Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Special Maps are bonus maps that do not contribute to the story of Fire Emblem Heroes, but instead offer unique rewards such as Heroes of various rarities, Orb Orbs and many other Items. Most of these maps have special win conditions, and have quests attached to them.

Current Special Maps[ | ]

MapSpecial Map TypeRewardsAvailability
Banner T0184
Empty Space GHB
Y & E: Bound Hero Battle
Bound Hero BattleOrb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
Banner L0079
Empty Space GHB
Sigurd: Of the Holy War
Emblem Hero BattleDivine Code Part 5 20 (Normal)
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
Accessory Gold Falconine HelmetFrame 1Pane 1 (Abyssal)
Banner L0076
Empty Space GHB
Celica: Of Echoes
Emblem Hero BattleDivine Code Part 5 20 (Normal)
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
Accessory Gold Ethereal TiaraFrame 1Pane 1 (Abyssal)
Banner L0071
Empty Space GHB
M & L: Bound Hero Battle
Emblem & Mythic Hero BattleLight Blessing 1 (Normal)
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
Accessory Gold Quality RibbonFrame 1Pane 1 (Abyssal)
Banner L0069
Empty Space GHB
G & K: Bound Hero Battle
Double Mythic Hero BattleAnima Blessing 1Dark Blessing 1 (Normal)
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
Accessory Gold Dire NotebookFrame 1Pane 1 (Abyssal)
Banner L0064
Empty Space GHB
Guinivere: Queen of Bern
Legendary Hero BattleWater Blessing 1 (Normal)
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
Accessory Gold Tropical GarlandFrame 1Pane 1 (Abyssal)
Banner L0063
Empty Space GHB
Hinoka: Thundering Wings
Legendary Hero BattleFire Blessing 1 (Normal)
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
Accessory Gold Happy HibiscusFrame 1Pane 1 (Abyssal)
Banner L0061
Empty Space GHB
Yuri: Underground Lord
Legendary Hero BattleWind Blessing 1 (Normal)
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
Accessory Gold False Taguel EarsFrame 1Pane 1 (Abyssal)
Banner Q0003
Empty Space GHB
Rival Domains: Event Map
Rival DomainsOrb 1 (Normal)
Great Verdant Badge 50 (Hard)
Hero Feather 500 (Lunatic)
Divine Dew 10 (Infernal)

Today's Persistent Maps[ | ]

Special Map Name Special Map Type Rewards Availability
Banner Bows
Empty Space GHB
Bows: Special Training
Special Training Maps Orb 1 (Normal 1)
Orb 1 (Normal 2)
Orb 1 (Hard 1)
Orb 1 (Hard 2)
Orb 1Earth Blessing 1 (Lunatic)
Banner T0095
Empty Space GHB
Veld: Manfroy's Rock
Grand Hero Battle Veld Manfroys Rock Face FCFrame 3Pane 3 (Hard)
Veld Manfroys Rock Face FCFrame 4Pane 4 (Lunatic)
Veld Manfroys Rock Face FCFrame 4Pane 4Hero Feather 2,000 (Infernal)
Banner T0081
Empty Space GHB
Gangrel: Plegia's Mad King
Grand Hero Battle Gangrel Plegias Mad King Face FCFrame 3Pane 3 (Hard)
Gangrel Plegias Mad King Face FCFrame 4Pane 4 (Lunatic)
Gangrel Plegias Mad King Face FCFrame 4Pane 4Hero Feather 2,000 (Infernal)
Banner T0077
Empty Space GHB
Iago: Nohr's Tactician
Grand Hero Battle Iago Nohrs Tactician Face FCFrame 3Pane 3 (Hard)
Iago Nohrs Tactician Face FCFrame 4Pane 4 (Lunatic)
Iago Nohrs Tactician Face FCFrame 4Pane 4Hero Feather 2,000 (Infernal)
Banner T0064
Empty Space GHB
Astram: Midia's Hero
Grand Hero Battle Astram Midias Hero Face FCFrame 3Pane 3 (Hard)
Astram Midias Hero Face FCFrame 4Pane 4 (Lunatic)
Astram Midias Hero Face FCFrame 4Pane 4Hero Feather 2,000 (Infernal)
Banner T0036
Empty Space GHB
Walhart: The Conqueror
Grand Hero Battle Walhart The Conqueror Face FCFrame 3Pane 3 (Hard)
Walhart The Conqueror Face FCFrame 4Pane 4 (Lunatic)
Walhart The Conqueror Face FCFrame 4Pane 4Hero Feather 2,000 (Infernal)
Banner T0023
Empty Space GHB
Oliver: Admirer of Beauty
Grand Hero Battle Oliver Admirer of Beauty Face FCFrame 3Pane 3 (Hard)
Oliver Admirer of Beauty Face FCFrame 4Pane 4 (Lunatic)
Oliver Admirer of Beauty Face FCFrame 4Pane 4Hero Feather 2,000 (Infernal)
Banner T0010
Empty Space GHB
Legion: Masked Maniac
Grand Hero Battle Legion Masked Maniac Face FCFrame 3Pane 3 (Hard)
Legion Masked Maniac Face FCFrame 4Pane 4 (Lunatic)
Legion Masked Maniac Face FCFrame 4Pane 4Hero Feather 2,000 (Infernal)
Banner T0001
Empty Space GHB
Robin: Mystery Tactician
Grand Hero Battle Robin Mystery Tactician Face FCFrame 2Pane 2 (Normal)
Robin Mystery Tactician Face FCFrame 3Pane 3 (Hard)
Robin Mystery Tactician Face FCFrame 4Pane 4Hero Feather 2,000 (Infernal)
Accessory Gold Hand TowelFrame 1Pane 1 (Abyssal)
Banner U0008
Empty Space GHB
Subaki: Perfect Expert
Hero Battle Subaki Perfect Expert Face FCFrame 1Pane 1 (Normal)
Subaki Perfect Expert Face FCFrame 2Pane 2 (Hard)

