Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Icon Name Description
Quick Draw Quick Draw Attack first every turn (unless foe also has Quick Draw). At start of turns 2 and 4, reduces foe's number of actions by one.

Effects[ | ]

Map effects
Start first every turnPlayer PlayerFoe Foe Player does not
have Quick Draw Quick Draw
Reduce Foe Foe Player's
number of actions by 1
Foe Foe PlayerAt start of turns 2 & 4

Notes[ | ]

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese 先手必勝
German Flinker Hieb
Spanish (Europe) Primer impacto
Spanish (Latin America) Primer impacto
French Coup éclair
Italian Iniziativa
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 先發制人
Portuguese Primeiro golpe

See also[ | ]
