Active: to
Special Heroes drawn by the tropical breeze have returned in their swimsuits! You can get these Heroes enjoying summer to its fullest in breezy garb while they're available as part of this 5★ Special Hero revival summoning focus!
Your first summon in this event won't cost any Orbs!
Tap More for additional information about this event.
• Appearance rates from previous summoning events with the same name will not be carried over to this event.
• Heroes with different illustrations and epithets are treated as different Heroes even if they are the same character. As such, you cannot use them with Merge Allies.
• To view summoning details, you can tap on List of Heroes at the bottom of the related notification message or tap on Appearance Rates in the Summon menu.
Learning Skills
• You can help Heroes learn skills by going to Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.
• Some skills can only be learned after raising a Hero's ★ rating.
A suntan-despising Nohrian prince who wields
the divine tome Brynhildr. Loves red summer
produce. Appears in Fire Emblem Fates.
Skills learnable at 5★:
Tomato Tome+
Mt: 12 Range: 2
Grants Atk/Spd+1 to allies within 2 spaces during
Cooldown: 3
Boosts damage by 50% of unit's Res.
Cannot use:
Seal Res 3
Inflicts Res-7 on foe through its next action after
Cannot use:
Atk Ploy 3
At start of turn, inflicts Atk-5 on foes in cardinal
directions with Res < unit’s Res through their next
"Me? I was reading treatises on botany—summer vegetation specifically. It seems there are many varieties of tomato plants in other lands..."
A Hoshidan princess raised in Nohr. She won
a ticket to a tropical island in a lottery.
Appears in Fire Emblem Fates.
Skills learnable at 5★:
Sealife Tome+
Mt: 12 Range: 2
Grants Atk/Spd+1 to allies within 2 spaces during
Dragon Fang
Cooldown: 4
Boosts damage by 50% of unit's Atk.
Cannot use:
Swift Strike 2
If unit initiates combat, grants Spd/Res+4
during combat.
Cannot use:
Fortify Fliers
At start of turn, grants Def/Res+6 to adjacent
flying allies for 1 turn.
Cannot use:
"I've never seen tropical fish before so I got this book that's all about them. Would you like to read it with me? Experiencing something for the first time is much better if I can share it with someone else!"
A Nohrian princess who loves her siblings and
has matured a little by taking a solo trip to a
tropical island. Appears in Fire Emblem Fates.
Skills learnable at 5★:
Hibiscus Tome+
Mt: 12 Range: 2
Grants Atk/Spd+1 to allies within 2 spaces during
Rally Atk/Res
Range: 1
Grants Atk/Res+3 to target ally for 1 turn.
Cannot use:
Spd/Res 2
Grants Spd/Res+2.
G Tome Valor 3
While unit lives, all green tome allies on team get
2x SP. (Only highest value applied. Does not
Cannot use:
"I took a trip to a tropical island all by myself. Doesn't that sound...mature? I'm inching closer to being a perfect lady, aren't I? Well, aren't I?"
A Nohrian prince who wields the divine sword
Siegfried but can't swim. Clings to his Lilith
water toy. Appears in Fire Emblem Fates.
Skills learnable at 5★:
Lilith Floatie+
Mt: 14 Range: 1
Grants Atk/Spd+1 to allies within 2 spaces during
Cooldown: 3
Boosts damage by 50% of unit's Def.
Cannot use:
Fire Boost 3
At start of combat, if unit’s HP ≥ foe's HP+3,
grants Atk+6 during combat.
Infantry Pulse 3
At the start of turn 1, grants Special cooldown
count-1 to all infantry allies on team with
HP < unit’s HP. (Stacks with similar skills.)
Cannot use:
"Does the Order of Heroes allow for vacations? We'll take care of the enemy. You go relax on the beach. It...can be fun."