Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Fogado: Affable Prince - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

Ouch... That was embarrassing! Not
like me to lose my footing while I’m
on the hunt.

It was a mistake to travel deep into a
forest I’m not familiar with. Especially
since I just arrived in this world.

I let my prey get away, and I’m rather
far from the base. *sigh* I’m not sure
what to do now...

Hey, are you OK? Are you hurt?

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

Huh? Whoa! You’re...

Sorry if I startled you. I’m Lissa.

I’m out here searching for something
for the other Heroes.

I saw you crouched down and was
worried maybe you were hurt.

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

Oh yeah? Thanks! I’m Fogado.
I just arrived from Elyos.

I was chasing some prey and didn’t
watch my step.

Looks painful. Here, I’ll heal you
right up.

Soothing briliance... Heal!

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

Oh! Much better! The pain is all gone!
You’re a lifesaver, Lissa!

It was nothing. I could never neglect
someone in need...

I’m a member of the Shepherds,
after all!

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC


Yes! Anywhere there’s trouble, we
swoop in and solve it, just like that!

Always feel free to ask me or the
other Shepherds for help!

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Maribelle Dire Damsel Face FC

I’ve located it, Lissa. This here is the
stuffed dragon!

Isn’t that right, Stahl?

Uh-huh. It matches the description
of the client’s lost possession.

Stahl Viridian Knight Face FC
Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC

Yay! Our work here is finished, then.
Let’s inform the owner right away.

All righty then, we’ll be heading back.
You’d better be careful too, Fogado.
Don’t push yourself too hard!

You got it! Thanks!

The Shepherds sound a bit like
the Sentinels back in Solm.

They even took on a request to track
down something for someone, just
like we would.

I feel a connection with them already!
I need to go find them and say
thanks again!

Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

Fogado: Affable Prince - B

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

Ah! I found the Shepherds’ tent.

The huge banner hanging over the
entrance makes it very easy to spot.

There’s another banner over here...
”Chrom wants you.” Huh. That’s a
strange slogan.

Oh! You’re the one from before...
Fogado, right?

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

Lissa! We meet again! I came looking
for you because I wanted to say
thanks for your help.

I went into town and bought some
snacks for you. Share them with
the rest of the Shepherds!

This is a lot of stuff! I told you not to
worry about it. We’re glad to help.
Still, I’m sure they’ll enjoy this.

Thanks so much!

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

Your group’s banner is great. I love
how much it stands out!

Oh, I hadn’t noticed the slogan! “For
milady, Lissa.” Does that mean you?
If you’re getting called milady, then...

I am, more or less, the princess of
Ylisse, yes.

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

Really?! Wow. I’m the price of Solm,
and I formed the Sentinels.

Seriously?! I didn’t know royals from
other worlds formed civilian defense
corps too!

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

That’s what I was thinking about you!
Say, if you’re a princess, does that
mean you’ll be the queen of Ylisse?

Nope. My brother is heir to the
throne, not me.

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

I see, I see. Solm is ruled by a queen,
so my older sister will be the one to
take over the throne.

Wow. We’re a lot alike! Even our
positions in life are the same!

Like two peas in a pod. I’m glad we
got to meet! I’d love to introduce
you to the other Shepherds...

Oh my! I just noticed your pupils.
They’re so sparkly and pretty.

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

Well, thank you. I’ve had folks tell me
they’re like a starry desert night...and
by folks, I mean friends and family!

Downside is they could cause trouble
if I need to be incognito.

Why is that?

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

Well, some people know that only the
Solm royals have sparkles like these.

Oh, like our Brands? Interesting.

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

Brands? Is that something in Ylisse—
Could you show me? That is, if you
don’t mind.

Hm! I-I... Um...

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC


I’m sorry, Fogado. I forgot I have
Shepherd duties to attend to.
I have to go now!

Let’s chat again some other time!

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

Huh? She just took off?

I wonder if I said something that
I shouldn’t have.

Fogado: Affable Prince - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

Lissa! Hey, I’m glad I found you!


Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

Sorry about before. You just took off,
so I was wondering if you could tell
me if I did something wrong.

No, you didn’t do anything wrong.
I should be the one apologizing for
my sudden departure.

I couldn’t help myself after we
started talking about Brands. I guess
I should tell you...

I...don’t have a Brand.

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

I see.

That used to really bother me. I kind
of wondered if I wasn’t really a part
of my family.

It took me a long time before that
doubt cleared up. Even so, I don’t
have a Brand.

Hahaha... I admit, I was pretty jealous
of you earlier.

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

I’m so sorry. I had no idea...

No! Not at all! If anything, I was happy
to hear you say we’re so similar.

But...I’m not the one you’re like.
That would be my brother.

He’s a prince, has a defense corps...

