Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I am Ryoma, High Prince of Hoshido, and he who inherited Raijinto. I will give my all, however dire the times.

白夜王国第一王子、リョウマだ。 雷神刀を継承している。 どのような戦況でも、決して諦めはせん。

Castle[ | ]

This realm has a beauty so different from my own Hoshido. I would like to show it to all my siblings someday.

この世界は白夜とはまた違う美しさだな… いつかきょうだいたちと一緒に、 風景を見て回りたい。

My retainers are Kagero and Saizo. I am fortunate to have such loyal and meticulous people in my service.

俺にはサイゾウとカゲロウという 二人の臣下がいる…どちらも生真面目で、 忠義に厚い者たちだ。

You're always so diligent. Remember to rely on your allies for strength. And I say, think of me as a brother.

今日も頑張っているようだな。 だが疲れたときは仲間を頼るんだぞ。 俺のことも兄だとでも思い、気楽に接しろ。

I wish we could spar with our divine weapons. But I am aware that my Raijinto is not like yours at all.
I must admit, I find it a troubling concept that your weapon discharges...Heroes.

お前の神器は変わった形だな。 いつか雷神刀と手合わせをしてみるか? なに、英雄が出てくる? それは困るな…

I advise you to meditate each day, 【Summoner】.
It quells bad thoughts and promotes the best ones.

ああ、【Summoner】か。 少し、瞑想をしていた… 目を閉じ心を静かにすると、邪念が消える。

Friend greeting[ | ]

Ah! You must be 【Summoner】.
I bring greetings from a friend, 【Friend】.

【Summoner】はお前か? 【Friend】から挨拶だ。 よろしく頼むと言っていたぞ。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

I take no pride from such gains. It is my duty.

結果に驕らず、 自身を高めていくぞ。

+[2,3] points[ | ]

Adequate, but I must strive for more.


+[0,1] points[ | ]

I must redouble my efforts and do better.

すまん。 もっと精進せねばな。

Ally Growth[ | ]

I will always give you my all, no matter what my power.

どのような力を手にしても、 精一杯闘うのみだ。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

Care to join me for some meditation? Then close your eyes. Empty your mind. Envision a relaxing place.
I am thinking of Hoshido—cherry- blossom trees in bloom...rain in the gardens...a moon on the wane.
I must admit that when I've been meditating of late, I have also envisioned something new.
Places from this realm...the faces of members in the Order of Heroes...and, most of all...
I see you, standing on the battlefield. That image lets me achieve inner balance like no other.
I hope that you would feel just the same from my presence here.
One more thing—in my own kingdom, I would never pledge my katana in service to another.
But here, it is my honor and my privilege to serve you to the end with my blade.

共に瞑想をしないか? こうして目を閉じ…心を無にするんだ。 気分が落ち着く風景を思ってもいいぞ。
俺か? 俺はもちろん、 祖国である白夜の光景を思う。 満開の桜に、雨の庭園、下弦の月…
だが最近は、この地の景色を 思い浮かべることも多くなった。 特務機関の皆の姿を、そして…
戦場に立つお前の姿を思うと、 不思議と心が落ち着くんだ。 お前にとっての俺も、そうでありたい。
誰かに刀を捧げるなど、 国にいた頃は許されざることだったが… 俺はお前の刀として闘おう、最後まで。

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Audio Transcription

Damage[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
You have breathed your last.
You deserve worse.
We stand together.
May your blood crust my blade!
Audio Transcription

Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Counting on you...
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Hmm... ★
Should you ever need to converse, remember, I am here for you. ★
I will follow your orders, for as long as I'm here. ★
I fight only to put an end to fighting. And war, to end all wars. ★
I feel as if I could learn much from the prince of this realm. ★
I see you're taking notice of my armor. Do you find it...unusual? ★
I never know when Saizo and Kagero are with me. Perhaps they're here now. ★
No matter which Heroes you take into battle, remember to be a commanding presence. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふっ… ★
俺に話か? ★
ここにいる以上は、お前に従おう ★
闘う事で、闘いを終わらせるんだ ★
この国の王子からも、学ぶことはありそうだ ★
そんなにじろじろ見て、甲冑が珍しいか? ★
サイゾウ、カゲロウ…傍に控えているか? ★
戦場では遠慮せず指示を出せ どんな英雄と出会っても、戦う覚悟はある ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Tell me.
Let's go.
Audio Transcription

Resplendent Hero[ | ]

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Audio Transcription

Damage[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Audio Transcription

Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I'll slice open the path!
Blade, guide my hand!
Feel the wrath of my blade!
Make your peace!
Audio Transcription

Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Forgive me, everyone...
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
A change of outfit can be quite refreshing. Perhaps I should do it more often.

Hm? If something is on your mind, I would be happy to listen. ★
I hate to impose on your generosity, but would you mind preparing something for my siblings and retainers as well? ★
I should have no trouble finding a worthy sparring partner here in Askr. ★
After spending so much time in Askr, I hold an affection for this world that will doubtless make returning home difficult. ★
No matter where I am, one thing is certain: I must always strive to master the way of the sword. ★
Our outfits may be similar, but know that I see you as incomparable in every other way. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふう ★
新しい装束か。悪くない。 ★
む? 何だ? 手荒い挨拶だな。 ★
有難いが、妹たちや部下たちにも何か用意してやってくれ。 ★
この城は手合わせする相手には困らんな。 ★
今となっては、このアスク王国にも離れ難い親しみを感じる。 ★
異界の地に身を置こうと、剣の道を究めるのみ。 ★
お前と揃いの装束というのも、何やら面映ゆいな。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Very well.
Show me the enemy.
We move as one.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Ryoma: Peerless Samurai has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

Yes, I am Ryoma of Hoshido, wielder
of Raijinto.

I've heard you are the bearer of the
divine blade, Balmung.

I would consider it an honor to cross
swords with you.

Ryoma: Peerless Samurai,
Beyond Blood/Shannan: Wielder of Astra