Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Julian: Tender Thief - C

Background image: 002 PlainForestInside
Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC

Come on, come on... Why won't
you open?

Princess Ylgr, wasn't it? You look
like you're having some trouble.

Julian Tender Thief Face FC
Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC

Ah! You're one of the new Heroes.

Julian's the name. Not sure how
heroic I am. Used to be a thief,
in fact. Got better, though.

Julian Tender Thief Face FC
Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC

You used to be a thief? Oh! Does that
mean you could open this chest
for me?

So a stubborn lock is what's got you
all flustered? Let me see.

Just that little box, huh? Sure, no
trouble at all.

Julian Tender Thief Face FC
Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC

Really? You wouldn't mind? Thanks
so much! I can't find the key, and I
don't know how to pick a lock, so...

Give it here and I'll take a closer look.
Hmm... Iron exterior. Sturdy little
thing, aren't you...

Still, nothing these trusty old picks
can't handle. Let me just...

Hmm, why doesn't that... Aw, come
on! Hey, you're a lot tougher than
you look!

Julian Tender Thief Face FC
Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC

So... Can you open it?

I can, but I'll need some time. Can I
borrow it for a while? Promise I won't
run off with it or anything.

Julian Tender Thief Face FC
Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC

Sure, sure.

I'll take good care of it.

And don't worry. I've never met
a lock that bested me.

Julian Tender Thief Face FC

Julian: Tender Thief - B

Background image: 002 PlainForestInside
Julian Tender Thief Face FC

OK, let's try this again. First pin...
good. Next pin...nope. Nope again.

Really wish I could crack you open
and see what's going on in there!

Having trouble with a lock?

Gaius Candy Stealer Face FC
Chad Lycian Wildcat Face FC

Fancy little chest you got there.
Who'd you lift it from?

Hey, it's not like that! Princess Ylgr
entrusted me with this.

She lost the key, that's all. I promised
to get it open for her.

Julian Tender Thief Face FC
Gaius Candy Stealer Face FC

What's taking so long, then? Just pick
the lock. Here, let me do it.

Huh—that's odd. Must have slipped.

No, there it is again. I see your
problem now. This is a weird one.

Right?! It looks simple from the outside,
but it's really complicated in there!

I've never seen this kind of lock
before. Maybe it's unique to her
homeland or something.

Either way, I promised to get it open
and that's what I'm gonna do.
Soon as I figure out how...

Julian Tender Thief Face FC

Julian: Tender Thief - A

Background image: 002 PlainForestInside
Julian Tender Thief Face FC

How's it going? Think you can
get it open?

It's...surprisingly stubborn.

Niles Cruel to Be Kind Face FC
Julian Tender Thief Face FC

Yeah, I was afraid you'd say that.

Picks aren't the only answer here.

There are plenty of ways we could
force it open.

Niles Cruel to Be Kind Face FC
Julian Tender Thief Face FC

Out of the question. Princess Ylgr
trusted me with this. I'm not going
to break it.

Seems we're at a loss then.

Gaius Candy Stealer Face FC
Niles Cruel to Be Kind Face FC

I have to admit, such an intricate lock
has made me very curious as to
what's inside.

I didn't ask. It must be something
precious to her, though...

I'll bring it up while I update her
on our latest failures.

Julian Tender Thief Face FC
Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC

You want to know what's inside?
Sure, I don't mind telling you.

It's a memento of my mother.

My country, Nifl, was...destroyed by
Múspell. When that happened, we ran
and...this chest was all I could carry.

I'm so sorry.

Julian Tender Thief Face FC
Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC

I'm not lonely here, because I've got
the Order of Heroes, and because
I've got my sister, Fjorm.

But there are lots and lots of great
memories of my mother in here, so
I have a little piece of home too!

So even though it's just a small
thing, I'm really glad I was able
to take it with me.

All the more reason for me to
get this open for you.

I gave you my word, Princess Ylgr,
and after what you've told me there's
no way I'll give up.

I'll keep my promise, no matter what.

Julian Tender Thief Face FC

Julian: Tender Thief - S

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Gaius Candy Stealer Face FC

Gotcha. That does explain why she's
so keen to get this thing open.


Chad Lycian Wildcat Face FC
Julian Tender Thief Face FC

The memories inside this chest are
precious and irreplaceable.

I gave her my word we'd get it open,
and that's what we're gonna do.

So let's put our heads together and
come up with something. There's got
to be a way!

When all else fails, it's back to basics.
We need to know the shape of the
lock, so let's take an impression.

Gaius Candy Stealer Face FC
Julian Tender Thief Face FC

Great idea. If we can impression
a mold, we can make ourselves
a key.

I've got the kind of clay we'll need
for that in town. I'll run and get it!

Chad Lycian Wildcat Face FC
Julian Tender Thief Face FC

Now we're getting somewhere...

All right, here's our key. Let's hope
this works...

Yes! It fits! What a relief—we did it!

Julian Tender Thief Face FC
Chad Lycian Wildcat Face FC

Some kind of charm, huh?
Shaped like a star. Pretty.

A gift from Princess Ylgr's mother,
I'm guessing.

Gaius Candy Stealer Face FC
Julian Tender Thief Face FC

We've got what we needed.
Let's bring this to her.

You did it! You got it open! I thought
it was going to be impossible!

Oh, I'm so glad! Thank you so, so,
SO much!

Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC
Julian Tender Thief Face FC

That lock was tough, but the smile on
Princess Ylgr's face made it worth
the effort. We did a good thing.

Thieving skills aren't just for thieving.
They can help folks too.

Chad Lycian Wildcat Face FC
Julian Tender Thief Face FC

A better reason than most to keep
my fingers nimble.

I may have washed my hands of that
life, but I'd hate to lose my touch
over a thing like this.

Excuse me... Forgive the interruption,
but can you spare a moment?

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Julian Tender Thief Face FC

Princess Fjorm! What is it?

My sister tells me you can open any
lock. If it's not too much trouble,
could you take a look at another one?

This chest won't open no matter
what I do...

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
← Maria Lena →
Shape of a Spirit
Red Friendship
Kris M
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
Kris F
