Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Kris: Unknown Hero - C

Background image: 002 PlainForestInside
Kris Unknown Hero Face FC

Sir Jagen!

Ah, Kris! Found your way to Askr
at last, I see.

Jagen Veteran Knight Face FC
Kris Unknown Hero Face FC

Indeed I have...if only just. It is
rather overwhelming, to be honest.
I hardly know my way around.

But I'm glad to see you well! I must
say, I'm feeling reassured already.

If there is any guidance you could
provide me, I would eagerly receive it.

I can tell at a glance that you don't
need any advice from me, Kris.

You have grown into a fine knight.

No matter what danger befalls you
here, I've no doubt that you will
shield Prince Marth from it.

Jagen Veteran Knight Face FC
Kris Unknown Hero Face FC

Yes, of course. Upon my life.

You may have already seen this for
yourself, but the people of Askr are
much like those of Altea.

They are this kingdom's greatest
treasure. And they are constantly
under threat.

Jagen Veteran Knight Face FC
Kris Unknown Hero Face FC

Then let us work to bring peace to
this land just as we did in Altea.

It is a knight's duty to protect the
people, and I am prepared to do it.

I know. When the War of Heroes
came to an end, you disappeared to
support Prince Marth in the shadows.

Jagen Veteran Knight Face FC
Kris Unknown Hero Face FC


I am not the only one in Askr who
remembers. There are other knights
of Altea here.

Even Katarina.

Jagen Veteran Knight Face FC
Kris Unknown Hero Face FC

Katarina... That is a name I did not
expect to hear.

Kris: Unknown Hero - B

Background image: 002 PlainForestInside
Katarina Wayward One Face FC

Kris! Is it really you?!

Katarina. It is, indeed. After all this
time... It's wonderful to see you.

Kris Unknown Hero Face FC
Katarina Wayward One Face FC

Now that you're here, I can finally
continue my quest for redemption.

I know I can never make up for my
betrayal of you and Prince Marth, but
I do not feel right unless I can try.

For that reason, I have searched for
you constantly since my arrival here
in Askr.

I'd begun to think I'd never succeed.


Kris Unknown Hero Face FC
Katarina Wayward One Face FC

There is only one thing that continues
to trouble me.

What is it?

Kris Unknown Hero Face FC
Katarina Wayward One Face FC

Askr's libraries are comprehensive
and vast. They record the exploits of
Heroes from other worlds in detail.

Kris... Your name does not appear
anywhere in their records. Not once.


Kris Unknown Hero Face FC
Katarina Wayward One Face FC

That isn't strange to you?

You accomplished more in the War of
Heroes than almost anyone. Why are
your deeds not documented?

Princess Sharena has a compendium
of all Heroes, and even she could not
explain it to me.

It's as if you never existed.

I think I may be able to explain this.

It was my wish, after the war, that
my name and deeds not be
venerated by history.

If I am not mentioned in these
records, it is likely because I asked
not to be.

Kris Unknown Hero Face FC
Katarina Wayward One Face FC

Why would you do that?

I don't want to be called a hero.

It is better if that title is bestowed
on others instead of me. My place
is in the shadows.

Kris Unknown Hero Face FC

Kris: Unknown Hero - A

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside

Prince Marth, when this war is over,
the people will be in need of a hero.

After so many years of fighting, they
will be restless. The slightest
provocation could lead to chaos.

In a climate like that, it is essential
that they have someone to put on
a pedestal. Someone to be an ideal.

It has to be you, Prince Marth.

Kris Unknown Hero Face FC

I told him what needed to be done,
and then I took my leave from the
world stage.

You thought it best to disappear...

Katarina Wayward One Face FC
Kris Unknown Hero Face FC

Prince Marth was opposed to the
idea at first. It was against his instinct
for fairness.

For the people's sake, however, he
was persuaded to accept his role
as their savior.

Even so...there's something odd
about this.

Askr is reliant on its records for
information about all its Heroes
from other worlds.

If you are absent from them, how was
【Summoner】 able to
summon you?

Katarina Wayward One Face FC
Kris Unknown Hero Face FC

Interesting question. I don't know.

Maybe I can ask my counterpart.
She might know something that
I don't.

Nope. Sorry.

Kris Unsung Hero Face FC
Kris Unknown Hero Face FC


And sorry for eavesdropping too.
Couldn't help myself. I'm still feeling
like the odd one out, here.

I've been wondering the same thing,
though. We're from two different
worlds, so it can't be just a fluke.

Kris Unsung Hero Face FC
Katarina Wayward One Face FC

It should be impossible. How did
the both of you get here?

Hi! I can answer that!

Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC
Katarina Wayward One Face FC

Princess Sharena?

Kris: Unknown Hero - S

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

The latest version of my compendium
actually does have Kris in it!

It does? But how? The last time
I went to the library, the name Kris
wasn't even mentioned in there!

Katarina Wayward One Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

That's right, Katarina. And what did
you do when you discovered that?

You came and told me all about it.
You told me all about Kris's life!

Of course I did.

Askr needs to know that Prince Marth
had a valuable friend at his side to
support him at every step of the way!

Katarina Wayward One Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

Now that you mention it, there was
someone else who felt strongly that
Kris's name deserved to be known.

He made quite a passionate plea
that Kris ought to go down in history
as a true Hero.

You mean...

Kris Unknown Hero Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

Yup. Prince Marth.

In your world, he reluctantly agreed
to allow your name to be forgotten
by history.

But he has always felt strongly that
your deeds should be recognized.


Kris Unknown Hero Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

He respected your wishes because of
the unique situation in Altea.

But this is Askr. The specifics of that
situation don't apply here.

There is absolutely no reason you
can't be known here as the Hero
you truly are.

So you added our information to
your compendium based on what
Prince Marth and Katarina told you...

Kris Unsung Hero Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

And a few others. Yup.

So it's thanks largely to Katarina and
Prince Marth that we were able to be
summoned here.

Kris Unknown Hero Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

Right you are!

One look at the compendium and
【Summoner】 was certain
you'd be a great help.

And that caused both of us to be
summoned here. Not just him.
So that means...

Kris Unsung Hero Face FC
Kris Unknown Hero Face FC

We're exactly the same person,
and our spirits are indistinguishable.
There's no other explanation.

Princess Sharena... Thank you.

Thank you for helping me and
Kris reunite.

Katarina Wayward One Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

Oh, I hardly did a thing. It was thanks
to the unbreakable bond that you,
Kris, and Prince Marth share.

Prince Marth, Katarina, and the
summoner, 【Summoner】...

Kris Unknown Hero Face FC
Kris Unsung Hero Face FC

Let us swear to do all we can to meet
and exceed your expectations of us.
To make this world a better place.

Yes. On our honor and our lives,
we will fight for Askr!

Kris Unknown Hero Face FC
← Marth Kris F →
Shape of a Spirit
Red Friendship
Kris M
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
Kris F
