- [] Legendary & Mythic Hero Summoning Event: Veronica and Embla
- [] Legendary & Mythic Hero Battle!
- [] Summoner Support Packs Are Available Now!
- [] New Tactics Drills!
- [] Tips & Tricks: Discover Embla and Veronica
- [] There's a new installment of Fire Emblem Heroes: A Day in the Life!
- [] Additions to Meet Some of the Heroes!
- [] This Week's Coliseum
- [] Legendary and Mythic Hero Summoning Event: Veronica & Embla Preview Video
- [] Grand Conquests is here!
- [] Special Heroes Revival: Ninja Training
- [] Voting Gauntlet...Coming Soon
- [] FEH - Book VI Ending Movie - Princesses' Pledge
- [] Regarding Maintenance
- [] Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 42
- [] Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 29
- [] Important notice regarding changes to the products sold in the shop and maintenance
- [] Summoning Focus: Bound Hero Battle
- [] Bound Hero Battle: Flavia & Basilio
- [] Grand Conquests: Pre-registration Open!
- [] Arena Bonus Heroes
- [] A New Resplendent Hero Has Arrived!
- [] Hall of Forms
- [] Black Friday Events
- [] New Heroes Return: Ascendants
- [] Summoner Duels S Has Begun!
- [] New Tactics Drills!
- [] Summoning Focus: Heroes with Solo Skills
- [] Pawns of Loki
- [] Hall of Forms...Coming Soon!
- [] Summoner Duels S...Coming Soon!
- [] This Week's Coliseum
- [] There's a new installment of Fire Emblem Heroes: A Day in the Life!
- [] Double Special Heroes Summoning Event
- [] Mjölnir's Strike Battles Begin!
- [] Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 62
- [] Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 28
- [] Customization Support Pack Available!
- [] Infantry Clash Quests
- [] Grand Hero Battle - Matthis: Brother to Lena
- [] Arena Bonus Heroes
- [] Special Summon: Rearmed Ganglöt & More
- [] Forging Bonds: Illuminating the Path
- [] Forma Soul Packs Are Available Now!
- [] New Tactics Drills!
- [] What Are Rearmed Heroes?
- [] Additions to Meet Some of the Heroes!
- [] Special Summoning Event Preview Video
- [] Special Heroes Revival: In the Moment
- [] There's a new installment of Fire Emblem Heroes: A Day in the Life!
- [] Regarding the voice actor for Cherche: Shaded by Wings
- [] This Week's Coliseum
- [] Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix
- [] Heroes Journey
- [] Limited Hero Battles!
- [] Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 41
- [] Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 27
- [] Summoning Focus: New Power
- [] Askr Ambience - A Day with Eir Video Is Out Now!
- [] Arena Bonus Heroes
- [] New Heroes Revival: New Heroes & Ascended Idunn
- [] Vote for the Next Event Revivals Now!
- [] Forging Bonds Revival: True Conviction
- [] New Event Calendar Is Here!
- [] A New Resplendent Hero Has Arrived!
- [] New Tactics Drills!
- [] Bound Hero Battle Revival: Leif & Altena
- [] There's a new installment of Fire Emblem Heroes: A Day in the Life!
- [] Special Heroes Summoning Event: Wyvern Ninja
- [] Tempest Trials+: Life & Death 5
- [] Special Orb Promo: Nov.
- [] This Week's Coliseum
- [] What's In Store for the 6.11.0 Update
- [] Add Forma Units to Your Army!
- [] Lost Lore
- [] Additions to Meet Some of the Heroes!
- [] Summoning Focus: Tempest Trials+
- [] Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 61
- [] Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 26
- [] Tempest Trials+...Coming Soon!
- [] Special Heroes: Wyvern Ninja Preview Video
- [] Summoning Focus: Heroes with Lull Skills
- [] Arena Bonus Heroes
- [] "New Heroes!"
- [] Mjölnir's Strike Battles Begin!
- [] Summoner Duels R Has Begun!
- [] Grand Hero Battle Revival - Sedgar: Coyote's Dutiful
- [] New Tactics Drills!
- [] Voting Gauntlet: Loyalty League
- [] Summoner Duels R...Coming Soon!
- [] There's a new installment of Fire Emblem Heroes: A Day in the Life!
- [] Celestial Stone Shop Reset
- [] The Next Update Is on Its Way!
- [] This Week's Coliseum
- [] November Quests
Notifications archive/November 2022