Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Celica: Warrior Priestess - C

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Celica Warrior Priestess Face FC

Making the rounds,

Oh? You wish to know what's on my
mind? Well, I was just thinking about
the village I lived in as a child.

Ram Village... Truth be told, I didn't
live there for very long. And yet, I can
recall my time there as clear as day.

The shape of the hitching post in
front of the tower, the markings on
the fence...

I remember it all, right down to the
most minute detail.

Of course, it's not just the scenery I
can recall...but the time I spent with
the others who lived there as well.

Everyone was so kind—especially the
other children who played with me.

Alm, Gray, Kliff, Tobin, Faye... Back
then, we would spend all day running
around playing all sorts of games.

We were absolutely exhausted come
evening time but couldn't wait to do
it all again the next day.

We were nothing but smiles as we'd
plan tomorrow's games, sure the next
day would be greater than the last.

We'd all fall asleep without a doubt
that this was true... Heheh, what
wonderful times those were...

Is there some place from your past
that is always fresh in your mind?

The next time we have some time to
chat, I'd love to hear all about it.

Celica: Warrior Priestess - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Celica Warrior Priestess Face FC

Sometimes, I can't help but wonder...
What kind of life would I be leading
today had I never left Ram Village?

I'm fighting as a Hero in the Order to
protect the innocent, but had I
stayed, I'd likely be plowing a field.

That is what you do in Ram Village,
after all. Plow, gather crops from the
mountains, and live a peaceful life.

A peaceful life that passes as gently
and predictably as the changing of
the seasons.

After leaving Ram Village, I went to an
island called Novis. Perhaps I would
have become a priestess there...

It would have been a quiet life, free
of fighting of any sort.

I'd watch over the church bell, ringing
it at the start and end of each day.

My day-to-day life would be quite
different from that of a Hero.

And yet, had I not taken up the
sword, I would not have been able to
help save so many lives.

And I would not have met many of
my dearest friends. Including you,

Had I simply lived as a villager or as a
priestess, our paths would never have

But I am neither a villager nor a
priestess...which means I must carry
out my duties as a Hero of this order.

Celica: Warrior Priestess - A

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Celica Warrior Priestess Face FC

Tell me, 【Summoner】...

If you were given the chance to live a
life in which you were never called to
Askr...would you take it?

I see... I should have figured you
would have such a perfect answer!

You and I are one and the same. If it
is within my power to help someone
or to acquire the strength to do so...

I will not hesitate to take up my

Even if a life of peace was offered to
me, I would choose the path that
allowed me to help others.

You agree, do you not? And further,
I'm sure we aren't alone in feeling
this way.

I'm certain that everyone gathered
for the Order of Heroes shares our

Using our strength for the sake of
others rather than for ourselves is
what affords us the title of Hero.

Celica: Warrior Priestess - S

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Celica Warrior Priestess Face FC

It wasn't my strength that allowed me
to choose the path of a Hero. The
path of a Hero allowed me strength.

In the beginning, all I had to go on
was my own ideals—mere thoughts
in my head.

I wanted to see an end to war, and I
wanted to ensure the protection of
those most precious to me.

Even if I could have lived as the
princess of Zofia, letting others fight
to protect me instead of the reverse...

I would not have chosen that life.

I am strong enough to fight as a Hero.
Therefore, it is my duty to use that
strength for the benefit of others.

I did not cultivate that strength on my
own. I was entrusted with it.

So to stand idle in times of strife
would be to squander that gift. We
simply cannot abide war.

And when the fighting comes to an
end and peace is finally upon us...

I'll consider anew how I wish to live
my life. The future holds more for me
than chances to wield a blade...

But until that day, I will continue to
live the life I've chosen for myself:
the life of a Hero.

← Python Celica →
Rejecting Destiny
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
