- [] Special Heroes Summoning Event: Performing Arts
- [] Special Heroes: Performing Arts Preview Video!
- [] Grand Hero Battle Revival: Clarisse
- [] Extra Sacred Seals
- [] Tempest Trials: Moment of Fate
- [] Update Coming Soon: Maintenance Scheduled
- [] Special Maps: Fire Emblem Warriors
- [] Summoning Focus: Ninian & Hawkeye's Battle
- [] Bound Hero Battle: Ninian & Hawkeye
- [] Summoning Focus - Bonus Characters for Tempest Trials: Moment of Fate
- [] Tempest Trials: Moment of Fate...Coming Soon
- [] Summoning Focus: Heroes with Death Blow
- [] Daily Training Tower Quests
- [] Starter Support Free Hero Event: The Chosen Hero Is...
- [] New Heroes: Dauntless Crimeans Summoning Event
- [] New Heroes: Dauntless Crimeans Preview Video!
- [] Grand Hero Battle Revival: Robin
- [] Quick Hero Battle Rewards
- [] Retweet Event Rewards Are Coming!
- [] Starter Support Free Hero Event: Final Results
- [] Starter Support Free Hero Event
- [] Quick Hero Battle: Final Results
- [] Tempest Trials Mini: To Die on the Battlefield
- [] Bound Hero Battle: Ephraim & Eirika
- [] Summoning Focus: Ephraim and Eirika's Battle
- [] What's in Store for the 1.7.0 Update
- [] Tempest Trials Mini: To Die on the Battlefield...Coming Soon
- [] Summoning Focus - Bonus Characters for Tempest Trials Mini: To Die on the Battlefield
- [] Retweet Event: Final Results
- [] Event Schedule for September
- [] Double EXP & SP Event
- [] Summoning Focus: Heroes with Threaten Def
- [] Regarding an Arena Defense Issue
- [] Special Short Film Released!
Notifications archive/September 2017