Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Lyon: Demon King - C

Background image: EvBg BraveHell
Lyon Demon King Face FC

What's the matter, Prince Lyon?
You look as if you've seen a ghost...

No... Worse than that. I feel as though
I'm standing in the presence of the
deepest darkness.

Lyon Shadow Prince Face FC
Lyon Demon King Face FC

Embrace it, fragile prince, for what
you see is your inevitable future.

However you struggle, you are well
on the path to being mine. There is
no turning back.

So it would seem.

It was your intent all along to corrupt
me, wasn't it?

Lyon Shadow Prince Face FC
Lyon Demon King Face FC

Of course it was! And behold, the
fruit of my labor—a puppet entirely
under my control!

Why are you here, Fomortiis? What
brings the Demon King to this world?

Lyon Shadow Prince Face FC
Lyon Demon King Face FC

I intend to draw every world into
darkness, fragile prince. Including
this one.

Your hunger for the Sacred Stones
was but the first step along a far
more ambitious path.

I never intended that. My need for
the stones was never a selfish one.

All I've done was for the sake of my
people. For Grado.

Lyon Shadow Prince Face FC
Lyon Demon King Face FC

Your pathetic excuses mean nothing
to me, but I suppose you're free to
lie to yourself all you like.

Regardless, you are ideally positioned
to watch the world burn. You could
at least try to enjoy it. Gehehahaha!


Lyon Shadow Prince Face FC

Lyon: Demon King - B

Background image: EvBg BraveHell
Lyon Shadow Prince Face FC

Tell me, Fomortiis. Why bother to join
【Summoner】 in battle?

I am compelled to fulfill my obligation
as the summoned. But fighting does
have its benefits as well.

Each time I fight, I become more
accustomed to this fleshly body.
And so I grow more powerful.

Whatever paltry victories this world
and its people gain through my aid
will be irrelevant in the end.

All will eventually come to ruin.
It is only a matter of time.

Lyon Demon King Face FC
Lyon Shadow Prince Face FC


You are thinking we are different.
That, because I am from another
world, there is yet hope for you.

You are mistaken. Not even seeing
this Lyon fall with your own eyes
can save you from your fate.

Lyon Demon King Face FC
Lyon Shadow Prince Face FC

Perhaps not.

Oh, fragile prince, don't fret. I will
keep my end of our bargain,
I assure you.

You will have everything I promised
you. Untold wealth. Dominion over
Magvel. Even the undying love of...

Lyon Demon King Face FC
Lyon Shadow Prince Face FC

Enough! I want nothing from you!

Gehehahaha! Squirm all you like.
It makes my victory all the sweeter!

Lyon Demon King Face FC

Lyon: Demon King - A

Background image: EvBg BraveHell
Lyon Demon King Face FC

You're... Lyon...

Lyon from...another world...

Yes, I am. Can it be there is still some
shred of Lyon remaining within you?

I'd thought the darkness might have
taken you completely.

Lyon Shadow Prince Face FC
Lyon Demon King Face FC

I was...unable to resist the call of
the Demon King. His influence has...
corrupted me.

There little of my old self
left now.

I can hardly tell...where I end,
and he begins...

I can see that.

Lyon Shadow Prince Face FC
Lyon Demon King Face FC

I've sent good, honest people to their
deaths... I've done it gladly...

There is barely a shred of good left
in me...

I tell you this because...for you, there
is still time. Time for you to make...
a better choice.

I am so sorry, Lyon.

That choice is not mine to make.

Lyon Shadow Prince Face FC

Lyon: Demon King - S

Background image: EvBg BraveHell
Lyon Shadow Prince Face FC

Thank you, Fomortiis. This has been
a powerful reminder of how twisted
you truly are.

Bearing that in mind, I have new
orders for you to follow.

You have orders? For me? Ha! Haha!
Gehehahaha! You've completely lost
your senses!

Lyon Demon King Face FC
Lyon Shadow Prince Face FC

Whether I am senseless or not,
you will obey me.

You are not to lay a finger upon
anyone without my express consent.
Is that understood?

Are you actually serious? Or are you
feigning insanity in some desperate
attempt to trick me?

Either way, thank you. This has been
an entertaining little diversion. I'd not
realized you had a sense of humor.

Lyon Demon King Face FC
Lyon Shadow Prince Face FC

Go ahead and finish laughing before
you swear your obedience. I'll wait.

You truly are serious. Whence comes
this new confidence, fragile prince?

Could it be that you... No, you
couldn't possibly...

Lyon Demon King Face FC
Lyon Shadow Prince Face FC

It seems that both you and your host
have mistaken me for someone else.

I am not the Prince Lyon struggling
to resist the Demon King's insidious
offer of power.

I have already failed that test. Already
committed every sin imaginable.

I have already confronted Ephraim
and Eirika in battle. And I have
already fallen.

You thought you were my future.
You were wrong. It is the other
way around.

That's not possible! should
be completely consumed! Or dead!

Lyon Demon King Face FC
Lyon Shadow Prince Face FC

All my power was stripped from me
in defeat. In that sense, I am nothing
compared to you.

What I do possess, however, is
knowledge. I know you as well
as I know my own hands.

Most of all, I know in precise detail
how exactly you can be destroyed.

No... Madness! No!

Lyon Demon King Face FC
Lyon Shadow Prince Face FC

So, unless you'd like me to reveal the
secret of your demise to all who care
to listen... You will do exactly as I say.

For now, I leave you in the capable
hands of the Order of Heroes,
to whom you'll swear your loyalty.

I trust we understand each other...
fragile king.

← Gilliam Duessel →
Peaceful Ends
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
Corrin M
