Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Saul: Loving Shepherd - C

Background image: 005_Castle
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

I am grateful that the divine has seen
fit to bring me into contact with such
a charming young lady as you.

The divine? Niðavellir doesn’t bother
with any of that. We rely on seiðjárn
technology instead.

Reginn Bearing Hope Face FC
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

Is that so? In that case, perhaps you
would be curious to learn a little
about Saint Elimine.

She is quite popular among young
ladies like you—said to grant the
wishes of all who pray to her.

I don’t really get what you’re saying.
Whatever it is, though, I can tell you
it doesn’t interest me. Sorry, bye!

Reginn Bearing Hope Face FC
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

I would be happy to explain it! Ah, no
use. What a strange metal steed she
rode away on...

In a hurry to escape you, was she?
My condolences.

Azama Carefree Monk Face FC
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

Ah...yes, I am sorry you had to see
that. Fortune does not favor me
today, it would seem.

Oh, no need to apologize to me.
I was just enjoying the spectacle.

I’ve never seen a holy man using his
faith to court a woman. You must be
very brave.

Azama Carefree Monk Face FC
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

I would thank you, but I get the sense
that was not a compliment.

May I ask who you are, exactly?

My name is Azama. I’m a simple
monk, not unlike you.

Although, to be frank, the idea of a
personal divinity is kind of ridiculous
to me.

Anyway, I’ve been looking for you.

Azama Carefree Monk Face FC
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

Have you, now...

Saul: Loving Shepherd - B

Background image: 005_Castle
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

You said you were looking for me.
May I ask why?

I noticed some posters being put up
around the castle. These are yours,
aren’t they?

“Come, one and all! Pledge yourself
to Saint Elimine and all of your
problems will be solved!”

“A limited-time offer you will not want
to miss! Speak to Father Saul of the
Eliminean church for details.”

Azama Carefree Monk Face FC
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

Yes, those are mine.

I suppose you came here to fill
Bishop Yoder’s role of lecturing
me, then?

Oh, I don’t know who this is. This
Saint Elimine must be someone very
special, though.

Since she can grant any wish, I was
thinking I could join up and ask her
to make me a better healer.

Azama Carefree Monk Face FC
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

I see. Well, there is just one problem
with that.

I have no interest in teaching the faith
of Saint Elimine to a man.


Azama Carefree Monk Face FC
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

I find I have a far better rapport with
women, so I am only accepting ladies
as followers. Sorry to mislead you.

But I’m a lost soul asking for your aid!
You’re really going to turn me away?

Azama Carefree Monk Face FC
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

Whatever you are actually after here,
I get the distinct sense you are not
nearly so lost as you are letting on.

But we are in a world of endless
possibilities. Perhaps another version
of you is a charming young lady?

If so, I would happily admit her into
the faith. Until then, however, I am
afraid I cannot help you. So long.

Hmm. You’d think he’d at least be a
little happy to have a new devotee,
even if it were a man.

No one with real spiritual conviction
picks and chooses followers based
on something like that.

I don’t think this fellow’s faith is
genuine at all...

Azama Carefree Monk Face FC

Saul: Loving Shepherd - A

Background image: 005_Castle
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

Are you actually calling my faith into
question? I assure you, regardless of
what you might say, I am a priest.

Saint Elimine brings hope and light to
the world, and I am proud to be
her servant.

Then why not share that hope and
light with me?

Azama Carefree Monk Face FC
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

“Those who blindly follow scripture
and ignore their hearts are puppets.
The true gift from above is free will.”

Those are the words of Saint Elimine.
They are words I live by.

When I choose how and to whom
I preach, I am exercising my free will.

I guess that’s one way to look at what
you’re doing.

Azama Carefree Monk Face FC
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

What about you? Practically begging
to cast aside one faith for another—
is that piety, in your view?

Oh, I’m not pious at all. The only
reason I’m even a monk is that
my family maintains a shrine.

