Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Event Pawns of Loki Debut Celebration
Pawns of Loki Debut Celebration!

Active: to

A campaign to celebrate the debut of the new Pawns of Loki event, called The Pawns of Loki Debut Celebration, is here!

It involves the following:

・ Pawns of Loki Debut Gift Log-In Bonus!
・ Pawns of Loki Quests!
・ Daily Reward Maps!
・ Daily Skill Focus Summoning Events!
・ Quintuple EXP & SP Event!

News emote Alfonse grinning
Try to earn all of the Orbs, Trait Fruit, and other rewards!

Tap More for additional information on each event.

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We're holding a campaign to celebrate the debut of the new Pawns of Loki event, called The Pawns of Loki Debut Celebration.


For more information on how to play Pawns of Loki, please see the notification titled Pawns of Loki...Coming Soon!

■ Pawns of Loki Debut Gift Log-In Bonus!

Active: to

You can get up to 40 of four types of Dragonflower and 40 Heroic Grails from this Log-In Bonus!

Note: The Log-In Bonus can be obtained for up to five days during the active period.

Pawns of Loki Quests

Active: to

There are quests that you can clear by completing sections of the main story and paralogue maps in which Loki appears, as well as by achieving a score in the Pawns of Loki event!

Quest rewards include 10 Orbs, 40 Trait FruitTrait Fruit, and 50 of each type of Dragonflower!

News emote Sharena happy
Be sure to complete these quests even if you've already cleared the main story and paralogues!

■ Daily Reward Maps

Active: to

The top 30 ranked Heroes from the A Hero Rises 2020 event held in February of this year appear in Special Maps! These maps will be made available over a span of six days.

Because you can attempt each of these maps on both Normal and Hard difficulties, you can earn up to 12 Orbs if you manage to complete them all!

Note: Each daily reward map will be available for four days.

■ Daily Skill Focus Summoning Events

Active: to

Skill focus summoning events held during the first half of 2020 are coming back one by one each day. Your first summon in each of these events won't cost any Orbs!

Tap on a particular summoning event's name to see the Heroes who appear in its focus.

・ Starts : Day 1 - Chill Skills
・ Starts : Day 2 - Valor Skills
・ Starts : Day 3 - Even Wave Skills
・ Starts : Day 4 - Solo Skills
・ Starts : Day 5 - Bond Skills
・ Starts : Day 6 - Form Skills

News emote Anna surprise
A whole six free summons? Wow, what a deal!

■ Quintuple EXP & SP Event

Active: to

During the active period, the EXP and SP you earn in battle is quintupled! This is a great chance to improve your Heroes in a flash!

News emote Feh happy right
We have so much more to learn about Loki!

About Items
Dragonflower IDragonflower

Used to boost the stats of your Heroes. Can only be used on Heroes of the corresponding movement type (red for infantry, green for armored, yellow for cavalry, and blue for flying).
Heroic GrailHeroic Grail
Used to summon certain Heroes. Tap Allies, then Use Heroic Grails to see which Heroes can be summoned.
Trait FruitTrait Fruit
Used to alter a Hero's traits (assets and flaws) once. You must spend 100 of them to do so.

To see your in-game inventory of items, tap Misc., then Inventory.

