Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Seers Snare 3
Seer's Snare...Coming Soon!

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An event where you make your way across the Timeless Rift, Seer's Snare, is about to begin. Take hold of the future across many possible branches of time and try to return to your original world!

Bonus titles this time are Icon MiniUnit Head 3Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Icon MiniUnit Head 11Fire Emblem Fates. During the event, Heroes from the bonus titles will have all their stats increased and can equip even more skills!

Tap More for additional information about this event.

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Seer's Snare is an event where you choose your future in the sealed-off Timeless Rift. Press ahead through diverging branches of time, strengthen your allies, and try to return to your original world!

■ How It Works

○ Editing Teams

・ You depart with a team of four Heroes in this event. You cannot edit your team once you have set out into the Timeless Rift unless you go back to the beginning.
・ During the event, your allies will be at level 40, regardless of what their original level is. Heroes can still use the weapon, Special, and Assist skills that they are currently equipped with, but any A, B, and C skills or Sacred Seals they have equipped will be sealed and unusable at the start of the event.
・ As you progress through the event, those skills can be unlocked through challenges, so tackle them head-on to get your allies' skills back!

Dragonflowers, traits, merges, and Ally Support/Summoner Support will be retained.
・ If a Hero does not have an A, B, or C skill or Sacred Seal equipped, they will be equipped with a random skill in that slot.
・ You cannot add more than one Hero to a team with the same name and epithet.
・ You can only add one Hero with a Sing or Dance skill to a team.
・ You can only add one Hero with a Savior skill to a team.

○ To Battle!

You can use event-specific stamina to move forward along the branching paths.
There are two pools of stamina: Seers Snare Staminastamina that recovers daily (limit five) and Seers Snare Stamina Reservestamina that won't recover until the event ends (limit 99). Seers Snare StaminaStamina will be consumed from the pool that recovers daily.

There are four kinds of areas in this world: Normal Battles, Boss Battles, Vanir Seals, and Safe Havens.

・ Normal Battles
Normal Battles are divided into Beginner (Blue), Intermediate (Red), and Advanced (Purple) difficulty levels. In the lower left part of each area, you will see the type of A, B, or C skill that you can receive as a Battle Reward.

・ Boss Battles
Boss Battles are divided into Intermediate (Red) and Advanced (Purple) difficulty levels. If you are defeated, you will be sent back to the area you were most recently in and your consumed stamina will be restored. You may also restart the combat at any point during the encounter or when you get a game over. This is exclusive to Boss Battles.

・ Vanir Seals
You can obtain skills and unlock allies' sealed skills here.

・ Safe Havens
Areas where your allies' HP can be restored.

○ Event Details

Foes in Seer's Snare are equipped with Time Traveler Sacred Seals, which are skills that bestow color advantages unique to this event.

Damage within the weapon-triangle relationship will be further amplified or diminished beyond normal values.

Even colorless units will have both advantages and disadvantages.
・ Red, blue, or green allies become stronger against colorless foes (only when attacking).
・ Colorless allies become slightly stronger against red, blue, or green foes (only when attacking).
・ Colorless foes become much stronger against colorless allies.

Note: Because the final boss is not equipped with a Time Traveler seal, the aforementioned color advantage differences will not apply.

Skill description examples for Time Traveler seals (Tap each to open)

Against a foe equipped with this Sacred Seal,

grants player's unit one of the following
advantages or inflicts one of the following
disadvantages based on that unit's color:
- If blue, grants major advantage: unit deals
damage = 20% of unit's Atk and reduces
damage from attacks by 20% of foe's Atk
during combat (excluding area-of-effect
Specials), and reduces damage from foe's
area-of-effect Specials by 80%.
- If colorless, grants minor advantage: unit
deals damage = 10% of unit's Atk during
combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).
- If green, inflicts major disadvantage: foe
deals damage = 20% of foe's Atk and reduces
damage from attacks by 20% of unit's Atk
during combat (excluding area-of-effect
Specials), and reduces damage from

unit's area-of-effect Specials by 80%.

Against a foe equipped with this Sacred Seal,

grants player's unit one of the following
advantages or inflicts one of the following
disadvantages based on that unit's color:
- If red, blue, or green, grants advantage: unit
deals damage = 20% of unit's Atk during combat
(excluding area-of-effect Specials).
- If colorless, inflicts extreme disadvantage:
foe deals damage = 40% of foe's Atk and
reduces damage from attacks by 40% of unit's
Atk during combat (excluding area-of-effect
Specials), and reduces damage from

unit's area-of-effect Specials by 80%.

In this event, HP is carried over between successive battles. Please also note that you will lose if even one of your Heroes is defeated. Think strategically by placing Heroes who can heal on your team and/or choosing routes that will give you access to Safe Havens.

