Heroes' Saga
In ancient times, Elibe was consumed by war between human and dragon. After 1,000 years of relative peace following humankind's victory, the nation of Bern marched to invade nearby lands. Upon hearing, Roy, son of the Marquess of Pherae, rushed home, finding seditious soldiers who had sided with Bern...
古の時代 人と竜が互いの存亡を賭け 争った大陸があった 人が戦乱を制し およそ千年の時が流れるも 突如ベルン王国が各地へ侵攻を開始する リキア同盟フェレ領主の嫡男ロイは故郷へと 急ぐが ベルンに寝返った一部の兵士が 内乱を起こしていた
1st Act
Bern's Wyvern General Narcian and his wyvern knights invaded Lycia, scattering its forces, leaving Roy in need of aid. Etruria answered. With the help of his teacher Cecilia, Mage General of Etruria, Roy was able to heroically beat back Bern's assault...
ベルン竜将ナーシェン率いる竜騎士団の進撃 窮地に陥るリキア同盟軍のもとに 駆けつけたのは ロイによる救援要請に 応じたエトルリア王国の大部隊であった 魔道軍将の名を持ち またロイの師である セシリア率いる援軍により ロイは 見事ベルンの軍勢を退ける
2nd Act
The Lycian forces, under Etruria's protection, were dispatched to the Western Isles with orders to subdue a gang of bandits. Upon arrival, Roy learned the local Etrurian nobles were turning a blind eye to the bandits in order to extort their own people. As he pressed on, Roy met a group of resistance fighters—and along with them, a bard calling himself Elffin...
エトルリアの保護下となったリキア同盟軍は 賊討伐の命を受け西方三島へ向かう しかしロイはそこでエトルリア貴族が 賊を見逃し民を搾取していたことを知る その非道に抵抗を続けるレジスタンス 彼らと接触する道中 ロイはエルフィンと名乗る レジスタンスの参謀と出会う
3rd Act
As the League quelled corruption in the Western Isles, an Etrurian faction in collusion with Bern revolted and captured the Etrurian king, who had fallen ill with grief over news of the death of his son, the prince. Roy, knowing that Cecilia would be fighting the uprising, left the Western Isles in order to aid her—for not even she could stand alone before Bern's king and the wyvern generals...
同盟軍が西方総督府を落としたころ ベルンと内通していたエトルリアの一部が 王子の死の悲しみに暮れる王を捕らえ 反乱を起こす ロイ達は救出のため西方三島を後にし 内乱に抗戦するセシリアのもとへ向かうが 絶大な勢力を誇るベルン王と竜将の前には なすすべもない
4th Act
After saving Cecilia, Roy and the League's forces marched on the Etrurian capital to end the uprising. Perched in the throne room, the Wyvern General Narcian awaited their arrival, rallying his troops to face the League head-on...
セシリアを救出したロイ達同盟軍は 反乱軍の鎮圧を目指し王都へ進軍する その玉座で待ち受ける竜将ナーシェンは 大勢のベルン兵を従え これに迎え撃った
Final Act
The long struggle for the capital came to an end with Roy prevailing and putting a halt to the uprising. In the end, Elffin, the mysterious bard who had given the League his support, was revealed to be Myrddin, the prince of Etruria who the king and people had thought perished...
王都奪還をかけた長き戦いは ロイ達の勝利によって幕を閉じたのであった 同盟軍を支えた謎多き参謀 エルフィン その正体はかつて死んだと伝えられた エトルリアの第一王子ミルディンであった