Azama Carefree Monk Face FC
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

You could at least have the decency
not to smile when you admit that.

Preaching is nothing more than
sharing wisdom and knowledge.

I like the feeling of capturing people’s
hearts. I enjoy it when my sermon
puts a twinkle in someone’s eye.

Nothing about that requires me to
believe in anything.

Azama Carefree Monk Face FC
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

I cannot imagine a worse priest
than you.

Fascinating! I was thinking precisely
the same thing, but about you!

So, since we have so much in
common, why not teach me all
about Saint Elimine?

Azama Carefree Monk Face FC
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC


Ah! Healers! Perfect timing—you two
are exactly what we need!

Merlinus Pheraes Clerk Face FC
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

Merlinus? You seem distraught.
Has something happened?

The mountain village to the west has
been attacked by bandits. There have
been many injuries.

I am about to get a wagon and make
my way there. Would you be willing
to lend a hand?

Merlinus Pheraes Clerk Face FC
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

It sounds urgent. Yes, of course.

I’ll come along as well. May we ride
with you?

Azama Carefree Monk Face FC
Merlinus Pheraes Clerk Face FC

Oh, thank you so much! Yes, come
with me, and we will depart with
all haste!

Saul: Loving Shepherd - S

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

There, that should do it. Get some
rest, and you will be fine.

Next? Ah... That looks painful. Allow
me to call upon Saint Elimine to take
care of it.

Looks like things are beginning to
settle down on my end. How about
you, Azama?

I’m Kamui, Merlinus’s escort. If you’re
looking for the monk, he went
that way.

Kamui Wandering Blade Face FC
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

Of course. My mistake—the two of
you just look so much alike...

That was awkward. But all men look
alike to me, so I suppose I was telling
the truth...

Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

Is that Azama over there?

There you are, Father. I’d give you a
compliment on your work today, but I
want to hear one from you first.

Azama Carefree Monk Face FC
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

Haha... All right, if you insist. You’ve
obviously done very well.

And you’re a more gifted healer than
I expected, if I’m honest. You saw to
an impressive number of patients.

Interesting that a cavalier approach
to religion doesn’t hinder the help
you seem to get from your divine.

Azama Carefree Monk Face FC
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

I told you already that I actually take
my faith quite seriously.

As we have established, I value my
free will very much. That is why I do
not follow scripture blindly.

I connect with the divine in my own
unique way.

I suppose it’s a matter of perspective.

Azama Carefree Monk Face FC
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

Considering your perspective on
belief, I am surprised you have the
ability to heal anyone at all.

Yet I must admit your patients were
as happy with your treatment as
they would be with divinity itself.

It’s our duty to solve the problems
we encounter. No deity is going to
solve them for us.

But if religious teachings can help
bring people peace of mind, I’ll use
them without hesitation.

Azama Carefree Monk Face FC
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

Since you have such a gift for putting
people’s minds at ease, it would be a
shame if you chose not to use it.

For my part, I borrow the power of
Saint Elimine for the same reason—
even if it is only to benefit women.

Still no plans to share your faith with
a man, I see. But there is something
you should know about me.

Regardless of my perspective on
belief, as you put it, I do still follow
my religion’s teachings.

Azama Carefree Monk Face FC
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

Of course. Forgive my presumption.

Come to think of it, you are in service
to the eldest princess of Hoshido,
are you not?

Yes, although it came to be that way
largely by coincidence. Dare I ask
why you want to know?

Azama Carefree Monk Face FC
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

I just think it would be wonderful if I
could have the opportunity to share
the faith of Saint Elimine with her.

Would you consider arranging a little
meeting for me? Over tea, perhaps?

I understand that your Saint Elimine
prizes free will. Really, I do.

Even so, I have to wonder what she
might say about your behavior...

Azama Carefree Monk Face FC
← Melady Dorothy →
Strength in Service
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
