Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I'm Takumi, a prince of Hoshido and wielder of the divine Fujin Yumi. Which makes me pretty useful, I'd say.

白夜王国の王子、タクミだ。 一応…風神弓を継承してるよ。 僕だって強いんだからな。

Movie[ | ]

Need me? All right. I'll help.

僕の力が必要なの? まったく、仕方ないね

Castle[ | ]

So, you've got a divine weapon too? Looks like it's hard to aim. But it really isn't for battle, is it?

へえ、あんたの神器も撃つものなんだ。 最初は狙いを定めるのに苦労するよね… …ってそれ、実戦じゃ使えないんだっけ。

My retainers are Hinata and Oboro. They work hard, so I'm glad they know how to relax.
Honestly, I can't help spoiling those two.

僕の臣下はヒナタとオボロっていうんだ。 真面目で気のいい奴らだから… いつもつい、甘えてしまうんだよね。

I heard you can't fight, so you can count on matter what some people say behind my back.

あんたは戦えないって聞いたから、 戦場では守ってあげてもいいよ。 な、なんだよ。僕なんかじゃ頼りない?

I like the food of my homeland. Especially miso soup. Maybe you and I can cook something up like that.

この世界に味噌汁ってないのかな。 故郷の味が懐かしくなっちゃってさ… 興味があるなら一緒に作らないか?

I always keep my Fujin Yumi nice and polished. I'm only as good as my weapon. Best to keep it in top shape.

風神弓の手入れをしてたんだ。 僕の実力はこいつ頼みだからね… 壊れてもらうわけにはいかないんだよ。

Friend greeting[ | ]

I'm here to give you a fine hello from 【Friend】.
Now, you be sure to stay in touch.

【Friend】からの挨拶、 ちゃんと伝えたからね。 せいぜい仲良くしなよ?

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Phew! Nice growth! What a relief.

ここまで強くなれば 文句ないだろ?

+[2,3] points[ | ]

All right. Not bad. Not bad at all!

兄さんや姉さんたちより 強くなれるかな…

+[0,1] points[ | ]

What? It happens!

…なんだよ。 たまにはこういうこともあるよ。

Ally Growth[ | ]

Heh. Nice to see that you're really taking an interest.

新しい力を身につけたよ。 僕のこと、見直した?

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

I've been wondering... How do you think of me? Am I just another Hero to you?
Not that it matters to me. Just curious. But I feel like you acknowledge me and my skill.
If you didn't, why would you spend so much time looking out for me? ...I appreciate that, by the way.
I guess that's all I ever wanted— to be acknowledged for my own abilities. Thank you.
Now just you watch—I'll be the strongest Hero you've ever known.

あのさ、【Summoner】。 あんたにとって僕はどんな英雄? 少しは思い入れがあったりするの?
…別に、ちょっと聞いてみただけ。 ただの自惚れかもしれないけど、 あんたは僕を認めてくれてるみたいだから。
そうじゃないとここまで僕のこと、 傍に置いて手をかけたりしないだろ? …感謝してるんだよ、一応。
あんたは僕の欲しかったものをくれたから。 悔しいけど…思い入れがあるのは 僕のほうなのかもね。
たぶんこの先ずっと忘れないぐらい… 僕はあんたを特別に思ってる。 どんな英雄より強くなるから、見ていて。

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Oh, that's it!
Die already!
I'll shoot you down!
You'll never hit this target!
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
By you?!
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Hmmm. ★
Must be nice to have free time. Oh, sorry, I didn't mean that. ★
I have nightmares that you wouldn't believe. I wish they'd go away. ★
Don't worry. I'll obliterate anyone who gets in our way! ★
Were you happy to see me when I showed up? Hope so. ★
I have to get stronger! Way stronger! More than my siblings, anyway. ★
Are Hinata and Oboro around? Not that I need them to relax or anything. ★
Heh, nice to be needed. But nice to get compliments too. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ええと… ★
ふふっ、あんたヒマなんだろ ★
昔からさ、夢見がよくないんだよね ★
鬱陶しい相手なんて、この僕がぶっ潰してあげるよ ★
ねえ、僕が来たとき…嬉しいって思ってくれた? ★
強くなりたいんだ、他のきょうだいたちよりも… ★
ヒナタとオボロはいる? 別に…いないと落ち着かないってだけ ★
こうやって頼られると、悪い気しないな。 また褒めてくれるなら、頑張ってあげてもいいよ。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
On it.
Let's go.
Audio Transcription

Resplendent Hero[ | ]

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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Right through the target!
I never miss!
Embrace death!
Meet your end.
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I feel...death's grip...
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
This outfit is...different. It's supposedly from a place called Hel, if you can believe that. ★
Whoa! No need to sneak up on me like that. If you want my attention, just say so. ★
Hoshidan attire is superior, no question, but I figured I'd try this on. ★
If you're searching for an archer, look no further. Even among all these Heroes, I'm still the best with a bow and arrow. ★
Just throwing the idea out there...but have you ever thought of ditching that hood? I can barely see your face. ★
The Realm of the Dead? does sound intimidating. But some say that death is a peaceful release... ★
Death is breathing down our necks, but I'll keep it from catching you for as long as I can. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふう ★
何だか変な恰好させられてさ。ヘルって国の衣装なんだって。 ★
うわっ! もう…話しかけるなら普通にしてよ。 ★
白夜の装束が一番だけど、たまにはこういうのもいいかな。 ★
弓の腕ならここの英雄の中でもいいところいく自信があるよ。 ★
あんたは着替えないの? もうちょっとこう、顔が見えやすい服とか。 ★
死の国か…恐ろしいけど、どこか魅かれてしまうものだね。 ★
死は常に僕たちの傍にある。でも、あんたに近づけさせはしない。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Alright, I'm ready.
Just say when.
I can handle it.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Takumi: Wild Card has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

Takumi. I’m a prince of Hoshido—
a second prince, like you.

Takumi: Wild Card,
Unworked Pride/Alcryst: Tender Archer