Heroes' Saga
Crimea, able to put up only a meager resistance, was destroyed by Daein when its king, Ashnard, launched an assault. Princess Elincia, whose very existence had been kept a secret, fled to a friendly nearby country. In the midst of her journey, she met the Greil Mercenaries—and Ike, the son of their leader...
デイン国王アシュナードの奇襲により クリミア王国は抵抗も虚しく滅ぼされた その存在を隠されていた王女エリンシアは 友好国ガリアへ逃れる道中 グレイル傭兵団に救われ 団長の息子アイクと出会う
1st Act
Heeding the council of Gallia's king, Elincia departed to Begnion to request support in reconstructing Crimea. The Greil Mercenaries accepted the task of protecting the princess along her journey...
エリンシアはガリア王の助言により 宗主国ベグニオン帝国に クリミア再興への後ろ盾を頼むべく旅立つ グレイル傭兵団は正式に依頼を受け 王女の護衛となった
2nd Act
The group encountered a myriad of obstacles on their oversea journey to Begnion, but finally, upon their arrival, they were granted audience with the empress apostle. There, the apostle expressed her gratitude to Ike and the other mercenaries for exposing corruption within Begnion, then pledging to support Elincia...
ベグニオンへの海路の途中 幾多の困難に遭うも ついに一行は 皇帝である神使との謁見を叶える 神使はベグニオン内部の腐敗を暴いた アイクらの働きに感謝し エリンシアへの支援を約束する
3rd Act
After an intense struggle, the Crimean army overtook Daein's capital, but Daein's king was nowhere to be found. Elincia then turned her sights on her homeland of Crimea, where Ashnard was sure to wait, and set out to confront him...
祖国奪還へ向けて兵を進めるクリミア軍 しかし苦難の果てに陥落させた デインの王都に 王の姿はなかった エリンシアはアシュナードの待ち受ける 祖国クリミアへ向かうこととなる
4th Act
Elincia defeated the Daein army at the great bridge spanning the distance between the two countries. At long last, she set foot in her homeland, then convened with her vassals who lay in wait there. News spread of an unknown princess who had defied Daein to save her home, and the people awaited her return with eager anticipation...
国境の大橋でデイン軍を撃破し エリンシアはようやく母国の土を踏み 潜伏していた遺臣たちと合流する 知られざる王女が祖国を救うため 蜂起したことは 広く伝わっており 民は王女の帰還を心待ちにしていた
Final Act
Laguz nations, recognizing the rapid advance of the Crimean army, allied themselves with Elincia, who, taking to the battlefield herself, defeated Ashnard at long last. Ike then stood beside Elincia as she presented herself to the people of Crimea, for whom she had reclaimed a lasting sense of peace.
クリミア軍の躍進を認めたラグズ諸国らも 味方につけたエリンシアは 自らも戦場に立ち ついにアシュナードを破る 平和を取り戻したクリミアの民の前に 姿を現したエリンシアの傍らには 救国の英雄アイクの姿があった