Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Red Fáfnir
Red Fafnir BtlFace
Description A flying red manakete. Flies over rivers and mountains. Weak against bows.
Weapon Type Icon Class Red Breath Red Breath
Move Type Icon Move Flying Flying
Gender Female
Addition Date
Internal ID EID_ラウアファヴニル (47)


Note: These stats were obtained from reading the unit's data in /assets/Common/SRPG/Enemy/. These stats are only used for leveling up the unit in certain modes (e.g. Chain Challenge, Squad Assault, Blessed Gardens), and are not used to produce hardcoded enemy stats (e.g. Main Story, Special Maps, Tempest Trials).

Level 1 Stats


Level 40 Stats


Growth Rates

This set of values, after being multiplied by a rarity factor, determines how much each stat will increase from level 1 to level 40, see stat growth.

Battles Red Fáfnirs appear in

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese ラウアファヴニル
German Roter Fáfnir
Spanish (Europe) Fafnir rojo
Spanish (Latin America) Fáfnir rojo
French Fáfnir rouge
Italian Fáfnir rosso
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 赤紅法夫尼爾
Portuguese Fáfnir vermelho