Heroes' Saga
Medeus, the Shadow Dragon, rose again and sought to restore the Dolhr Empire. The resulting invasion led to the loss of both Altea's king and the sacred blade Falchion. The young Prince Marth was forced to flee, but at the behest of Princess Nyna of Archanea, he returns to recapture his homeland...
かつて神剣ファルシオンにより倒された 暗黒竜メディウスが蘇りドルーア帝国を再興 抗ったアリティア王と神剣は失われた 息子であるマルス王子は祖国を追われ 辺境の島国に落ちのびていたが アカネイアの王女ニーナの呼びかけに応じ 祖国奪還のために立ち上がる
1st Act
Planning to travel first to Archanea and then to Altea, Marth learns that his mother has been killed—and that his sister was nowhere to be found. What's more, that Dark Pontifex Gharnef made off with the sword Falchion. Thus, Marth marched toward Dolhr to recover both his sister and his father's sword...
マルスは破竹の勢いで進軍し アカネイア そして祖国アリティアを奪還する しかし母は殺され 城に残った姉の姿もない ファルシオンを持ち去ったのは 暗黒司祭ガーネフであるという ファルシオンを そして姉を追い求め マルスはドルーア帝国を目指す
2nd Act
In the Fane of Raman, storehouse of ancient treasure, Marth saved a manakete who was under the influence of the Dark Pontifex's control. This manakete was the last surviving member of the Divine Dragon tribe, and she decided to grant her aid, allowing Marth to gain both the Lightsphere and the Starsphere...
古の秘宝が眠るという神竜の神殿で マルスは暗黒司祭に操られていた 竜人族の少女を救い 光と星のオーブを手に入れる 彼女は神竜王一族の ただひとりの生き残りであった
3rd Act
Long ago, the dragon tribe was punished by the gods, and they had to seal their true forms within stones so the people could live in peace. Medeus upended the peace, founding the Dolhr Empire and declaring war on humankind. The Divine Dragon Naga created Falchion from her fang, and the first king of Altea used it to defeat Medeus...
かつて竜人族たちは神の罰を受け 竜の本性を石に封じ平和に暮らしていた しかしメディウスがドルーア帝国を建国し 人間に戦争を挑んだ 神竜王は自らの牙でファルシオンを造り アリティアの建国王はそれをもって メディウスを倒したといわれていた
4th Act
Gharnef was lying in wait at the ancient temple of Thabes. Facing him in battle, Marth was confronted with the challenge of Gharnef's dark magic, which nullified all attacks they sent against him. But with the pairing of the Lightsphere and Starsphere, his dark magic was broken, and Marth reclaimed Falchion and reunited with his sister. At long last, only one final hurdle remained...
古代の神殿で待ち受けていたガーネフには 暗黒魔法によって攻撃が届かず マルスたちは苦戦するが 彼らは 光と星のオーブで 暗黒魔法を封じ ガーネフからファルシオンを取り戻す 囚われていた姉とも再会し マルスは いよいよ最終決戦へ臨む
Final Act
Marth rode into Dolhr, Falchion in hand, and struck down the Shadow Dragon Medeus. With him died the Empire itself, its dark influence retreating from the land. The long War of Shadows had finally come to an end, and hope had been restored to Archanea.
ドルーア帝国へ乗り込んだマルスは ファルシオンを手に暗黒竜メディウスを倒し 帝国の野望は闇へと消え去った 長きにわたる暗黒戦争はここに終結 アカネイア大陸は再興への道を 歩むこととなる