Upcoming Special Maps[ | ]

MapSpecial Map TypeRewardsAvailability
Banner T0161
Empty Space GHB
Marla: Duma's Witch
Grand Hero BattleMarla Dumas Witch Face FCFrame 3Pane 3 (Hard)
Marla Dumas Witch Face FCFrame 4Pane 4 (Lunatic)
Marla Dumas Witch Face FCFrame 4Pane 4Hero Feather 2,000 (Infernal)
Banner Q0004
Empty Space GHB
Rival Domains: Event Map
Rival DomainsOrb 1 (Normal)
Great Transparent Badge 50 (Hard)
Hero Feather 500 (Lunatic)
Divine Dew 10 (Infernal)
Banner Q0001
Empty Space GHB
Rival Domains: Event Map
Rival DomainsOrb 1 (Normal)
Great Scarlet Badge 50 (Hard)
Hero Feather 500 (Lunatic)
Divine Dew 10 (Infernal)
Banner T0172
Empty Space GHB
L & C: Bound Hero Battle
Bound Hero BattleOrb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
Banner L0077
Empty Space GHB
H & E: Bound Hero Battle
Double Mythic Hero BattleAnima Blessing 1Astra Blessing 1 (Normal)
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
Accessory Gold Dancers RibbonFrame 1Pane 1 (Abyssal)
Banner L0075
Empty Space GHB
Corrin: Child of Dawn
Legendary Hero BattleFire Blessing 1 (Normal)
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
Accessory Gold Concealing MaskFrame 1Pane 1 (Abyssal)
Banner L0072
Empty Space GHB
Alear: Engaging Fire
Legendary Hero BattleEarth Blessing 1 (Normal)
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
Accessory Gold Handmade ClipFrame 1Pane 1 (Abyssal)
Banner L0068
Empty Space GHB
Veyle: Gentle Dragon
Mythic Hero BattleAstra Blessing 1 (Normal)
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
Accessory Gold Academy CapFrame 1Pane 1 (Abyssal)
Banner L0057
Empty Space GHB
V & E: Bound Hero Battle
Legendary & Mythic Hero BattleWind Blessing 1Dark Blessing 1 (Normal)
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
Accessory Gold Wistful HairpinFrame 1Pane 1 (Abyssal)

Special Map Types[ | ]

Grand Hero Battle maps[ | ]

Grand Hero Battles are special maps featuring a Grand Hero accompanied by several generic units, where the player must defeat all the enemies without losing any allies. The featured Grand Hero is given as a reward for clearing them.

Bound Hero Battle maps[ | ]

Bound Hero Battles are special maps featuring two Heroes and generic units, where the player must defeat them all without losing any allies. Unlike Grand Hero Battles, these reward the player with Orb Orbs instead of Heroes.

Legendary Hero Battle maps[ | ]

Legendary Hero Battles are essentially harder Grand Hero Battles, where the player must defeat all the enemies without losing any allies. These maps feature Legendary Legendary Heroes, and reward the player with Blessings, Orb Orbs and golden Accessories.

Mythic Hero Battle maps[ | ]

Mythic Hero Battles are the same as Legendary Hero Battle, but feature Mythic Mythic Heroes instead of Legendary Heroes. The blessings rewarded are also changed to match to Mythic Hero.

Emblem Hero Battle maps[ | ]

Emblem Hero Battles are similar to the previous two, but featuring Emblem Emblem Heroes instead.

Limited Hero Battle maps[ | ]

Limited Hero Battles are returns of past Hero Battles, with extra conditions. In addition to clearing the map without losing any ally, there are restrictions on which allies can be used, while also offering the possibility to use less than 4 Heroes. Limited Hero Battle rewards only Hero Feather Hero Feathers and Divine Code Divine Codes, but not the original rewards.

Rival Domains[ | ]

Main article: Rival Domains

Rival Domains are maps where the player can fight with a large army (called a brigade). The goal of Rival Domains is to either destroy the enemy fortress or hold of a continuous stream of reinforcements for 10 turns. The player's performance is evaluated after the battle has ended.

Event maps[ | ]

Main article: Event maps

Maps which are released to celebrate all sorts of events, or to show off new mechanics.

Persistent Maps[ | ]

Special Training maps[ | ]

Main article: Special Training maps

Special Training maps are a set of rotating maps, in which the player can train Heroes easily and farm Skill Points. The map name shows what type of unit will have an easier time clearing it. Orb Orbs and Blessings are rewarded for clearing each map for the first time.

Daily GHB Revival[ | ]

Main article: Daily GHB Revival

A serie of Grand Hero Battles changing on a daily basis, with a rotation of 7 days. These maps are the same Grand Hero Battle maps that were previously limited, offering the same rewards.

Hero Battle maps[ | ]

Main article: Hero Battle maps

Hero Battles are a set of Hero-specific maps which rotate daily. Upon the first completion, the player earns the featured Hero as 1 ★ unit on Normal mode or 2 ★ unit on Hard.
