Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Fiora: Airborne Warrior - C

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC

Hello, Princess Fjorm. May I speak
with you?

Of course, Fiora. What's the matter?

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC

Perhaps it's not my place to say, but
I have made some...observations.
About you.

Specifically, I've observed that your
skirt is quite...revealing.

Revealing? You think so? I hadn't
even considered...

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain
Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC

It may not be too much for you,
personally, but it is unbecoming
of a military commander.

How could my skirt possibly be
relevant to my...command?

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC

The Order of Heroes has an image.
The troops need to know they can
take their leader seriously.

That's...true enough...

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC

Others among our forces, like the
dancers, can dress to their taste
and mood, but you are royalty.

Now that I think of it, there are others
among the nobility I may need to
speak to about this as well.

Um, right...

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC

This MUST be corrected! Think of...
Think of the example it sets for my
younger sisters!

Ah... Forgive me, Princess. Perhaps
I've gotten a little carried away.
I will take my leave now. Farewell.

Fiora's quite a...serious person.

Even so, I wonder whether she may
have a point...

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Fiora: Airborne Warrior - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC

Princess Fjorm, may I have another
moment of your time?

Oh, Fiora. I...suppose there's no harm
in that...

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC

What are your feelings regarding
interpersonal relationships among
our Heroes?

Do you think these relationships can
affect their performance in battle?

Yes, of course. Friendship and trust
help them fight more effectively.
It's nice that everyone gets along...

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC

I agree that trust is essential among
soldiers on the battlefield.

But when it goes beyond friendship...
When it becomes...romantic...
There is a problem of dual loyalty.

Um, Fiora... You don't need to stand
so close... I can hear you just fine...

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain
Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC

Apologies. I've gotten carried away
again. My point stands, however.

Love affairs between Heroes only
court tragedy at the expense of
the mission at hand.

I think that...probably depends on
the couple, doesn't it?

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC

No, Princess Fjorm. Love is absolute.
When your love is in danger, you'll do
anything—anything!—to save them.

I suppose you may have a...point?
Fiora, you're breathing in my face...

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC

Apologies. But you can see the need
for stricter regulation on romantic
partnerships, can you not?

We must take steps to make sure that
those who have...feelings for one
another remain...separated.

Yes, we must make absolutely certain
no one attempts a reckless, romantic
rescue in the heat of battle!

Princess Fjorm, will you join me in
scouring this castle for the slightest
sign of illicit romance?!


Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain

Fiora: Airborne Warrior - A

Background image: 001 BraveInside
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

So, um... How exactly do we...scour
this castle for any sign of illicit
romance, as you put it?

Simple. We search for pairs of people
who are getting too friendly with one
another, and we break them up.

I have a big, loud whistle that's sure
to do the trick. Let's start with those
two, right there!

Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC
Shigure Uplifting Artist Face FC

Askr's art never ceases to amaze.
There is such soul, such depth of
feeling in these images...

I feel the same way. Artists in Ylisse
are talented as well, but we have
nothing approaching this...verve.

Libra Fetching Friar Face FC
Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC

Do you see this brazen intimacy?!
It's enough to make you jealous!
I mean furious! We must intervene!

Hold it right there! I've been waiting
AGES to witness this perfect pairing!
Don't you DARE interrupt!

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain

This day was already weird...but now
there appears to be a talking barrel...

This is the juiciest, steamiest moment
and I won't have you ruin it! Back off!

Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC

This is what we came here to ruin.
A romance this beautiful cannot
be permitted to exist!

Please don't argue with the talking
barrel... You're only encouraging it...

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain

I will not be deprived of the love

Honestly, I think Shigure and Libra
are just having a deep conversation
about art...

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC

Truly? Well, in that case, I rescind
my objection.

Wait a second—no! Art is one of the
most romantic conversation topics
in existence! This cannot stand!

I think you're too late, Fiora. They're
already gone. And the talking barrel
seems to have disappeared as well...

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC

Then it seems we're all alone here,
doesn't it? Well...

Well—we cannot allow such disarray
to plague the Order of Heroes! Come
along, Princess! We have work to do!

Fiora: Airborne Warrior - S

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

I can't help but notice, Fiora, that
after all these trips around the castle,
you haven't blown that whistle once.

Indeed. Before I interrupt, I wish to
be certain. It wouldn't do to mistake
a pair of siblings for a couple...

Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

That is true. We must also remember
that the Heroes come from a wide
variety of worlds and cultures.

It is difficult to judge the nature of a
relationship by appearances alone.

Perhaps you have a point...
All the same, I...

Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Fiora... Love is perfectly natural.
And it can be one of the most
wonderful things in the world.

Don't you think it's a bit harsh to
try to forbid it entirely?

You think it's...wonderful?

Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Of course! And it can be empowering
to be in love with someone, both on
and off the battlefield.

Look at Lord Pent and Lady Louise,
for instance. They are much stronger
fighting side by side.

Yes, I...suppose that's so.

Perhaps I have simply been too
focused on imposing regulations.

Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Have you begun to reconsider then?

Thanks to you, Princess Fjorm...
Yes, I believe I have.

Incidentally... If you'll indulge my
curiosity... You seem quite confident
about the empowering nature of love.

Do you have much...experience
in the matter?

Is there, perhaps, someone who has
caught your eye? Someone you are
developing feelings for as we speak?

Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain

What? N-no! I was just...speaking in
broad terms, that's all. My heart is...
not yet ready to give itself away...

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

In any event, it was very nice talking
with you, and I'm glad you've finally
come around, so, um... Farewell!

← Erk Farina →
Study in Crimson
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
