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To accompany the start of Bound Hero Battle: Leif & Altena, Leif: Prince of Leonster, Altena: Luminous Rider, and Quan: Luminous Lancer will be part of a 5★ summoning focus!
Your first summon in this event won't cost any Orbs!
Tap More for additional information about this event.
• Heroes with different illustrations and epithets are treated as different Heroes even if they are the same character. As such, you cannot use them with Merge Allies.
• To view summoning details, you can tap on List of Heroes at the bottom of the related notification message or tap on Appearance Rates in the Summon menu.
Learning Skills
• You can help Heroes learn skills by going to Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.
• Some skills can only be learned after raising a Hero's ★ rating.
Quan's son. He was hiding in Fiana
but rose up after an attack by imperial
forces. Appears in Fire Emblem:
Thracia 776.
Skills learnable at 5★:
Light Brand
Mt: 16 Range: 1
Grants Def+3. If foe's Def ≥ foe's Res+5,
deals +7 damage.
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
Blazing Light
Cooldown: 4
Before combat this unit initiates, foes
in an area near target take damage equal
to 1.5 x (unit's Atk minus foe's Def or Res).
Cannot use:
Steady Blow 2
If unit initiates combat, grants Spd/Def+4 during
Cannot use:
S Drink
At the start of turn 1, restores 99 HP and
grants Special cooldown count-1.
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
Drive Atk 2
Grants Atk+3 to allies within 2 spaces during
"I need to get stronger, so I was drilling with my sword. I'm the descendant of one of the 12 crusaders, after all."
Daughter of Quan and Ethlyn, and inheritor of
the Gáe Bolg. She was raised by her family's
enemy, Travant. Appears in Fire Emblem:
Genealogy of the Holy War.
Skills learnable at 5★:
Earthly Gáe Bolg
Mt: 16 Range: 1
Grants Def+3. In combat against an infantry,
armored, or cavalry foe, inflicts Atk/Def-5 on
foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Def
(from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
Cooldown: 2
Boosts damage by 30% of damage dealt to unit.
Cannot use:
Sturdy Stance 2
If foe initiates combat, grants Atk/Def+4
during combat.
Cannot use:
Brash Assault 3
If unit initiates combat against a foe that
can counter and unit's HP ≤ 50%, unit
makes a guaranteed follow-up attack.
"When I'm bearing a divine weapon, forgotten memories begin to surface. A gentle gaze, a tender touch..."
Prince of Leonster and inheritor of the lance
Gáe Bolg. Husband of Ethlyn, the younger sister
of his close friend Sigurd. Appears in Fire
Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.
Skills learnable at 5★:
Gáe Bolg
Mt: 16 Range: 1
In combat against an infantry, armored, or
cavalry foe, grants Atk/Def+5 during combat.
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
Rally Spd/Def+
Range: 1
Grants Spd/Def+6 to target ally for 1 turn.
Cannot use:
Draconic Aura
Cooldown: 3
Boosts damage by 30% of unit's Atk.
Cannot use:
Steady Posture 2
If foe initiates combat, grants Spd/Def+4 during
Cannot use:
Drive Atk 2
Grants Atk+3 to allies within 2 spaces during
"The sense of calm I feel here brings me back to my days at the academy. Back then, my friends and I made a vow to one another..."