Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Veronica: Brave Princess - C

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Veronica Brave Princess Face FC

I was out for a walk just now...

An Askran soldier gave me a very
strange look.

She took one glance at me... It was
as if she had seen a ghost. And then
she ran off...

Is everyone here...scared of me?

You don't think so? That's...kind of
you to say. Thank you.

The Veronica you know of the
Emblian Empire... We aren't the
same person.

Even if people could look at me and
instantly see that...would it really
make a difference? Probably not...

If people continue to mistake me for
her, I won't hold it against them.

In fact, I will not even mind.

I suppose if everyone is as frightened
of me as that solider was, I shouldn't
bother trying to approach anyone...

An invisible wall...

Yes. It's as if there is an invisible wall,
and it separates me from everyone

Veronica: Brave Princess - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Veronica Brave Princess Face FC

How do people become close?

Before I was summoned to this
world...I lived the life of a princess.

I didn't have to make an effort.
Everywhere I went...everyone treated
me like a friend.

So my experience in having to meet
people on their terms has been...

In this world, I'm no princess. I am
simply one of many Heroes, no
different from any other.

I can no longer count on attendants
and servants as I have before...

How do you suppose I should
approach this new experience,

You're going to...take some time to
think about it? You'll have an answer
when next we meet?

Thank you... You really are quite kind.

You look nothing alike, nor do you act
alike, and somehow remind
me of my brother.

Perhaps it's your gentle aura that
draws me to you.

Veronica: Brave Princess - A

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Veronica Brave Princess Face FC

If I wish to become closer to others, I
should simply...act normally?

But my "normal" is that of a princess.
It's far different from that of the
common soldier. How does one act?

You mean I just have to...greet

Good morning... Good afternoon...
And good evening? Yes, people have
said these things to me before.

But you're claiming these three
simple phrases can bring me closer to

Is greeting people in such a manner
really what you consider normal?

Hmm... The only person I have ever
greeted in such a manner is my
brother, and he and I are very close...

So perhaps...if I treat others as I
treat my brother, I can become very
close to them.

I understand. I will follow your advice.
The morning has already passed, so I
must now wait for the afternoon...

Veronica: Brave Princess - S

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Veronica Brave Princess Face FC


This flower... It's beautiful, is it not?
An Askran soldier just presented it to
me as a gift.

It worked just as you said. I began
greeting every person I passed, and
they soon became friendly.

People have once again begun to call
out to me as if we were friends.

And it's not only the soldiers. Prince
Alfonse, Princess Sharena, even the
Heroes are all treating me well.

A simple greeting is such a strange
thing. How can just a few words
contain so much meaning?

You are the one who afforded me
this opportunity... So thank you,

I no longer feel an invisible wall
between myself and others... Nor
do I feel a need for one.

Everyone treats me as their ally and
friend. I feel their camaraderie quite

So I will lend my strength to those
who have accepted me as one of
their own.

And that includes you most of all.
This would not have been possible
were it not for you.

← Gustav Fjorm →
Rejecting Destiny
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
