Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Osian: Scolded Soldier - C

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC

OK, that wasn't my imagination.

Somebody's tailing me. I know it
in my guts!

Hey, whoever you are! I'm on to you
now, so you may as well come out!

Hah! Hear that? We're busted.


The new fellow is perceptive indeed!
How promising.

Uh, what? Who are you guys?

Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC
Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC

Gahaha! The name's Bartre, boy!

I'm a member of the Community of
Hatchet-Operating Persons! Clever
name, eh?

CHOP? Yeah, that's, uh...clever.

Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC
Arthur Hapless Hero Face FC

We wanted AXE, but you try finding
a word that starts with an X!

CHOP is promoting Axe Awareness.
You believe axes are the pinnacle of
martial invention, don't you, Osian?

Man, I don't understand a word of
what you just said.

Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC
Dorcas Serene Warrior Face FC

He's making it sound way more
complicated than it is.

Look, we're just a bunch of axe users
who spar and trade tips. That's all.

Why didn't you say so? With all the
sneaking around, I thought you were
a shady cult or something.

Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC
Arthur Hapless Hero Face FC

Ha! Hahaha! Lad, I assure you, not a
mote of darkness tarnishes this
upstanding enterprise!

Welcome to CHOP. We're gonna help
you hack through the competition!

Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC
Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC

Great, but do you have to be such a
dorky dad about it? Come on...

Well, whatever. Dorks or not, I won't
turn down a chance to train up.

Osian: Scolded Soldier - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Arthur Hapless Hero Face FC

So, new recruit, tell me—what, in
your view, is the most important
trait for an axe wielder to possess?

That's easy. If you wanna swing a big
heavy chopper like Vouge here...

You gotta have big strong muscles.

Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC
Arthur Hapless Hero Face FC

Quite so! Muscles are instruments of
pure justice! They can repel any foe,
no matter how bad your luck!

Not sure what luck's got to do with it,
but yeah, sure.

Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC
Arthur Hapless Hero Face FC

So, with an eye for building up those
muscles of yours as fast as we can...

We've decided to pair you with the
toughest sparring partner we've got!
Come on out, Legion!

We are Legion. Our muscles are
many. Come and see! Uwee hee!

Legion Masked Maniac Face FC
Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC

You're a big one, aren't you?
Guess I'd better go all out!


Urk! Uwee...hee... Good one...

Legion Masked Maniac Face FC
Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC

Hah... That was tough... But I pulled
through in the end.

Well done, so far. But if you think that
was the end, you're sorely mistaken!

Arthur Hapless Hero Face FC
Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC

What are you talkin' about?
I knocked him flat!

Uweeheehee. Now it's our turn to get
some practices!

Legion Masked Maniac Face FC
Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC

There's two of him?!

More than two, uweeheehee!
We are also here!

Legion Masked Maniac Face FC
Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC

Gah! What kinda magic is this?!
Are you multiplying?!

No-no-no. We have always been
Legion. Uweeheehee...

Legion Masked Maniac Face FC
Arthur Hapless Hero Face FC

Well, my boy, I'll leave you to it. Your
muscles are sure to swell by the time
you defeat them all! Best of luck!

Seriously?! One was hard enough!
How many of them are there?!

Ugh... Nothing else for it, I guess.
Come on—let's do this!

Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC
Arthur Hapless Hero Face FC

Yes! That's the way! Swing that axe
until you drop, and you'll be a shining
paragon of justice in no time!

Osian: Scolded Soldier - A

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC

Seems most axe users are rough and
tumble types. Makes sense, I guess.

I don't mind sparring with big fellas
like Hawkeye and Barst, but we could
use some variety...

You want variety, do ya? I think we
can oblige.

Feast your eyes on the elegance of
this guy's unique style!

Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC
Libra Fetching Friar Face FC

I am Libra—a humble priest. If you're
interested in training with the axe,
I believe I can help.

Whoa! Yeah, you're a change of pace.
You're actually...kinda pretty, if you
don't mind my saying?

Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC
Libra Fetching Friar Face FC

I'll take it as a compliment.

But you look like more of a finesse
fighter. The axe isn't really that kind
of weapon, is it?

With your build, wouldn't you be
better off with a rapier or something?

Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC
Libra Fetching Friar Face FC

Why don't you try me and find out?

Hah! Gettin' along great already,
I see. This is gonna be good!

Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC
Libra Fetching Friar Face FC

That was a fine bit of exercise.
Thank you.

Man... You're way stronger than you
look... I could barely keep up...

Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC
Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC

Never underestimate the power of
technique, my boy! Consider that
your lesson for the day.

You look rather worse for wear...
if you don't mind my saying.
Here—use this vulnerary.

Libra Fetching Friar Face FC
Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC

Ah... Thanks.

Farewell, for now. May the gods
protect you.

Libra Fetching Friar Face FC
Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC

What a guy... I never would have
expected him to overpower me
like that.

I'm gonna have to double my training
if I ever wanna match him. Man...
Shows how much I know.

That's the right attitude. If you knew
everything, you wouldn't have any
room to improve.

True strength is much more than just
a pair of biceps and an axe in your
hands. Remember that.

Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC
Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC

Wait, what?! Aren't muscles and axes
the whole point of CHOP?!

Osian: Scolded Soldier - S

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC

I gotta say, I was pretty skeptical of
all this CHOP stuff to start with, but
I've come around.

My training's been way more helpful
lately. It's really paying off!

Good to hear!

Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC
Arthur Hapless Hero Face FC

Yes! One more axe joins the sea of
shining blades known as CHOP!

I'm not into all this showboating, but
better training's never bad. Show us
what you can do in the next battle.

Dorcas Serene Warrior Face FC
Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC

You know it! A battle's gonna feel like
a warm-up, after all the axe-swinging
I've been doing!

Now that you mention it, our axes
have taken a beating from all that
swinging, haven't they?

Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC
Arthur Hapless Hero Face FC

An astute observation! Perhaps it's
time we sought Commander Anna
for maintenance and resupply.

Oh, yeah, good idea.

Speaking of ideas... Who started
CHOP, anyway? I'd love to meet
the founder.

Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC
Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC

Don't know, actually. It's been in Askr
longer than any of us have.

Really? I thought for sure you were
one of the founders, Bartre!

Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC
Dorcas Serene Warrior Face FC

We all just kind of heard about it.
Word of mouth and all.

Weird. Well, I'd love to keep training
with you guys, if you'll have me.
I'm learning a lot.

Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC
Arthur Hapless Hero Face FC

Excellent! I, for one, am delighted to
welcome you into our ranks officially!

Perfect. Way to go, CHOP! The more
you all train, the stronger you'll be.

And the more axes you'll need to
buy from me, incidentally! Win-win.

Yep, this is definitely my best whisper
campaign yet. Keep 'em comin'!

Anna Commander Face FC
← Mareeta Tanya →
Path to the Future
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
