get to meet the other me
wearing my usual attire.

Ivy Tidal Breeze Face FC
Ivy Snow Queen Face FC

Me? Though that’s not something I
would normally wear...and why are
you all wet?

I got so excited when I heard the
Divine Dragon would be at the party
that I went for a swim to calm down.

Only I forgot to bring a towel, so I
came looking for something to dry off
with. I’m a bit chilly now.

Ivy Tidal Breeze Face FC
Ivy Snow Queen Face FC

I see... You shouldn’t frighten a
person like that.

Now you’re just overreacting...

Oh, and the shadow you were calling
sinister—I’m afraid that was me too.

Ivy Tidal Breeze Face FC
Ivy Snow Queen Face FC


The shadow that started all of this
was you?!

Alear Dragon Child Face FC
Ivy Tidal Breeze Face FC

I wanted to see the other Hero who
looked like me, but I didn’t want to
alarm you if we came face to face.

I decided to cover myself in a black
cloth to hide. I didn’t intend to be
seen and cause all this commotion.

So that’s all it was... I’m sorry. I even
said you were creepy and strange,
not realizing that you were me.

Ivy Snow Queen Face FC
Ivy Tidal Breeze Face FC


If another me ever shows up here, I’ll
be sure to greet her cheerfully and in
a brightly lit area.

Ivy Snow Queen Face FC
Ivy Tidal Breeze Face FC

That seems like a better approach.

Now then, I suppose I should get to
enjoying the party, with you by my
side of course, Divine One.

Hold on. The Divine Dragon is
with me.

Ivy Snow Queen Face FC
Alear Dragon Child Face FC

Hahaha... Please don’t fight over me.
You’re both Ivy.

Besides, there will be at least one
more me coming by later.

← Citrinne Kagetsu →
Thaw of Knowledge
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
