Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Yarne: Timid Taguel - C

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Kjelle Fair Fighter Face FC

You want me to...lend you a suit
of heavy armor?

Yeah. I borrowed a suit of training
armor from you before, remember?

Yarne Timid Taguel Face FC
Kjelle Fair Fighter Face FC

Oh, I remember... You quit in a
heartbeat because the armor
was too heavy for you.

Well, I was pretty weak back then,
I'll admit. But...I'm a lot stronger now,
so I think I can handle it!

Yarne Timid Taguel Face FC
Kjelle Fair Fighter Face FC

Hmph. Whatever the case, you'll
be more likely to survive through
battle. That much is certain...

...Fine. I suppose I'll let you try one
of my spare suits of heavy armor.

It's called, uh..."Argent Lion Mail,"
but... Actually, never mind all that.
Just try it on.

Hm...with a name like that, it— Huh?
It's not nearly as heavy as I expected!
This might actually be doable for me!

How about it, Kjelle? Can I borrow this
armor for a while? I want to see how
well I'm able to move around in it!

Yarne Timid Taguel Face FC
Kjelle Fair Fighter Face FC

Go right ahead. Just don't break it.

Kjelle Fair Fighter Face FC

...Huh? You're returning the armor
already? Was it too heavy for you?
Or did you just not like it?

Neither, actually...

It's just that...I realized I can't
transform while I'm wearing it.

I tried, arms and legs just
got jammed up and bent at weird
angles! It wasn't good...

Plus my fur got caught in the seams!

Yarne Timid Taguel Face FC
Kjelle Fair Fighter Face FC

I suppose we should have seen that

I mean, I think I could fight in it if I
didn't transform, but...then I'd lose
my speed advantage!

Yarne Timid Taguel Face FC
Kjelle Fair Fighter Face FC

Hm. I guess you're just not cut out
for heavy armor after all, huh?

Yarne: Timid Taguel - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Brady Daunting Priest Face FC

Ya wanna survive on the battlefield,
huh? Why not learn the healin' arts,
like I did?

Healing arts, eh? Hmm...

Yarne Timid Taguel Face FC
Brady Daunting Priest Face FC

They ain't JUST for helpin' others,
y'know. You can tend to your own
wounds too.

Havin' 'em as part of your tool set
will help keep ya from bitin' the dust
as easy.

I see... That sounds...really nice,

Being able to heal others is nice—
and I bet folks are pretty grateful!

So, Brady, how long will it take me
to learn the arts?

Yarne Timid Taguel Face FC
Brady Daunting Priest Face FC

Convinced already, are ya? Well,
relax—it's easier than learnin' the
violin. That's for sure.

For you? I'd say...a few years at best,
and a few decades at worst.

D-decades?! Given the kinds of
battles we get in, I'll be long dead
by then!

Yarne Timid Taguel Face FC
Brady Daunting Priest Face FC

Look. Who says you gotta fight?
Just hang back and heal until ya get
the hang of it. It's perfect for ya!

It sounds nice, don't get me wrong,
but I need a solution I can use now!

Yarne Timid Taguel Face FC

Yarne: Timid Taguel - A

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Nah Little Miss Face FC
Nah're terrified your kind will go
extinct? In that case, you should
learn how to survive any situation.

What do you mean? Are there...
techniques I can learn?

Yarne Timid Taguel Face FC
Nah Little Miss Face FC

Well, all living things get hungry,
right? And if they don't eat, they lose
their strength, and eventually die.

Yeah, I know that much.

Yarne Timid Taguel Face FC
Nah Little Miss Face FC

So, one technique is learning to find
and secure food—and being willing to
eat anything, regardless of tastes.

Makes sense. When you're desperate,
you can't afford to be a picky eater.

Yarne Timid Taguel Face FC
Nah Little Miss Face FC

That's right! Now, with that being
said... Here. Chew this.

Wh-what is this? Some gnarled-up
root? I'm not sure I should put that
in my mouth...

Yarne Timid Taguel Face FC
Nah Little Miss Face FC

It won't kill you! But not eating when
you're hungry will. Don't be shy. Try
a little bite.

I'm less shy and more...concerned
for my digestion. But if you think I
should try it, here goes nothing!

Hrk! Oh, no... You don't actually call
this food, do you?!

Yarne Timid Taguel Face FC
Nah Little Miss Face FC

Why wouldn't I? Ooh! Try chewing it
up until it's a nice mash. That way
you can taste all the flavor notes!

How can you say that when there are
no flavors?! It's just...mush!

If this is what it takes to survive,
maybe I'm just not cut out for this
world... I don't think I can stomach it.

Yarne Timid Taguel Face FC
Nah Little Miss Face FC

*munch* It's pretty good once you
get used to it...

If your diet isn't balanced, the clock
ticking down toward your extinction
only goes faster...

How about this... I'll just avoid
situations where I have to eat
weird roots in the first place...

Yarne Timid Taguel Face FC

Yarne: Timid Taguel - S

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Kjelle Fair Fighter Face FC

So you haven't been able to find a
way to avoid dying an early death
yet, then?

Yeah... Not for any lack of trying on
the part of you all...

Yarne Timid Taguel Face FC
Brady Daunting Priest Face FC

I still think ya should reconsider
pickin' up the healin' arts...

Tree roots really ARE delicious, you

Nah Little Miss Face FC
Yarne Timid Taguel Face FC

Yeah, yeah—I get it! Enough already!

This whole mess got me thinking...
There are many ways to avoid death.

But I think the best method has got
to be sticking together with you all!

Huh? That's your takeaway?

Kjelle Fair Fighter Face FC
Yarne Timid Taguel Face FC

Yeah! No matter what weird request
I've had, you've all been there for me
when I needed your help.

With friends like you, I don't need to
feel so afraid about what's around
every corner...

Yeah, well, what're pals for, right?

Brady Daunting Priest Face FC
Nah Little Miss Face FC

We're all different, but we're all still
friends. And that bond of friendship
is the strongest there is!

Right. I think it goes without saying
that we'd never leave a friend out
to dry. We're in this together.

Kjelle Fair Fighter Face FC
Yarne Timid Taguel Face FC

If I was alone, I probably would've
gone extinct a long time ago. I
have all of you to thank.

But I've no doubt that, together, we
can carve out a bright future.

Seems like that worked for your
Ma, right?

Brady Daunting Priest Face FC
Nah Little Miss Face FC

Hmm... Just like how your body can
starve if you go without food, your
heart can starve without companions.

So I suppose the best survival
technique is, to put it simply, to
be with friends you trust.

That's right. This armor isn't just for
protecting my own skin. It's also for
protecting my friends.

Whatever happens, Yarne, don't ever
hesitate to lean on us for support.

Kjelle Fair Fighter Face FC
Yarne Timid Taguel Face FC

Thank you—all of you. I feel...for the
first time in a long time, like maybe I
won't go extinct after all!

As long as we're together, we'll make
in through whatever obstacles come
our way!

← Brady Laurent →
Spanning Time
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
