Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Name Range Description SP Required
Rally Spd/Def 1 Grants Spd/Def+3 to target ally for 1 turn. 300 Rally Speed
Rally Defense
Cannot use: Staff

Effects[ | ]

Status effects
Bonuses Spd/Def+3Ally Target AllyAlly Target Ally doesn't
have Status Effect Isolation Isolation

Notes[ | ]

  • The stat increase that can be applied by Rally Spd/Def is considered a Status Effect Bonus Bonus.
    • Any 【Bonus】 on a unit, including Status Effect Bonus Bonuses, lasts until the start of that unit's next phase. If Status Effect Bonus Bonuses are acquired during the enemy phase, they will disappear when the next player phase begins.

List of owners[ | ]

UnitSkill chain
Maria Sunny Smile Face FC
Rally Defense
Rally Spd/Def
Rally Spd/Def+
Marth Altean Groom Face FC
Rally Defense
Rally Spd/Def
Oscar Agile Horseman Face FC
Rally Speed
Rally Spd/Def
Quan Luminous Lancer Face FC
Rally Defense
Rally Spd/Def
Rally Spd/Def+

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
English (US) Rally Spd/Def
Japanese 速さ守備の応援
German Ges./Ver. sam.
Spanish (Europe) Potenc. Vel/Def
Spanish (Latin America) Potenc. Vel./Def.
French Rall. : Vit/Déf
Italian Sprone Vel/Dif
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 速度防守支援
Portuguese Vel./Def. nímias

See also[ | ]
