Heroes' Saga
It had been 800 years since the Demon King was sealed, and monsters no longer roamed freely over the continent. In a time of peace, suddenly and without provocation, the Grado Empire invaded its neighbors. Their aim was to destroy the five Sacred Stones held by the royal families, leaving only the Dark Stone—and returning the land to darkness...
古の時代 大陸に蔓延る魔物が 滅ぼされてから800年 五つの聖石を祀る国家のひとつ グラド帝国が他国へ侵略を開始する 帝国の狙いは聖石の破壊 時を同じくして古の魔物の影が 再び大陸に忍び寄らんとしていた
1st Act
Princess Eirika of Renais escaped the cruel imperial general Valter and fled to the allied kingdom of Frelia. Alas, the Sacred Stone of Frelia was lost, destroyed at the hands of the empire. To warn other nations and call for aid against the threat of the empire, Prince Innes of Frelia traveled toward Jehanna, while Eirika volunteered to visit the theocracy of Rausten...
ルネス王国の王女エイリークは 残忍酷薄な帝国将軍ヴァルターの手を逃れ 友好国フレリアに身を寄せるが フレリアの聖石はあえなく帝国に破壊される 他国と結託し帝国に対抗せんと フレリア王子ヒーニアスはジャハナへ エイリークはロストン聖教国に旅立つ
2nd Act
With the ocean route to Rausten blocked, Eirika's progress was delayed. Elsewhere, on his journey to Jehanna, Innes fell victim to betrayal and was left in peril. Hearing of this, Eirika rushed to his aid, and the Princess of Renais and the Prince of Frelia traveled together from there...
ロストンへの海路を絶たれ 港町で途方に暮れるエイリーク 一方ヒーニアスはフレリアの同盟国を 往く半ば 裏切りにより危機に陥る 知らせを受けたエイリークは 彼の元へ向かいこれを救出 ルネスの王女とフレリアの王子は 旅路を共にすることとなった
3rd Act
The imperial general Glen moved on Eirika's position to eliminate her, but before he could, he is confronted by the truth of the empire's deeds and their lies to cover them up. Having met Eirika in her youth and hearing Innes's words, he chose to lower his weapon. Shortly after, Glen was killed for his failure by Valter, who then told Glen's brother, Cormag, it had been Eirika who killed Glen...
グラド皇帝は港町での戦の顛末を エイリークによる虐殺と偽り 帝国将軍グレンを討伐に向かわせるも 幼い頃の彼女を知るグレンは ヒーニアスの口添えもあり剣を収める しかしグレンと因縁浅からぬヴァルターは 秘密裏に彼を殺害 グレンの弟クーガーに エイリークこそ兄の敵と告げる
4th Act
Just as Jehanna and its ruler, the Queen of the White Dunes, were about to fall to the empire, Eirika was met by Cormag, who sought vengeance for the death of his brother. He was won over by her sincerity, though, and instead became her ally. After a long struggle, Jehanna, too, fell to the empire. With it fell their queen, and their Sacred Stone was destroyed...
白沙の女王が治める砂漠の国ジャハナは 今まさに帝国の手に落ちんとしていた エイリークを兄の敵とつけ狙うクーガー だが彼女の真心に触れ味方となる しかし一行の奮闘も虚しくジャハナは陥落 女王は殺害され聖石も破壊される
Final Act
Eirika then found herself surrounded by Valter's forces. As the situation turned dire, Eirika's brother Ephraim rushed in—and once they were free from danger, he told her of the Dark Stone and its malign control. They decided the only way to contain the evil of the Dark Stone is to use the seals on the remaining Sacred Stones. And with that, Eirika set out to her homeland of Renais once more.
ヴァルター率いる帝国軍に包囲され 絶体絶命のエイリーク そこへ駆けつけたのは兄エフラムであった 危機を脱したエイリークは兄から すべてを裏で操る魔石の存在を知る 魔石に対抗できるのは聖石のみ 封印により帝国も未だ手を出せぬという 故郷ルネスの聖石を求め エイリークは再び旅立つのだった