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Special Heroes Revival: Hostile Springs

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Look sharp, everybody! Right now, our top priority is heading to a hot spring! We'll break those contracts, and release the Hoshidan and Nohrian royalty!

Ryoma: Samurai at Ease, Hinoka: Relaxed Warrior, Sakura: Hot-Spring Healer, and Elise: Bubbling Flower are back to relax in the hot springs!

These Special Heroes are available as part of a 5★ summoning focus during this event!

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Notes on This Summoning Event
• As of now, this is a limited-time opportunity to summon these Special Heroes. They may or may not appear again in a summoning event held in the future. Please note that they may appear as a different rarity or at a higher appearance rate.

• Appearance rates from previous summoning events with the same name will not be carried over to this event.
• Heroes with different illustrations and epithets are treated as different Heroes even if they are the same character. As such, you cannot use them with Merge Allies.
• To view summoning details, you can tap on List of Heroes at the bottom of the related notification message or tap on Appearance Rates in the Summon menu.

Learning Skills
• You can help Heroes learn skills by going to Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.
• Some skills can only be learned after raising a Hero's ★ rating.

• Heroes might have already learned some skills based on their ★ rating when they joined your team.

Hero banner Sakura Hot-Spring Healer

Youngest princess of Hoshido. Well versed in
the healing benefits of hot springs. Appears in
Fire Emblem Fates.

Skills learnable at 5★:

Icon Skill WeaponGrandscratcher+
Mt: 12 Range: 2
At the start of turn 1, grants Special cooldown
count-1 to ally with the highest Atk. (If that ally
does not have a Special skill, this skill has no

Icon Skill AssistPhysic+
Range: 2
Restores HP = 50% of Atk. (Minimum of
8 HP.) Range = 2.
This skill can only be equipped by staff users.

Icon Skill SpecialFireflood Balm+
Cooldown: 1
When healing an ally with a staff, grants
Atk/Res+6 to all allies for 1 turn.
This skill can only be equipped by staff users.

Wrathful Staff 3Wrathful Staff 3
Calculates damage from staff like other weapons.
This skill can only be equipped by staff users.

Spd Opening 3Spd Opening 3
At start of turn, grants Spd+6 to ally with the
highest Spd for 1 turn. (Excludes unit.)

"I'm Princess Sakura of Hoshido. I had just found a hidden hot spring when I was summoned here! Oh, b-but, I'm glad to be here... And it's good to meet you!"

Hero banner Elise Bubbling Flower

Youngest princess of Nohr. Sometimes slips out
of the castle to enjoy herself at a famous hot
spring. Appears in Fire Emblem Fates.

Skills learnable at 5★:

Icon Skill WeaponRed-Hot Ducks+
Mt: 12 Range: 2
If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, deals damage = 70%
of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus
of +7 damage. Combos with Phantom Spd.)
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts
Def/Res-7 on foes within 2 spaces of target
through their next actions.

Icon Skill AssistRally Up Atk+
Range: 1
Grants Atk+6 to target ally and allies within
2 spaces of target (excluding unit) for 1 turn.
Cannot use: Icon Class Colorless Staff

Swift Sparrow 2Swift Sparrow 2
If unit initiates combat, grants Atk/Spd+4 during
Cannot use: Icon Class Colorless Staff

Atk Feint 3Atk Feint 3
If a Rally Assist skill is used by unit or targets
unit, inflicts Atk-7 on foes in cardinal directions
of unit through their next actions.
Cannot use: Icon Class Colorless Staff

Dagger Valor 3Dagger Valor 3
While unit lives, all dagger allies on team get
2x SP. (Only highest value applied. Does
not stack.)
Cannot use: Icon Class Red SwordIcon Class Red BowIcon Class Red TomeIcon Class Red BreathIcon Class Red BeastIcon Class Blue LanceIcon Class Blue BowIcon Class Blue TomeIcon Class Blue BreathIcon Class Blue BeastIcon Class Green AxeIcon Class Green BowIcon Class Green TomeIcon Class Green BreathIcon Class Green BeastIcon Class Colorless BowIcon Class Colorless StaffIcon Class Colorless BreathIcon Class Colorless Beast

"Back in Nohr, I'd go to a hot spring with Camilla and Effie sometimes."

Hero banner Hinoka Relaxed Warrior

Eldest princess of Hoshido. She seeks respite
from the travails of battle in hot springs from
time to time, but she rarely finds it. Appears in
Fire Emblem Fates.

Skills learnable at 5★:

Icon Skill WeaponSplashy Bucket+
Mt: 12 Range: 2
Effective against dragon foes. Disables foe's
skills that "calculate damage using the lower of
foe's Def or Res" and "calculate damage from
staff like other weapons." After combat, if unit
attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on foes within 2
spaces of target through their next actions.

Icon Skill AssistDraw Back
Range: 1
Unit moves 1 space away from target ally. Ally
moves to unit’s previous space.
Cannot use: Icon Class Colorless Staff

Atk Spd Bond 3Atk/Spd Bond 3
If unit is adjacent to an ally, grants
Atk/Spd+5 during combat.

Atk Spd Link 3Atk/Spd Link 3
If a movement Assist skill (like Reposition,
Shove, Pivot, etc.) is used by unit or targets
unit, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit and target ally
or unit and targeting ally for 1 turn.
Cannot use: Icon Class Colorless Staff

Air Orders 3Air Orders 3
At start of turn, grants the following status to
adjacent flying allies for 1 turn: "Unit can move
to a space adjacent to any ally within 2 spaces."
Cannot use: Icon Move InfantryIcon Move ArmoredIcon Move Cavalry

"Sure, you're welcome to join me at the hot spring."

Hero banner Ryoma Samurai at Ease

High Prince of Hoshido. A font of knowledge
about remote and hidden hot springs. Appears in
Fire Emblem Fates.

Skills learnable at 5★:

Icon Skill WeaponIt's Curtains...+
Mt: 14 Range: 1
At the start of turn 1, grants Special cooldown

Icon Skill SpecialLuna
Cooldown: 3
Treats foe’s Def/Res as if reduced by 50% during
Cannot use: Icon Class Colorless Staff

Atk Def Solo 3Atk/Def Solo 3
If unit is not adjacent to an ally, grants
Atk/Def+6 during combat.

Chill Spd 3Chill Spd 3
At start of turn, inflicts Spd-7 on foe on the
enemy team with the highest Spd through its
next action.

Odd Def Wave 3Odd Def Wave 3
At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Def+6
to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus
granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)

"Make the water as hot as it can get, I say! Battling the heat is a test of fortitude. It is to truly bathe."

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Remember—this is a mission! No time to relax!

