Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

The player is free to adjust the settings of Fire Emblem Heroes in a multitude of ways.

List of Settings[ | ]

Settings Options Function
Combat Animations On Enables combat animations on both phases.
Own Turn Only Enables combat animations only on player phase.
Off Disables combat animations on both phases.
Support Animations On Enables support animations on both phases.
Own Turn Only Enables support animations only on player phase.
Off Disables support animations on both phases.
Foe/Ally Auto-
Battle Movement
Simple Decrease the amount of time taken by enemy movement and actions.
Guided Movements and actions of characters during battle are shown in great detail.
Auto-Favorite 4★ Automatically favorites 4 ★ Heroes and above.
5★ Automatically favorites 5 ★ Heroes only.
Off Disables Auto-Favorite.
1★ Automatically favorites 1 ★ Heroes and above.
2★ Automatically favorites 2 ★ Heroes and above.
3★ Automatically favorites 3 ★ Heroes and above.
Starting a Map Go into Battle Player can enter combat at the start of their turn.
Swap Spaces Player can Swap Spaces between Heroes at the start of their turn.
Smart End On The player phase ends when all Heroes perform an action.
Except Pair Up The player phase ends when all Heroes perform a action except when you have a Pair Up unit alive on your team.
Off The player phase ends only by pressing the "End Turn" button.
Show Danger Area Off Danger Area is not visible.
On Danger Area is visible.
Confirm Action Auto Actions are performed automatically by sliding the Heroes across the screen.
Tap Actions must be confirmed by tapping the Heroes on the screen.
Confirm Move Auto Movement is performed automatically by sliding the Heroes across the screen.
Tap Movement must be confirmed by tapping the Heroes on the screen.
Double Tap to Wait On Heroes can wait in place by double tapping on them.
Off Heroes cannot wait in place, unless the "End Turn" button is pressed.
Auto-Battle Button In Menu Auto-Battle Button is located only in the Menu.
In Button Bar Auto-Battle Button is located only in the Button Bar.
All Locations Auto-Battle Button is located in both the Menu and the Button Bar.
Auto-Battle Text Tap to Advance Text bubbles advance only by tapping during Auto-Battle.
Auto-Advance Text bubbles advance automatically during Auto-Battle.
Continuous Auto Off Only a single map at a time enters Auto-Battle.
On Auto-Battle continues throughout multiple maps (e.g. Tempest Trials).
Map: No Animation Off Map Animation is enabled.
Enemy Turn Only Map Animation is disabled during enemy phase.
On Map Animation is disabled
Auto: No Animation Off During Auto-Battle all animation is shown normally.
On During Auto-Battle no animation is shown.
Sorting by Level Default Hero sorting prioritizes merged Heroes.
Ignore Merges Hero sorting ignores merges.
TT Difficulty Tip On Turn on the difficulty recommendations for Tempest Trials.
Off Turn off the difficulty recommendations for Tempest Trials.
Enemy Music On Enables enemy phase music.
Off Disables enemy phase music.
Silent Mode Off All sounds are working as intended.
On All sounds are muted.
BGM Volume Volume Slider 0-5 Adjusts Background Music volume.
SE Volume Volume Slider 0-5 Adjusts Sound Effects volume.
Voice Volume Volume Slider 0-5 Adjusts Heroes' voice volume.