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

And has a Brand?

Sure, we’re the same when it comes
to that...but I still wouldn’t say we’re
really much alike.


Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

Well, because I won’t become a king.


Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

I think there are people who can be
rulers, and those who can’t. I don’t
know anything about that pressure...

My sister does. She’ll be shouldering
all of that. All I can do is support her
from the sidelines as family.

But you and I have a lot in common.
We both have royal siblings, and we
serve in a civilian defense corps.

True. You’ll support your sister, and
I’ll be supporting my brother in the
same way.

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

And, you know how you said you’re
jealous of me? Well, I’ve been jealous
of you too.

Huh?! Wh-why?!

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

With no markings, you can avoid
danger. Mine are hard to spot
from a distance, but easy up close.

I’ve almost been abducted because
of them, and I’ve even almost
been killed!


Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

I like my eyes, how they look.
But they’re more trouble than
they’re worth.

I’ve wondered many times what it’d
be like not to have these sparkles.

I’d be able to aid my sister behind the
scenes more if it weren’t for them.


I guess I didn’t think about it like that.
If I had a Brand, I may have gotten
into trouble, like you.

Still, if I’m honest, I do sometimes
wish for a Brand of my own.
I can’t help it.

Just now, when you said you’d be
able to serve your sister more
without those sparkly eyes...

I realize I’ve got an advantage that
can help me help my brother...
And that makes me feel proud.

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

You should feel proud! I’ll never
have that, no matter how much
I long for it.

But hearing what you had to say...
You’ve convinced me to try and
treasure these eyes more.

Thanks for the talk, Lissa.

No, thank you.

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

With that said, I hope you know
there are no hard feelings.

Of course! I have a lot of things
I’d like to discuss with you.

How about we introduce the
Sentinels to the Shepherds?

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

That sounds fun! Let’s have a party!

What kind of fun things do the
Shepherds enjoy?

Fogado: Affable Prince - S

Background image: EvBg_NightPlain
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

Phew! Everyone is really having a
good time! Are you enjoying the
party, Lissa?

Very much! I’m glad I could get
well acquainted with all of
the Sentinels!

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

Few of us have been summoned yet.
Most folks here are just allies of the
Divine Dragon, not Sentinels.

I can’t wait for you to meet them.
Especially this friend of mine who
is an amazing cook!

I can’t wait! The meat Timerra
prepared was delicious.

I’m usually not into bear meat, but
she made me want a second helping.

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

Lapis brought down the bear. Maybe
she has a way with draining blood.

That said, Frederick was running
away too, so who knows...

Haha! Chrom and Robin both love
bear meat though. I’m happy they
ate so much of it.

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

I’m glad they enjoyed it.

The two of them helped us in our
world as Emblems. They lived in
a bracelet.

I chatted with Chrom sometimes. He
said having a party with everyone
sounded like it could be a lot of fun.

Tonight, I feel like it really happened!
It makes me really happy.

Chrom and Robin were in Elyos?!
Wow! I’m really proud to be able
to say I know them!

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC


What’s wrong, Fogado?

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

Meeting everyone and enjoying the
party kind of made me forget about
the war we’re in the middle of.

Once this is over, we’ll all go home.
I’ll have to say goodbye to you...
I feel lonely already.

I get how you feel. I think about that
sometimes too. I don’t want to part
ways with everyone either.

But given what lies ahead, it’s be a
waste of a party to think too much
about it tonight.

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

You’re right! I’ll ruin the fun if I
keep being so glum.

Hahaha, now I know you can get
all contemplative, even if you look
happy! We’re similar in that way too.

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

What do you do when you are feeling
this way?

If I’m not in battle, I take a breather.
There’s nobody in Askr who can best
me when it comes to taking breaks.

And I play pranks. Like putting frogs
down the back of people’s shirts...

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

Oh, I’m going to try that! Haha.
I wonder if that’ll upset the
Divine Dragon.

If they do, just say you’re helping
morale, or run faster than them.
Either way, the mood’s lightened!

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

Haha, I guess so. Just imagining you
doing that made me feel a little
bit better.

Hey, if it’s not too much trouble, can
I come to you for more advice if I
need it? Pleeease, oh wise one?

G-gosh. Can’t say no to that! You can
always depend on ol’ Lissa!

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

Thanks! I’ll definitely be relying on
you for prank ideas!

Well, it’s about time we get back to
the party. Let’s make this a night
to remember for everyone!

I’ll always remember tonight, even if
we never meet again.

And I’ll always remember you,
my sparkly-eyed friend!

Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC
Fogado Affable Prince Face FC

And I promise not to forget the
Shepherds, or you.

You’ll all always be in my heart!

← Merrin Pandreo →
Spirits Ablaze
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
