Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Status Icon WeaponStatus Icon MoveRobin High Deliverer Face FC
Robin: High Deliverer
Status Icon WeaponStatus Icon MoveRobin Mystery Tactician Face FC
Robin: Mystery Tactician
Status Icon WeaponStatus Icon MoveRobin Seaside Tactician Face FC
Robin: Seaside Tactician
Status Icon WeaponStatus Icon MoveRobin Festive Tactician Face FC
Robin: Festive Tactician
Status Icon WeaponStatus Icon MoveRobin Fell Reincarnation Face FC
Robin: Fell Reincarnation
Status Icon WeaponStatus Icon MoveRobin Fell Vessel Face FC
Robin: Fell Vessel
Status Icon WeaponStatus Icon MoveRobin Fall Vessel Face FC
Robin: Fall Vessel
Status Icon WeaponStatus Icon MoveRobin Fall Reincarnation Face FC
Robin: Fall Reincarnation
Status Icon WeaponStatus Icon MoveRobin Tactful Deliverer Face FC
Robin: Tactful Deliverer
Status Icon WeaponStatus Icon MoveRobin Fell Tactician Face FC
Robin: Fell Tactician
Status Icon WeaponStatus Icon MoveRobin Exalts Other Half Face FC
Robin: Exalt's Other Half
Status Icon WeaponStatus Icon MoveRobin Keen Groom Face FC
Robin: Keen Groom
Status Icon WeaponStatus Icon MoveRobin Exalts Deliverer Face FC
Robin: Exalt's Deliverer
Status Icon WeaponStatus Icon MoveRobin Vessels of Fate Face FC
Robin: Vessels of Fate
Status Icon WeaponStatus Icon MoveRobin Exalts Right Hand Face FC
Robin: Exalt's Right Hand
General Quotes Misc Heroic Ordeal
Fated Vessel
Robin Fated Vessel Face
Robin Fated Vessel BtlFace
Robin Fated Vessel BtlFace C

Robin Fated Vessel BtlFace D

Art by: nekomochi (ネコモチ) / Trys Inc.
Description A boy who knows little of his father or the nature of his birth because he left with his mother soon after being born. Appears in Fire Emblem Awakening.
Rarities ★ Focus — Special
Weapon Type Icon Class Red Tome Red Tome
Move Type Icon Move Infantry Infantry
Voice Actor EN David Vincent
Voice Actor JP 沢城みゆき(Miyuki Sawashiro)
Release Date
Addition Date
Entry Icon MiniUnit Head 10 Awakening
Version 8.4
Internal ID PID_幼少ルフレ男 (1081)
Origin 100000100200


All stats have a degree of variation. The stat growth page explains how the variation works.

Level 1 stats


Level 40 stats


Growth Rates

This set of values, after being multiplied by a rarity factor, determines how much each stat will increase from level 1 to level 40, see stat growth.

Stats between level 1 and 40

For stat values between level 1 and 40, see this page.

Skills[ | ]

Weapons[ | ]

Fell War Tome142
Grants Spd+3. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, deals 7 damage to foe as combat begins (activates only when unit can attack in combat; effects that reduce damage "during combat" do not apply; will not reduce foe's HP below 1), grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit (X = 16 - foe's max Special cooldown count value × 2; min 8; if foe does not have a Special skill, X = 8), reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30% ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat, and also, if unit's max Special cooldown count value ≥ 3 and unit's attack can trigger unit's Special, when unit's Special triggers (excluding area-of-effect Specials), neutralizes "reduces damage by X%" effects from non-Special skills. If unit initiates combat, applies【Divine Vein (Flame)】on 5 spaces in a line centered on foe's space (oriented left to right based on the direction unit is facing) for 1 turn after combat.

【Divine Vein (Flame)】
Applies the following effects on space: Acts as difficult terrain for foes with Range = 2 (moving over this space costs +1 movement; does not apply to "cannot be slowed by terrain" effects; movement cost cannot exceed unit's allowed movement). At start of enemy phase, deals 7 damage to foe, and also, as combat begins, deals an additional 7 damage to foe (effects that reduce damage "during combat" do not apply; will not reduce foe's HP below 1). (Divine Vein effects do not stack; replaces any existing Divine Vein effect; Divine Vein effects applied simultaneously cancel each other out.)

Assists[ | ]

This unit owns no Assist skills.

Specials[ | ]

Glowing Ember4
Boosts damage by 50% of unit's Def.
Boosts damage by 80% of unit's Def.

Passives[ | ]

ADeath Blow 1Death Blow 1
If unit initiates combat, grants Atk+2 during combat.
Swift Sparrow 1Swift Sparrow 1
If unit initiates combat, grants Atk/Spd+2 during combat.
Swift Sparrow 2Swift Sparrow 2
If unit initiates combat, grants Atk/Spd+4 during combat.
Flash SparrowFlash Sparrow
If unit initiates combat, grants Atk/Spd+7 to unit during combat, and also, if unit's Spd ≥ foe's Spd-5, grants Special cooldown charge +1 to unit per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack).
BMagic Gambit 1Magic Gambit 1
If unit initiates combat or foe's Range = 2, and if unit's or foe's attack can trigger unit's Special, reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = unit's max Special cooldown count value - 1, × 4 (max 16%).
Magic Gambit 2Magic Gambit 2
If unit initiates combat or foe's Range = 2, and if unit's or foe's attack can trigger unit's Special, reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = unit's max Special cooldown count value - 1, × 7 (max 28%).
Magic Gambit 3Magic Gambit 3
If unit initiates combat or foe's Range = 2, and if unit's or foe's attack can trigger unit's Special, reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = unit's max Special cooldown count value - 1, × 10 (max 40%).
Magic Gambit 4Magic Gambit 4
If unit initiates combat or foe's Range = 2, inflicts Spd/Res-4 on foe during combat, and also, if unit's or foe's attack can trigger unit's Special, unit deals +X damage (X = unit's max Special cooldown count value - 2, × 4; max 12; min 0; excluding area-of-effect Specials) and reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = unit's max Special cooldown count value - 1, × 10 (max 40%).
CTip the ScalesTip the Scales!
At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants【Rally Spectrum】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit. Unit can move to a space adjacent to an ally with【Rally Spectrum】 that is within 5 spaces of unit. If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+3 to unit during combat.

【Rally Spectrum】
Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat and if unit's attack can trigger unit's Special, grants Special cooldown count-X to unit before unit's first attack during combat (X = 1 if unit can trigger the "unit attacks twice" effect or if unit's maximum Special cooldown count is reduced (Special trigger is accelerated); otherwise, X = 2). (That turn only.)
