- [] Spring Festival Summoning Event: Special Heroes
- [] More Info - Updates for April and Beyond
- [] Special Heroes: Spring Festival Preview Video!
- [] Summoning Focus: Michalis
- [] Grand Hero Battle: Michalis
- [] Lunatic Challenge Special Quests
- [] Helping Hand Special Quests
- [] Grand Hero Battle: Michalis
- [] Three-Part Starter Support Event
- [] Training Tower Special Quests
- [] New Feature: Inherit Skill
- [] Updates for April and Beyond
- [] Voting Gauntlet Bonus Rewards
- [] New Heroes: Blazing Shadows Summoning Event
- [] Voting Gauntlet Campaign: Final Results
- [] Play Everyday Event
- [] New Heroes: Blazing Shadows Preview Video!
- [] Voting Gauntlet Campaign: Current Results
- [] Summoning Focus: Grand Hero Ursula
- [] Grand Hero Battle: Ursula
- [] More Info - Regarding Arena Duels in version 1.1.0
- [] Voting Gauntlet: Additional Bonus Reward Milestones Added!
- [] Coming Soon: Inherit Skill
- [] Regarding Arena Duels in version 1.1.0
- [] Summoning Focus: Princesses
- [] Summoning Focus: Princes
- [] Princes vs. Princesses Voting Gauntlet
- [] Addressing Improper Use
- [] Princes vs. Princesses Voting Gauntlet...Coming Soon
- [] Nintendo Switch Release Celebration Bonus
- [] What's in Store for the 1.1.0 Update
Notifications archive/March 2017