○ Strengthen your allies with Battle Rewards

When you clear a battle, you will receive skills and Rift VesselsRift Vessels as Battle Rewards. You may choose one of three options for rewards.

Random Slot Unlock may also be given as an option, which will randomly unlock one of the previously sealed A, B, or C skills or Sacred Seals for a Hero on your team.

Team Slot Unlock is included among the potential Battle Rewards for some Boss Battles, which adds another level to all of your allies' skill slots.

Note: Battle Rewards for Boss Battles will always include either Random Slot Unlock or Team Slot Unlock as a possible option.

Rift Vessels can be exchanged for desired skills or used for Random Slot Unlock when at a Vanir Seal area. There is no limit to how many Rift Vessels you may exchange at one time, but you cannot obtain the same skill multiple times or use a Random Slot Unlock more than once per area.

Make your allies tougher after obtaining skills by using Change Skills! The first level of your expanded skill slots are unlocked at the start of the event, but you can equip more and more by clearing Boss Battles and using Team Slot Unlock.

Stack effects of different skills and have fun experimenting with never-before-seen combinations of skills!

Note: In instances where the skill description states that only the highest value will be applied when multiple of the same skill effects are active (and/or that those effects do not stack), such as for the effects of Canto, etc., those skill effects will not stack in this event either.

News emote Anna happy
Wow, it looks like you could equip multiple A Skills at the same time!

The only skills that appear as Battle Rewards and in Vanir Seal areas are A, B, and C skills. Weapon, Special, and Assist skills, as well as Sacred Seals, will not appear. In addition, some A, B, and C skills will not appear.

Depending on your team formation, certain skills will not appear:
・ Skills that no one on your team can equip
・ Skills that you have already acquired in the progress you've made thus far
・ Skills that were already equipped to your Heroes at the start of the event

Other skills that will not appear (Tap to open)
・ Exclusive skills

・ The following skills are limited to Heroes who can equip them, in accordance with team formation rules
 ・ Savior skills
 ・ Skills that have effects like Dance, such as when the Sing or Dance skills are used

・ Skills that trigger movement effects, such as Knock Back

・ Skills that have no effect/little effect during this event, such as:
 ・ Skills that affect EXP and/or SP obtained, such as Experience skills
 ・ Skills that affect rewards when clearing Training Tower
 ・ Skills that are used in Arena and Aether Raids, such as AR-O or Duel

・ Skills that are harder to activate due to the difficulty of the event, which have activation conditions that require having a higher stat value than a foe's

(Such as Sabotage, Ploy2, Earth Boost 1, etc.)

○ Unwind Time

If you get stuck partway through a route, activate Unwind Time from the event's main page. You can either return to the beginning or return to just after the last sub-boss you defeated. Your consumed stamina will return accordingly, as Seers Snare Stamina Reservestamina that won't recover until the event ends. If you return to the beginning, you can start over with a different team formation.

Using Unwind Time will result in the loss of any progress made up until that point (including skills obtained via Battle Rewards). However, when you choose "Return to Beginning," you can retain 20% of the Rift Vessels you have obtained up until that point (max 20,000).

News emote Feh happy right
Don't give up—keep on trying as many times as it takes!

You can Unwind Time whenever you wish, whether it's because you want to redo your skill assignments or challenge yourself by tackling even more difficult maps. The future possibilities are yours to explore!

■ Bonus Titles

In Seer's Snare, there are two bonus titles set for each event.
Bonus titles this time are Icon MiniUnit Head 3Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Icon MiniUnit Head 11Fire Emblem Fates.

Heroes from bonus titles will gain increased stats, gaining HP+10 and Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4! In addition, they'll get three S Skill slots added to their expanded skill slots, which can be equipped with A, B, or C Skills!

■ Rewards

Each time you reach a new point in the Timeless Rift, you can earn rewards such as Orbs, Dragonflowers, and Divine Codes.

Note: You will only receive the reward for arriving at a location for the first time. Even if you use Unwind Time and choose another path, you will not be able to receive the reward again.

In addition, whenever you clear a Boss Battle at Advanced difficulty, you can obtain 2,000 Hero Feathers as an Advanced Reward!

You can also get Orbs and Dragonflowers by playing the event once a day, up to five days.

■ Other notes

・ Legendary and Mythic Hero seasonal effects and Pair Up are deactivated.
・ Neither Duo Skills nor Harmonized Skills can be used.
・ You do not get EXP or SP in this event, but you can obtain Hero Merit.
・ Rift Vessels and skills that you've obtained cannot be carried over into the next event.
・ Home notifications can be switched on or off in Settings.

