Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Dieck: Wounded Tiger - C

Background image: 002 PlainForestInside
Dieck Wounded Tiger Face FC

You'll have to do better than that!
Such obvious attacks will never
hit me, you louts!

That said...there are a damn lot
of you, aren't there...

Dieck! Are you all right?

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Anger
Dieck Wounded Tiger Face FC

Prince Alfonse! Didn't expect you!

Don't worry on my account. I've been
through worse than this and lived to
tell the tale.

Dieck, I need to you fall back and
regroup with Shanna. I will take
over here.

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Dieck Wounded Tiger Face FC

Hey, wait a minute! Never heard of
a prince taking on the very work he
hired me to do before!

This is my job as a mercenary!
You should be the one to retreat.

Don't worry. I know the terrain,
so I have an advantage!

I can handle things from here.
There's no shame in falling back!
Now, go, quickly!

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Dieck Wounded Tiger Face FC

Understood. I'll regroup with Shanna
and company and return as soon as
we're able.

And Prince Alfonse... If things take
a turn for the worse here, you get
out before there's trouble!

Dieck: Wounded Tiger - B

Background image: 002 PlainForestInside
Dieck Wounded Tiger Face FC

...and that about sums up what
happened out there last battle.

I see. So that's why you seemed
a bit off, Commander. Er...Dieck.

Shanna Sprightly Flier Face FC
Dieck Wounded Tiger Face FC

I still don't get it! The employer
staying on the field while the
mercenary he pays retreats!

I don't think it's all that strange...
That's just the kind of person
Prince Alfonse is.

And it's not just him either. Lots of
people involved with the Order of
Heroes are the same way, I think.

Shanna Sprightly Flier Face FC
Dieck Wounded Tiger Face FC

Oh? And why do you think that is?

The Order works with all sorts of
Heroes, many who never hesitate
to put their lives on the line.

It doesn't matter if they're noble born
or commonfolk, or even where they
come from. All support each other.

Hey! Sort of like the Dieck
Mercenaries, isn't it?!

Shanna Sprightly Flier Face FC
Dieck Wounded Tiger Face FC


It's true that risking your life for
the sake of others is a great thing.
Certainly helps me trust them...

Yes! And trust is an important
thing for a mercenary!

Shanna Sprightly Flier Face FC
Dieck Wounded Tiger Face FC

But! The folks at the top can't go
risking their lives thoughtlessly...

Stepping up when it's time to put
your life on the line is a mercenary's
job, damn it!

Dieck, wait! Where are you going?

Shanna Sprightly Flier Face FC
Dieck Wounded Tiger Face FC

I'm having a chat with Prince Alfonse.
There's something I need to ask him.

Dieck: Wounded Tiger - A

Background image: 002 PlainForestInside
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Smile

Hello, Dieck. You look like you have
something to say.

First, I want to thank you. And to
apologize for letting you, a prince,
take on my work.

But I appreciate you helping us out.

Dieck Wounded Tiger Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

No need to thank me. You, Shanna,
and the rest have done plenty to
help me as well.

There is one thing I want to say,
though: You are the leader here.
You cannot be replaced.

When a situation like that comes up,
you should leave it to us mercs. It's
what we're here for.

Dieck Wounded Tiger Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

There is no replacing you
either, Dieck.

Huh? What's that supposed to mean?

You trying to say we're all equals?
Look, Prince, you're a good person,
but if you fight with that attitude...

Dieck Wounded Tiger Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Cool

Those ruled by emotion cannot
themselves rule. That is what
my father taught me.


Dieck Wounded Tiger Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

At the time, I was unable to retreat.
Had I, it would have placed the life
of 【Summoner】 at risk.

Everything would be lost if I held
my life so dear that I'd toss aside
【Summoner】's life.

Or the life of any of the incredible
Heroes who have been summoned
here, for that matter.

The value of my life, your life,
【Summoner】's life...

Weighing them all in my mind,
at that time, in that situation,
I called for what I thought best.

Having the person that knew the
terrain best stay behind, letting you
all regroup and bring support...

I thought that was our surest
road to victory.

So you see yourself as just another
unit in the field, someone to leverage
should the situation call for it...

You are a strange prince indeed.

But is practicality all that weighs
on your decisions?

Dieck Wounded Tiger Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

How do you mean?

You claim to lead without letting
emotion cloud your judgment...

But deep down, there's still a part
of you where that stops holding
quite so true. Am I wrong?

Dieck Wounded Tiger Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Normal2


A long time ago, I was abandoned
by my employer, sacrificed like
the pawn I was.

We were ordered to charge into
a trap to distract from their exit.

My comrades were all killed.
I was kept alive only so I could
be tortured.

Surely you see the practicality there.
You're not so naive that you can't
understand their reasoning.

But something tells me you'd find
reason to take a different course...

You say you act in everyone's best
interest, but you are two minds:
practical and noble.

Neither part seems fully convinced
by what the other is saying.

Of course, the occasional nobility
on your part doesn't mean we can't
get along.

Dieck Wounded Tiger Face FC

Dieck: Wounded Tiger - S

Background image: 002 PlainForestInside
Shanna Sprightly Flier Face FC

What’s all this? You’ve got a little
sparkle in your eye, Dieck! Something
good happen?

Oh, I was talking with Prince Alfonse,
and it reminded me of days long past.

It wasn’t the same, but there was
a similar something to it… Brought
me back to my gladiator days.

Dieck Wounded Tiger Face FC
Klein Silver Nobleman Face FC

You wouldn’t happen to be talking
about us, would you?


Dieck Wounded Tiger Face FC
Klein Silver Nobleman Face FC

I was away on a scouting mission
when you arrived or I would have
come to greet you sooner.

And not just me either… Mother and
Father as well! Here they are.

Dieck, how have you been?!
Well, I hope!

Pent Fancy Fiance Face FC
Louise Eternal Devotion Face FC

My, Dieck! You certainly have grown
up big and strong!

W-wait!  Hang on here!

Lord Pent, Lady Louise, I’m…
Well, not a kid anymore, am I!

Dieck Wounded Tiger Face FC
Shanna Sprightly Flier Face FC

I’ve never seen Dieck’s face so red!

Heh… Mother and Father treat Dieck
like a member of the family, not far
off from how you’d treat your child!

Klein Silver Nobleman Face FC
Clarine Refined Noble Face FC

Hey, we ALL treat him like family,
Brother—he’s one of us, after all!

Gah! The little lady is here too?!

Dieck Wounded Tiger Face FC
Clarine Refined Noble Face FC

My name…is CLAR-INE! It’s been
long enough, you should know how
to say it properly by now!

Being able to see them all grown up
like this makes me glad we came to
Askr, Louise.

Pent Fancy Fiance Face FC
Louise Eternal Devotion Face FC

Yes, truly glad. I couldn’t be happier!

Lord Pent, Lady Louise…

Dieck Wounded Tiger Face FC
Pent Fancy Fiance Face FC

Dieck, your sword and your
principles are intertwined.

Do not hesitate to defend what
you believe. Let nothing hold
you back.

← Elffin Idunn →
Principled Acts
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
