Annaアンナ | So, the unthinkable has finally come to pass... | お金がない!! |
What was that, Commander? Is there something amiss? | アンナ隊長… いきなり何ですか? | Alfonseアルフォンス |
Annaアンナ | It pains me to admit this, but... the Order of Heroes is broke! The Kingdom of Askr does provide a sizable stipend, of course, but it can only stretch so thin! | お金がないのよ。 我が特務機関には! アスク王国からの予算だけじゃ ギリギリどころか 赤字よ、赤字! |
It is true that we've been seeing a LOT of new faces around here recently, isn't it... | 今までに英雄さんたち、 たーっくさん 呼んじゃいましたからね! | Sharenaシャロン |
Annaアンナ | YES! I mean... Yes. Exactly! And maybe some of them would like to see a bit more of the action. I think it's about time we put all those Heroes to work. To, er... leverage our resources! Who's out scouting lore? Maybe it's time to focus on the here and now... Or at the very least the here! Our own world is rich with histories, and there are libraries and museums that'd pay handsomely for them. | そこで、 ここはその英雄たちにも 力を貸してもらおうと思うの。 異界に探索に出て、 資金になりそうなものを 集めてもらいましょう。 英雄同士の親睦も深められるし、 いい考えでしょ? |
I suppose it would be beneficial to have an independent source of supplementary income... | 申し訳ない気もするけれど… 仕方ないですね。 | Alfonseアルフォンス |
Annaアンナ | I knew you'd see it my way! In that case, I leave the details in your able hands, 【Summoner】 . | やったあ! じゃあ、【Summoner】 後はお願いね。 |
Annaアンナ | Just get those Heroes out scouting for any books that appear valuable. Our future depends on those funds! | 英雄を探索に出して お宝をじゃんじゃん 集めてもらって来てちょうだい! |